Writing even more CSS with Accessibility in mind

A presentation at CSS Café in September 2020 in by Manuel Matuzovic

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H IT W S S C E R O M N E V E G WRITIN D IN M IN Y IT IL ACCESSIB CSS Cafe September 17th, 2020 matuzo.at @mmatuzo

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Manuel Matuzovic HTML · CSS · a11y · performance City of Vienna · WACA webclerks · HTMHell · Frontend-Bookmarks manuel@matuzo.at · @mmatuzo @mmatuzo

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Writing even more CSS with accessibility in mind • Progressive Enhancement • Respecting User Preferences • Improving Accessibility with CSS • CSS and Semantics @mmatuzo

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Progressive Enhancement @mmatuzo

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Progressive Enhancement @mmatuzo

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Progressive Enhancement @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement HTML: Foundation / Semantic markup CSS: Design and visual improvements JS: Enhanced experience @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement div { color: #FFFFFF; css-is: amazing; CSS <3 background: #000000; } @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement img { float: left; shape-outside: polygon(0.23% 2px, 17.11% 0.84%, 61.14% 21.01%, 69.91% 20.17%, 86.88% 27.73%, 90.64% 36.09%, 86.53% 50.56%, 80.07% 79.29%, 86.55% 99.48%, 0px 100%); shape-margin: 20px; } @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement img { float: left; shape-outside: polygon(0.23% 2px, 17.11% 0.84%, 61.14% 21.01%, 69.91% 20.17%, 86.88% 27.73%, 90.64% 36.09%, 86.53% 50.56%, 80.07% 79.29%, 86.55% 99.48%, 0px 100%); shape-margin: 20px; } @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement <head> <script type=”module”> “// Add the .js class to the <html> element document.documentElement.classList.add(‘js’) “</script> “</head> @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement .js .accordion”__panel { display: none; } @mmatuzo

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progressive enhancement @mmatuzo

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Respecting User Preferences @mmatuzo

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Font Size @mmatuzo

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font size @mmatuzo

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font size body { “/* Don’t use px for font sizes “*/ font-size: 18px; } @mmatuzo

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font size target font size base font size 18px 16px rem size 1.125rem @mmatuzo

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font size body { font-size: 1.125rem; “/* 16 * 1.125 = 18px “*/ } @mmatuzo

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Motion and Animation @mmatuzo

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motion and animation @mmatuzo

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Really, there are no words to describe just how bad a simple parallax effect, scrolljacking, or even background-attachment: fixed would make me feel. I would rather jump on one of those 20-G centrifuges astronauts use than look at a website with parallax scrolling. Facundo Corradini @mmatuzo

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The extreme, conscious, focused effort it took to read would make it such that anything moving on the screen would instantly break my focus, and force me to start the paragraph all over. And I mean anything. Facundo Corradini @mmatuzo

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motion and animation @keyframes walk { 0% { transform: translateX(100vw); } } img { animation: walk 10s linear infinite; } @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { img { animation: none; } } @mmatuzo

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motion and animation <picture> <source srcset=”moonwalk.jpg” media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)” “/> <img src=”moonwalk.gif” alt=”Someone doing the moonwalk” “/> “</picture> @mmatuzo

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motion and animation img { animation: walk 10s linear infinite; } div { transition: transform 1s ease-in; } “/* has no effect in browsers that don’t support prefers-reduced-motion “*/ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { * { animation: none !important; transition: none !important; } } @mmatuzo

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motion and animation “/* has no effect in browsers that don’t support prefers-reduced-motion “*/ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { img { animation: walk 10s linear infinite; } div { transition: transform 1s ease-in; } } @mmatuzo

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motion and animation @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } } @mmatuzo

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Improving .a y with CSS @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces <a href=”menu.html”> Our Menu Our Menu “</a> <a href=”menu.pdf” download> Our Menu Our Menu “</a> @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces [attribute] { } a[download]”::after { background-image: url(‘icons/download.svg’); content: “”; display: inline-block; background-size: contain; } @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces <a href=”menu.html”> Our Menu Our Menu “</a> <a href=”menu.pdf” download> Our Menu Our Menu “</a> @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces <!— screen reader sprite sheet —> <div hidden> <span id=”new-window-0”>Opens in a new window”</span> <span id=”new-window-1”>Opens an external site”</span> <span id=”new-window-2”>File download”</span> “</div> @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces <a href=”https:”//css-irl.info/”> Michelle Barker’s website “</a> “Michelle Barker’s website, link” <a href=”https:”//css-irl.info/” aria-describedby=”new-window-1”> Michelle Barker’s website “</a> “Michelle Barker’s website, Opens an external site, link” @mmatuzo

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Explaining user interfaces [aria-describedby=”new-window-1”] { background-image: url(‘icons/external.svg’); … } a[href”^=”http:”//”], a[href”^=”https:”//”] { background-image: url(‘icons/external.svg’); … } @mmatuzo

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Testing accessibility @mmatuzo

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Testing accessibility @mmatuzo

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Testing accessibility “/* Force yourself to test without a mouse “*/ .a11y-tests-no-mouse, .a11y-tests-no-mouse *, .a11y-tests-no-mouse *:hover { cursor: none !important; pointer-events: none !important; } <html class=”a11y-tests-no-mouse” lang=”en”> … “</html> @mmatuzo

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Testing accessibility “/* Check if the page works without colors “*/ .a11y-tests-grayscale { filter: grayscale(100%) !important; }

<html class=”a11y-tests-grayscale” lang=”en”> … “</html> @mmatuzo

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Testing accessibility @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Root element with empty or missing lang attribute. html:not([lang]), html[lang=” “], html[lang=”“], html:not(:lang(en)) { border: 10px solid red; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Elements with the class .btn or .button that are not real HTML buttons. .btn:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]), .button:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]) { outline: 2px dashed red; outline-offset: 2px; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Elements with the class .btn or .button that are not real HTML buttons. .btn:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]), .button:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]) { outline: 2px dashed red; outline-offset: 2px; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Elements with the class .btn or .button that are not real HTML buttons. .btn:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]), .button:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]) { outline: 2px dashed red; outline-offset: 2px; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Elements with the class .btn or .button that are not real HTML buttons. .btn:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]), .button:not(button):not([type=”button”]):not([type=”submit”]) { outline: 2px dashed red; outline-offset: 2px; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Tabindex higher than 0. [tabindex]:not([tabindex=”0”]):not([tabindex=”-1”]) { outline: 2px dashed red; outline-offset: 2px; } @mmatuzo

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Debugging accessibility Buttons nested in links or links nested in buttons. a button, button a { border: 10px solid red; } @mmatuzo

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HTMHell - htmhell.dev @mmatuzo

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a11y.css - github.com/ffoodd/a11y.css @mmatuzo

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<CSS> and Semantics @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - text-transform: uppercase <ol> <li>SHOW SUBNAVIGATION”</li> <li>Show Subnavigation”</li> <li style=”text-transform: uppercase”> Show Subnavigation “</li> “</ol> @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - text-transform: uppercase @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics- display: none input { display: none; } input + label”::before { This checkbox is not accessible border: 4px solid #000; content: “”; display: inline-block; height: 20px; margin-right: 1rem; width: 20px; } @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics- display: none .visually-hidden { position: absolute; white-space: nowrap; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; border: 0; padding: 0; clip-path: inset(50%); margin: -1px; } @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - display: flex <table> <tr> <th>Name”</th>

<th>Age”</th> <th>Location”</th> <td>24”</td> <td>Austria”</td> <td>42”</td> <td>USA”</td> “</tr> <tr> <td>Sandra”</td> “</tr> <tr> <td>Mike”</td> “</tr> “</table> @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - display: flex @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - display: flex tr { display: flex; } @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - display: flex @mmatuzo

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CSS and semantics - list-style: none ul { list-style-type: none; } @mmatuzo

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Thank you! ❤ matuzo.at @mmatuzo @mmatuzo