The Web Speech API enables you to incorporate voice data into web apps.
Slide 7
Slide 8
new SpeechRecognition(); //constructor for SpeechRecognition object instance
Slide 9
// method to start speech recognition service recognition.stop(); !// stops the speech recognition service from listening to audio returns a result
Slide 10
recognition.onresult = function(event) {}
// event handler when a word or phrase has been recognised
recognition.onspeechend = function(event) {}
// will run when the speech recognition service has stopped being detected
Slide 11
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Demo - Marshmallow
Slide 15
Demo - Rello the good boy
Slide 16
Demo - Voice and Text
Slide 17
Andre Natal
Speech & AI engineer Mozilla @andrenatalbr
wiki.mozilla.org/Web_Speech_API_-_Speech_Recognition @mandy_kerr
Slide 18
How Speech works in Firefox
Slide 19
Audio & speech allow for more interactive and more accessible experiences.
Slide 20
Orientation Sensors
Slide 21
The accelerometer detects a change to the orientation of the device.
Slide 22
Slide 23
Slide 24
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Slide 27
Slide 28
Demo: Orientation Woops
Slide 29
Demo: Orientation Moon
Slide 30
Slide 31
Slide 32
We can move on from static, predetermined interactions and allow the user to shape the experience.
Slide 33
Ambient Light Sensor
Slide 34
A photodetector that is used to sense the amount of ambient light present.
Slide 35
Rijubrata Bhaumik
Tech lead, Intel web platform @rijubrata
Slide 36
A second attempt at the ambient light sensor.
Slide 37
Addressing the security concerns of light sensors in the browser
Slide 38
Slide 39
Slide 40
Slide 41
Slide 42
Demo: Sun and Moon
Slide 43
Demo: Light it up
Slide 44
Demo: Bloom
Font: BloomGX by Typearture (Arthur Reinders Folmer)
Slide 45
Don’t be limited by what we can already do, the web is still young and there is so much for us to create.