Introducing Amazon SQS

A presentation at PHPSW Tips & Tricks, June 2016 in June 2016 in Bristol, UK by Lee Stone

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Introducing Amazon SQS

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Meet Lee @leesto • PHPSW Organiser • Web Team Lead for Gradwell • Theatre Tech • Theme Park Fan • Occasional Photographer

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What is SQS – Amazon Web Services “Amazon SQS is a distributed queue system that enables web service applications to quickly and reliably queue messages that one component in the application generates to be consumed by another component. A queue is a temporary repository for messages that are awaiting processing.”

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Why Queues? Ideal for tasks we don’t need to complete in real time Don’t keep the user waiting Help handle incoming data / content Help scale large tasks

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Why SQS? Amazon runs the service for you High availability Free for the first 1,000,000 requests per month $0.50 per 1 million after AWS SDK

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Queues Hold the messages to be processed Uniquely named per account Ability to build in a processing delay (up to 15 minutes) Can be created / configured through the UI or API

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Messages Contains the actual job you want processed 1 blob - up to 256 KB Found it useful to have this as a JSON object Option for storing additional attributes

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Create a Message Need to know the URL - separate call to get the URL from a name $this -> awsClient -> sendMessage ( array ( 

'QueueUrl' => ' myQueue' , 

'MessageBody' => 'Hello World' , 
 )) ;

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Retrieve a Message Returns a Response model - check for Messages array Can implement long polling Queues define a ‘message visibility’ period $this -> awsClient -> receiveMessage ( array ( 

‘QueueUrl' => ' myQueue' , 
 )) ;

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Gotchas First in, First out not guaranteed They guarantee ‘at least once’ delivery Retention Periods - default 4 days, max 14 days

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Wait… There’s More Security Policies Message Attributes Dead Letter Queues Batch Processing

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Thank You Questions?

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