Very Responsive Typography with Variable Fonts

A presentation at JAMstack_conf San Francisco in October 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA by Mandy Michael

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MANDY MICHAEL @mandy_kerr @mandymichael

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JELLO adognamedjello

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VARIABLEFONTS.DEV resources, guides & demos for using variable fonts on the web.

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I love to TINKER.

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WEIGHT AXIS Interpolated weights Named Instance @mandy_kerr

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Use VARIABLE fonts now. @mandy_kerr

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@font-face { font-family: “Source Sans Variable”; src: url(“ss-variable.woff”) format(“woff-variations”); font-weight: 200 700; }

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@font-face { font-family: “Source Sans Variable”; src: url(“ss-variable.woff”) format(“woff-variations”); font-weight: 200 700; }

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h1 { font-family: “Source Sans Variable”; font-weight: 658.756; }

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h1 { font-family: “My Jello Font”; font-variation-settings: ‘JELO’ 88, ‘FELO’ 203; }

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Google Fonts supports VARIABLE fonts. @mandy_kerr

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A good font PERFORMANCE strategy is still important for variable fonts.

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Variable fonts REDUCE the number of font requests.

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In my experience VARIABLE FONTS are on par or better than the standard equivalent.

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Source Sans Pro WOFF2 FILE SIZE

Single weight: 111kb Variable font: 112kb

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When we are not limited by technical considerations, CREATIVITY can determine our choices.

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Because variable fonts can have an INTERPOLATED range of values, we can create fluid variations.

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Font: Decovar by David Berlow @mandy_kerr

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h1 { } font-family: “Decovar”; font-variation-settings: “INLI” 1000, “SWRM” 0; animation: grow 4s linear infinite; @keyframes grow { 0% { font-variation-settings: “INLI” 1000, “SWRM” 0; } } 50% { font-variation-settings: “INLI” 1000, “SWRM” 1000; } @mandy_kerr

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Growing Text Demo

Font: Decovar by David Berlow

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Font: Duos Writer by Underware

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Font: Gingham by Christoph Koeberlin

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Font: Wind VF by Hansje van Halem

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Font: Decovar by David Berlow

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Marshmallow the Dragon breathes fire to create flaming text

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Variable fonts allow WEB TYPOGRAPHY to adapt to screens, environments & devices.

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CSS Media Queries will provide access to USER PREFERENCES and environments directly in our CSS.

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h1 { } font-family: “Cheee” font-variation-settings: “TEMP” 0; transition: all 4s linear; @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { h1 { font-variation-settings: “TEMP” 1000; } }

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Dark Mode Slime Text

Font: Cheee by OH No Type Co

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CSS is Awesome - Fit to Box

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Match FONT WEIGHT to viewport size. “// Font weight axis range 200 to 900 “// Viewport range 320px to 1440px

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function fluidAxisVariation() { “// Current viewport width const windowWidth = window.innerWidth “// Get new scales for viewport and font weight const viewportScale = (windowWidth - 320) / (1440 - 320); const fontWeightScale = viewportScale * (200 - 900) + 900; “// Set in CSS using CSS Custom Property“!—weight”, fontWeightScale); }

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window.addEventListener(“resize”, fluidAxisVariation);

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Font: Chee by OH No Type Co @mandy_kerr

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Device Orientation Woops Demo

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Device Orientation Individual Letter Weight Change Demo

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Font: WHOA by Scribble Tone @mandy_kerr

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We can improve the READABILITY and ACCESSIBILITY of our content with a level of control that is unprecedented.

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There has never been a better time to CREATE for the web.

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Thanks & Resources Variable Fonts for Developers Variable Fonts : Jason Pamental @jpamental David Berlow @dberlow OH no Type Co @OHnoTypeCo Scribble Tone @scribbletone Typearture @typearture

@mandymichael @mandy_kerr