Turtles all the way down

A presentation at Fronteers Jam Session in October 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Niels Leenheer

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telegraaf.nl 190 requests 9130 ms fronteersconf.org 8 requests 449 ms

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PREMISE websites that make more requests are slower

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PREMISE external images require requests

Slide 7

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CONCLUSION we can make a website faster by inlining images

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666 pixels x 255 pixels

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PREMISE an image is just a grid of coloured pixels

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PREMISE tables are grids

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CONCLUSION we can inline images using tables

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Attempt #1 table with images <table> <tr> <td>...</td> </tr> </table> × 169.830

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Attempt #1 table with images <table> <tr> <td><img src="7469FB.png"></td> </tr> </table> × 169.830

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Attempt #1 table with images size 5.5 MB requests 454 loaded 66 sec

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Attempt #2 table with spacer image <table> <tr> <td style="background-color:#7469FB"> <img src="spacer.png"> </td> </tr> </table> × 169.830

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Attempt #2 table with spacer image size 7.9 MB requests 1 loaded 60 sec

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Attempt #3 table with data urls

<table> <tr> <td style="background-color:#7469FB"> <img src=" </td> </tr> </table>

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Attempt #3 table with data urls size 20 MB requests 0 loaded 228 sec

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Attempt #4 table with width and height <table> <tr> <td height=1 width=1 bgcolor=#7469FB></td> </tr> </table> × 169.830

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Attempt #4 table with width and height size 7.1 MB requests 0 loaded 20 sec

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PREMISE parallelisation improves performance

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PREMISE frames render independently from each other

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CONCLUSION we can inline images using frames

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Slide 27

Attempt #5 frames <iframe src="..."> <frameset rows="..."> <frameset cols="..."> <frame src="7469FB.html"> </frameset> </frameset> × 169.830

Slide 28

Slide 28

Attempt #6 frames with data urls <iframe src="..."> <frameset rows="..."> <frameset cols="..."> <frame src="data:text/html;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIA"> </frameset> </frameset> × 169.8

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Attempt #6 frames with data urls size 17 MB requests 0 loaded 24 sec

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Attempt #7 absolute positioning

<div> <div id=x32y49></div> × 169.830 </div>

#x32y49 { position: absolute; top: 49px; left: 32px; background-color: #7469FB; }

Slide 32

Slide 32

Attempt #7 absolute positioning

size 15 MB requests 0 loaded 5 sec

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Attempt #8 grid and nth-child pseudo selector

<div> <div></div> × 169.830 </div>

div > div:nth-child(1650) { grid-area: 50 / 33 / 51 / 34; background-color: #7469FB; }

Slide 34

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Attempt #8 grid and nth-child pseudo selector

size 16 MB requests 0 loaded 2520 sec

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Attempt #9 pseudo-elements

#image::after { position: absolute; top: 49px; left: 32px; background-color: #7469FB; } #image::after::after { ... } #image::after::after::after { ... } #image::after::after::after::after { ... }

Slide 36

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Attempt #9 pseudo-elements

size 47 GB requests 0 loaded ∞ sec

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Attempt #10 run length encoding

<div> <div id=c0></div> × only 6.670 </div>

#c0 { top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 666px; height: 91px; background: #d8baff; }

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Attempt #10 run length encoding

size 418 KB requests 0 loaded 0.1 sec

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Attempt #3 size 20 MB loaded 228 sec

Attempt #10 size 418 KB loaded 0.1 sec

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5 KEY TAKEAWAYS html4 is better than html5

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5 KEY TAKEAWAYS use <div>'s with id's for everything

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5 KEY TAKEAWAYS the maximum length of a string is characters

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5 KEY TAKEAWAYS w3schools is way better and has more info than mdn

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5 KEY TAKEAWAYS don't use 169.830 <frame>'s in one <frameset>

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