The Layouts of Tomorrow

A presentation at Webclerks Meetup Vienna in June 2018 in Vienna, Austria by Max Böck

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A lot of todays sites look the same. Why is that? Two Reasons. 1st: we're trained to think that way. We have a mental Image of what a website looks like, and design towards that. We break a design into logical parts.

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I catch myself doing these automatic steps. Open up a new sketch file, draw a grey rectangle across the top for the header. Our brains create these boxes to fill with content.
Is there another approach?

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I'm a big fan of gigposter art. Start with a blank canvas, think about what text to put on there. What's the content? Hierarchy, Structure?

Then, what does the band sound like, what am I trying to communicate? You don't just go for the "metal" template.

Design from the content out, for each purpose.

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But Websites have to be readable. responsive. functional. 2nd reason for these common layouts: they work well with the limits we have on the web. anything too crazy or creative is hard, feels hacky / unstable.

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New Tools! They were not around at the time the "standard layouts" emerged. These make a lot of things easier; but the point is not to build the same stuff with different tech - more potential: they give us the chance to create something new.

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I wanted to take some of these new tools for a spin and see what can be done. So I searched dribbble for "unconventional" layouts. There is some great stuff out there.

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I decided on this one. It's visually interesting but also quite flexible, responsive. How hard is it to build something like this?

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Demo on Codepen

CSS Grid for Tiles, 3D Transforms for parallax without JS, Scroll Snap Points, Object-Fit, Responsive...

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This is just one implementation. I'd like to encourage you to look at new ways of doing layout, play around with it a bit. get a feeling for the new possibilities. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, but maybe we'll find new solutions.