Evolving JavaScript: Cultivating Genetic Algorithms for Creative Coding

A presentation at ReactNext 2024 in June 2024 in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel by Kevin Maes

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Evolving JavaScript Cultivating Genetic Algorithms for Creative Coding !‫שלום‬ Kevin Maes | ReactNext - June 24, 2024

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11 Nachmani

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From the way way way back machine

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Kevin Maes @kvmaes

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Evolutionary Computation Genetic Programming (GP) Evolutionary Programming (EP) Genetic Algorithms (GA) Evolutionary Strategies (ES) Lawrence Fogel John H. Holland Evolutionary Algorithms

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John H. Holland

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John H. Holland Adaptation in Natural and Arti cial Systems fi “general theories of adaptive processes apply across biological, cognitive, social, and computational systems”

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Why genetic algorithms? Desired behavior Optimal design Solve complex search problems

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There’s a GA for that! • Designing ef cient network topologies • Automated software testing • Evolving game strategies • Scheduling Problems fi • Complex hardware design

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Evolved antenna First generation Middle generations Last generation

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= ST5-33-142-7

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States of a genetic algorithm

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Population Initialization Many “individuals” Each with a potential solution Stored in their “DNA”

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Evaluation & Fitness Evaluate performance Reward behavior Punishment Weighted criteria

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Selection Roulette Wheel Selection 4% 28% 3% 1% 6% R 22% 8% 11% 17%

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Crossover x total population size

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Mutation • Need to maintain variation • Avoid “local optima” • Strive for the “global optimum” • Mutation rate • Mutation amount

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Canvas, easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. // index.html <canvas id=“canvas” width=“500” height=“500”></canvas> 2. // Access the canvas element const canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’); 3. // Get the 2d canvas context const ctx = canvas.getContext(‘2d’); See Canvas API docs for how to draw shapes, text, styles, etc.

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Creative Coding Tips • Don’t forget to clear the canvas before drawing to the canvas • Always use requestAnimationFrame • Crank up the frame rate and be impressed • Consider OOP for particle systems

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• Simpli ed syntax • Built-in animation loop • Event handling • Extensive library • Community resources fi • Playground environment

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Things I’ve learned • Population size • Tweak the tness function • Try other selection methods fi • Adjust mutation rates and amounts

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Can GAs help us? • Optimizing UI Layouts • Automating A/B Testing • Personalized content recommendations • Code optimization or readability • Dynamic pricing models • Improve website accessibility

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Resources Daniel Shiffman thecodingtrain.com/ New JavaScript version coming September 2024!

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Thank you!