Lost in Translation

A presentation at beyond tellerrand in May 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany by Manuel Matuzovic

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Lost in Translation Manuel Matuzović Beyond Tellerrand, Düsseldorf 2022 @mmatuzo

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@mmatuzo Speaking at React Finland 2019

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Source: alistapart.com/article/my-accessibility-journey-what-ive-learned-so-far @mmatuzo

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Source: alistapart.com/article/my-accessibility-journey-what-ive-learned-so-far @mmatuzo

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Source: buttoncheatsheet.com @mmatuzo

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Source: info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/Tags.html @mmatuzo

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We are not as good at writing HTML as we think we are. @mmatuzo

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<main> <section id=”main-content”> <header id=”main-header”> <section class=”container-fluid”> <section class=”row”> <article class=”content col-sm-12”> <section class=”content-inner”> <div class=”content__body”> <article class=”slider”> <section class=”slide”> … </section> </article> </div> </section> </article> </section> </section> </header> </section> </main> Source: https://www.htmhell.dev/10-section-is-no-replacement-for-div @mmatuzo

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Source: htmhell.dev @mmatuzo

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<p> • HTML <br> • CSS <br> • JavaScript </p> Source: htmhell.dev/30-bullet-list @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”>Click here!</div> @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”>Click here!</div> @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”>Click here!</div> @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”>Click here!</div> @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”>Click here!</div> @mmatuzo

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The Elements of HTML 1. <div> 2. <script> That’s it, that’s all. #yolo @mmatuzo

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The Elements of HTML 1. <header> 10. <summary> 19. <ins> 2. <footer> 11. <dialog> 20. <caption> 3. <main> 12. <address> 21. <track> 4. <section> 13. <button> 22. <output> 5. <article> 14. <blockquote> 23. <label> 6. <aside> 15. <abbr> 24. < eldset> 7. <progress> 16. <kbd> 25. <textarea> 8. <meter> 17. <mark> 26. <video> 9. <details> 18. <del> 27. … fi @mmatuzo

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Source: codepen.io/plfstr/full/zYqQeRw @mmatuzo

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Designers know too little about HTML. @mmatuzo

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Some people just don’t care. @mmatuzo

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<div class=”nav”> <div> <div>about</div> <div>thoughts</div> </div> </div> Source: htmhell.dev/18-main-divigation @mmatuzo

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<div class=”nav”> <a href=”/about”> <button>about</button> </a> <a href=”/thoughts”> <button>thoughts</button> </a> </div> @mmatuzo

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We put too much trust and hope in ARIA. @mmatuzo

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Source: webaim.org/projects/million/ @mmatuzo

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Home pages with ARIA present averaged 70% more detected errors than those without ARIA. Source: webaim.org/projects/million @mmatuzo

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If you can use a native HTML element or attribute with the semantics and behavior you require already built in, instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible, then do so. Source: w3.org/TR/using-aria @mmatuzo

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Source: webaim.org/projects/million @mmatuzo

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Source: hidde.blog/common-a11y-issues @mmatuzo

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Source: christianheilmann.com/2022/04/12/one-million-broken-web-sites-and-a-way-to-prevent-that @mmatuzo

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Most common issues • Low contrast text • Missing alternative text for images • Empty links • Missing form input labels • Empty buttons • Missing document language

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We’re wrongfully downplaying the complexity of HTML due to the simplicity of its syntax. @mmatuzo

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There’s more to HTML than tags and attributes. @mmatuzo

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Most common issues • Low contrast text • Missing alternative text for images • Empty links • Missing form input labels • Empty buttons • Missing document language

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Accessibility issues don’t just come from what’s visible in a design, but from what’s not visible. @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Exploration @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Exploration Understanding @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Exploration Understanding Development @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Exploration Understanding Development @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Lack of knowledge 💥 Exploration Understanding Development @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Lack of knowledge 💥💥 Exploration Understanding Not caring Development @mmatuzo

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Design to Code Translation Lost in Translation Lack of knowledge 💥 Exploration 💥💥 Understanding Not caring Development @mmatuzo

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Our decisions have consequences • Basic understanding

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Our decisions have consequences • Basic understanding • Overview

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Our decisions have consequences • Basic understanding • Overview • Orientation

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Our decisions have consequences • Basic understanding • Overview • Orientation • Information

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Our decisions have consequences • Basic understanding • Overview • Orientation • Information • Navigation

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❌ <svg> <path d=”” /> </svg> @mmatuzo

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<div class=”btn”> <svg> <path d=”” /> </svg> </div> @mmatuzo

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❌ <button> <svg> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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❌ <button aria-label=”Change theme”> <svg aria-hidden=”true”> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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❌ <button> Change theme <svg aria-hidden=”true”> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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❌ <button> <span class=”sr-only”>Change theme</span> <svg aria-hidden=”true”> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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✅ <button aria-expanded=”false”> <span class=”sr-only”>Change theme</span> <svg aria-hidden=”true”> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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✅ <button aria-expanded=”false” aria-controls=”theme-panel”> <span class=”sr-only”>Change theme</span> <svg aria-hidden=”true”> <path d=”” /> </svg> </button> @mmatuzo

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The Perfect Button • Focusable, interactive element (<button>)

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The Perfect Button • Focusable, interactive element (<button>) • Accessible name (a label)

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The Perfect Button • Focusable, interactive element (<button>) • Accessible name (a label) • Correct role (button)

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The Perfect Button • Focusable, interactive element (<button>) • Accessible name (a label) • Correct role (button) • Communicate state ([aria-expanded])

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The Perfect Button • Focusable, interactive element (<button>) • Accessible name (a label) • Correct role (button) • Communicate state ([aria-expanded]) • Communicate relationship ([aria-controls])

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❌ <button aria-expanded=”true” aria-controls=”theme-panel”> ✕ </button> @mmatuzo

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✅ <button aria-expanded=”true” aria-controls=”theme-panel”> <span class=”sr-only”>Close</span> <span aria-hidden=”true”> ✕ </span> </button> @mmatuzo

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Source: nordbayern.de @mmatuzo

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Source: natur-im-siedlungsraum.ch @mmatuzo

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Source: nabu-hadamar.de @mmatuzo

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<h1> @mmatuzo

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<h1> <h2> (Featured Posts) @mmatuzo

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<h2> (Most Viewed Posts) @mmatuzo

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<h2> (Most Viewed Posts) <h2> (Most Commented Posts) @mmatuzo

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A Sound Document Outline • Meaningful labels

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A Sound Document Outline • Meaningful labels • Clean hierarchy (Avoid skipping levels)

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A Sound Document Outline • Meaningful labels • Clean hierarchy (Avoid skipping levels) • Enough but not too many headings

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<header> @mmatuzo

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<header> <nav> @mmatuzo

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<header> <nav> <main> @mmatuzo

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<footer> @mmatuzo

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”de”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8”> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”> <title>Neue Helvetica</title> </head> <body> <h1>Neue Helvetica</h1> </body> </html>


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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”de”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8”> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”> <title>Neue Helvetica</title> </head> <body> <h1>Neue Helvetica</h1> </body> </html>


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The lang Attribute • Screen readers

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The lang Attribute • Screen readers • Hyphenation

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The lang Attribute • Screen readers • Hyphenation • Quotation marks

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The lang Attribute • Screen readers • Hyphenation • Quotation marks • Translation

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The lang Attribute • Screen readers • Hyphenation • Quotation marks • Translation • Spell checking

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The lang Attribute • Screen readers • Hyphenation • Quotation marks • Translation • Spell checking • The default font selection for CJK languages

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Developers, prioritise HTML! @mmatuzo

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Learn who your users are and how they’re using the web. @mmatuzo

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Stop belittling HTML. @mmatuzo

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Universities, schools, teachers, course coordinators, prioritise HTML! @mmatuzo

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Rewrite your curriculums, they don’t work. @mmatuzo

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Authors, prioritise HTML! @mmatuzo

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Write and speak more about HTML. @mmatuzo

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Use accessible HTML in your demos. @mmatuzo

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Learn how to test your sites with automatic testing tools. @mmatuzo

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96.8% of home pages had detected WCAG 2 failures! Source: webaim.org/projects/million @mmatuzo

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Learn how to test your sites with the keyboard and screen readers. @mmatuzo

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https://noti.st/matuzo/Y1Lgvc @mmatuzo

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u https://noti.st/matuzo/Y1Lgvc k Th an yo ! @mmatuzo

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Additional Resources @mmatuzo

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Source: htmhell.dev/20-close-buttons @mmatuzo

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Source: htmhell.dev/11-the-trigram-for-heaven @mmatuzo

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Source: htmhell.dev/26-tasty-buttons @mmatuzo

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Source: matuzo.at/blog/lang-attribute @mmatuzo