Game, Set, Match Transforming Live Sports with AI-Driven Commentary

A presentation at Devoxx UK in May 2024 in London, UK by Mark Needham

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Game, Set, Match Transforming Live Sports with AI-Driven Commentary Dunith Danushka (Redpanda Data) Mark Needham (ClickHouse)

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Dunith Danushka DevRel @ Redpanda Mark Needham Product @ ClickHouse

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Can we create an AI Copilot to help live text writers?

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What are we going to build?

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The flow of events Window queries on ClickHouse and pass the results to OpenAI

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What is Redpanda?

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Redpanda is a Kafka API compatible streaming data platform ● ● ● ● Not a Kafka fork! Kafka rewritten in C++ Identical read/write interfaces as Kafka Designed for modern hardware

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Simple to deploy, use and manage Single binary Kafka-compatible APIs Easy Day 2 Ops Dev-friendly interface © 2023 REDPANDA DATA

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rpk Redpanda’s command line interface (CLI) utility. Check health of cluster rpk cluster health Create a topic rpk topic create my-topic -p 5 List topics rpk topic list Describe a topic rpk topic describe

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Redpanda Demo

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What is ClickHouse?

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What is ClickHouse? Open Source Distributed Column-Oriented OLAP Database Developed since 2009 Files per column Replication Analytics use cases OSS 2016 Vectorized query execution Sharding Aggregations 34k+ Github stars Optimised for aggregations Multi-master Visualizations 1k+ contributors Sorting and indexing Cross-region Mostly immutable data 500+ releases Background merges

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Row Oriented vs Column Oriented Row Oriented location ts temperature wind_speed humidity Aberystwyth 2022-01-01 00:00:00 14 21 79 Blackpool 2022-01-01 00:20:00 13 9 82 Column Oriented location ts temperature wind_speed humidity Aberystwyth 2022-01-01 00:00:00 14 21 79 Blackpool 2022-01-01 00:20:00 13 9 82

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Vectorised Query Execution Process rows sequentially Process chunks of values

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Flavours of ClickHouse chdb ClickHouse Local ClickHouse Server

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ClickHouse Demo

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What is Streamlit?

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What is Streamlit? Streamlit turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. All in pure Python. No front-end experience required.

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Streamlit Hello World

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Building the AI Copilot

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The flow of events Window queries on ClickHouse and pass the results to OpenAI

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Generated Commentary Demo

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How do Large Language Models work? Prompt LLM

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Ingesting context into the prompt Instructions Prompt Context Sports events feed

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Sports events feed

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LLM Code

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Pulling events from ClickHouse

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Generated text events

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Retrieval queries: Recent points

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Retrieval queries: Last completed game

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Serving the live commentary Multiple consumers on the Redpanda topic FastAPI server that renders SSE events Post messages to Twitter API points livetext

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Live Commentary Demo

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Future Ideas

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How can we extend this work? ● ● ● ● ● ● Automatic summaries every <x> seconds A Copilot that has access to fine-grained statistics Text to SQL so that the writer can ask questions of the data Can we use more batch data? Store the generated commentary for later analysis/tweaking of the prompt Compare the generated commentary with what the analyst chooses to publish

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Is it only for sports? Weʼll be focusing on sports, but you could use it for any of the following problems: ● ● ● ● ● Live auctions Weather updates Local traffic reporting Current location of food delivery … Any use case where you have events that you want to summarise into a more readable format.

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Thanks and Questions