Hello. I'm marc, founder and sole organiser of beyond tellerrand (@btconf | https://beyondtellerrand.com). I'm also co-Founder of Smashing Conference and chair of Smashing Magazine's supervisory board. Find my full bio at https://marcthiele.com/about
Sometimes you have to experience a certain moment in your life – whether it is positive or negative – to find something out about yourself and go beyond limits. Looking back to these moment after a while makes you look back onto a period of your life that, in this way, would have been beyond your imagination before this specific moment. Yet, the change that it brought is something that fuelled your life and made you look beyond the obvious things to happen. Marc had a few of these moments, where he, looking back at it, got his motivation from to run beyond tellerrand, an event with the idea of making people to look beyond their daily business.