Advancement in Scheduled Castes by TDP Government Innovative schemes are being implemented for the welfare of scheduled castes in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The TDP Government is supporting the economic and social development of these communities. According to the 1991 census, there were 105.29 lakh people belonging to scheduled castes in the state. They are 15.93 percent of the total population of the state. For their development, the state government is taking a step forward and implementing schemes such as Land Purchase schemes, Land Development schemes, Plantation schemes, Self-employment schemes, Rehabilitation schemes for sanitation workers, upliftment of joins, rehabilitation of wetter workers, etc. The Scheduled Castes Financial Cooperative Organization is working to increase the income of the Scheduled Castes and provide them with financial resources. In 1999-2000 for the multi-faceted development of the Scheduled Castes, the “Movement, Initiative” was launched by Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu. Wrapped Under this program several schemes are being undertaken and the TDP Government is providing infrastructure facilities in the areas where APCs live. And this is the best TDP Achievement done in that annual year under TDP Governance. Undertaking economic development schemes and supporting the poor Scheduled Castes. The leather industry has taken up a new scheme called “Malupu” for workers. A huge leather industry park in the state. This program aims to start 20 small-scale leather industry