A presentation at Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference in September 2019 in Lancaster, PA, USA by Liam Dempsey
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: LEARNING to present, talk, and ask questions in AN INCLUSIVE WAY @liamdempsey
A few notes @liamdempsey
CAN I SHARE A STORY? @liamdempsey
VALUE diversity + inclusion @liamdempsey
FAILURE to respect others @liamdempsey
NOT VALUING others’ experiences @liamdempsey
COGNITIVE BIAS @liamdempsey
HOW DO WE DO BETTER? @liamdempsey
Accept RESPONSIBILITY for actions regardless of intent @liamdempsey
Assume everyone has GOOD INTENT @liamdempsey
Always QUESTION our assumptions @liamdempsey
Be AWARE in the moment @liamdempsey
Those with access to power must REDUCE their access @liamdempsey
Building inclusivity DEMANDS WORK by those with access to power @liamdempsey
Do the WORK @liamdempsey
Share that LEARNING is in progress @liamdempsey
APOLOGIZE for mistakes and errors @liamdempsey
HOLD PEERS ACCOUNTABLE for missteps @liamdempsey
Pay attention to the PRONOUNS @liamdempsey
Speak in GENDER NEUTRAL terms for groups of people @liamdempsey
Avoid INTERRUPTING @liamdempsey
Speak to the AUDIENCE you want to create @liamdempsey
Don’t ask questions based on PERCEIVED INTENT @liamdempsey
LISTEN to how others speak and present @liamdempsey
Focus on our shared HUMANITY @liamdempsey
BACK TO THAT STORY @liamdempsey
THANK YOU @liamdempsey liam@lbdesign.tv