@mary_grace Hi everyone! My name is Mary Thengvall, and this is a snapshot of my community. I’m a people person. I love connecting people, both personally and professionally. And these people you see on the screen - some of whom are here today! - are all part of the greater tech community. But have you ever known without a shadow of a doubt that you belong — truly belong! — in a community. That these are YOUR PEOPLE! And yet not feel accepted by them because they don’t truly understand what it is that you actually do? Welcome to Developer Relations. How many of you are familiar with this term? How many of you are familiar with the debates about Developer Relations that have been happening on Twitter over the last six months? For those of you who aren’t familiar with these debates… congrats on staying out of the drama!! But let me show you a bit of what’s been going on and what people — people, who, mind you, aren’t in Developer Relations — have been saying about this industry. These are real quotes from Twitter and Reddit, but I’ve removed the names and changed a word or two to protect the innocent.