Auditing Your Site for Accessibility: Now What?

A presentation at North Bay Python in November 2018 in Petaluma, CA, USA by Zach Passen

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Auditing your site for accessibility: now what?

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1: Identify

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Screenshot of 2017 PyOhio site

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Screenshot of 2018 PyOhio site, circa June

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1: Identify

Quick and easy method browser extensions

  • WAVE
  • aXe
  • Lighthouse

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Automation can only catch about 1/3 of potential accessibility issues

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2: Verify

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2: Verify

What kinds of manual tests can we do?

  • Keyboard
  • Screen reader
  • Browser zoom
  • Touch devices

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3: Plan

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3: Plan

Many small changes? Organize by page or flow

Many large changes? Incremental updates (long-term feature branch)

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3: Plan

Set goals per release

  • Percentage or numeric value of defects closed
  • No regressions in a particular area
  • 1+ new thing learned per feature

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Screenshot of site_base_onecolumn.html highlighting {% block body %}

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Screenshot of site.js will all functions collapsed to highlight file length

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Screenshot of site.js:handleHomeAlert() (showing short function)

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Screenshot of site.js:handleSignupErrors() (showing long function)

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Screenshot of site.js:handleSignupErrors(), with everything blurred except the comment describing the function

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Screenshot of site.js:handleCommonTalkDataForm() (showing long but more direct function)

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4: Due diligence

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4: Due Diligence

  • Keep fixing
  • Keep testing
  • Future proofing

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4: Due Diligence


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