How to Make Your Data Processing Faster - Parallel Processing and JIT in Data Science

A presentation at CONNECT Asia 2019 in August 2019 in Singapore by Ong Chin Hwee

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How to Make Your Data Processing Faster - Parallel Processing and JIT in Data Science Presented by: Ong Chin Hwee (@ongchinhwee) 31 August 2019 Women Who Code Connect Asia, Singapore

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About me ● Current role: Data Engineer at ST Engineering ● Background in aerospace engineering and computational modelling ● Experience working on aerospace-related projects in collaboration with academia and industry partners ● Find me if you would like to chat about Industry 4.0 and flight + travel!

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Scope of Talk I will talk about: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bottlenecks in a data science project What is parallel processing? When should you go for parallelism? Parallel processing in data science JIT in data science

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A typical data science workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define problem objective Data collection and pipeline Data parsing/preprocessing and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Feature engineering Model training Model evaluation Visualization and Reporting Model deployment

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What do you think are some of the bottlenecks in a data science project?

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Bottlenecks in a data science project ● Lack of data / Poor quality data ● Data Preprocessing ○ The 80/20 data science dilemma ■ In reality, it’s closer to 90/10 ● The organization itself

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Bottlenecks in a data science project ● Data Preprocessing ○ Pandas faces low performance and long runtime issues when dealing with large datasets (> 1 GB)

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Bottlenecks in a data science project ● Data Preprocessing ○ Pandas faces low performance and long runtime issues when dealing with large datasets (> 1 GB) ○ Slow loops in Python ■ Loops are run on the interpreter, not compiled (unlike loops in C)

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Bottlenecks in a data science project ● Data Preprocessing ○ Pandas faces low performance and long runtime issues when dealing with large datasets (> 1 GB) ○ Slow loops in Python ■ Loops are run on the interpreter, not compiled (unlike loops in C) ○ Not every data science team has extremely large volumes of data to justify using a Spark cluster

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What is parallel processing?

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Let’s imagine I own a bakery cafe.

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Task 1: Toast 100 slices of bread Assumptions: 1. I’m using single-slice toasters. (Yes, they actually exist.) 2. Each slice of toast takes 2 minutes to make. 3. No overhead time. Image taken from:

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Sequential Processing = 25 bread slices

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Sequential Processing = 25 bread slices Processor/Worker: Toaster

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Sequential Processing = 25 bread slices Processor/Worker: Toaster = 25 toasts

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Sequential Processing Execution Time = 100 toasts × 2 minutes/toast = 200 minutes

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Parallel Processing = 25 bread slices

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Parallel Processing

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Parallel Processing Processor (Core): Toaster

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Parallel Processing Processor (Core): Toaster Task is executed using a pool of 4 toaster subprocesses. Each toasting subprocess runs in parallel and independently from each other.

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Parallel Processing Processor (Core): Toaster Output of each toasting process is consolidated and returned as an overall output (which may or may not be ordered).

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Parallel Processing Execution Time = 100 toasts × 2 minutes/toast ÷ 4 toasters = 50 minutes Speedup = 4 times

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Synchronous vs Asynchronous Execution

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What do you mean by “Asynchronous”?

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Let’s get some ideas from the Kopi.JS folks. (since they do async programming more than the data folks)

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me: One kopi pls (promise) Uncle: Ok, take this number and sit down, send to you when ready me: [sits down, surfs twitter] uncle: [walks over] order #23, here you go (async/await) uncle: Ok [makes kopi] me: [wait in place, surfs twitter] uncle: [kopi done] Here you go (Credits to: @sheldytox)

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me: One kopi pls (promise) Uncle: Ok, take this number and sit down, send to you when ready me: [sits down, surfs twitter] uncle: [walks over] order #23, here you go (async/await) uncle: Ok [makes kopi] me: [wait in place, surfs twitter] uncle: [kopi done] Here you go (Credits to: @sheldytox) Another scenario, you wake up and order coffee via a delivery app. Do you wait by the phone for the coffee to arrive or do you go and do other things (while “awaiting” for the coffee to arrive)? (Credits to: @yingkh_tweets)

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Task 2: Brew coffee Assumptions: 1. I can do other stuff while making coffee. 2. One coffee maker to make one cup of coffee. 3. Each cup of coffee takes 5 minutes to make. Image taken from:

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Synchronous Execution Process 2: Brew a cup of coffee on coffee machine Duration: 5 minutes

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Synchronous Execution Process 1: Toast a slice of bread on single-slice toaster after Process 2 is completed Duration: 2 minutes Process 2: Brew a cup of coffee on coffee machine Duration: 5 minutes

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Synchronous Execution Process 1: Toast a slice of bread on single-slice toaster after Process 2 is completed Duration: 2 minutes Process 2: Brew a cup of coffee on coffee machine Duration: 5 minutes Output: 1 toast + 1 coffee Total Execution Time = 5 minutes + 2 minutes = 7 minutes

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Asynchronous Execution While brewing coffee: Make some toasts:

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Asynchronous Execution Output: 2 toasts + 1 coffee (1 more toast!) Total Execution Time = 5 minutes

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When is it a good idea to go for parallelism?

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When is it a good idea to go for parallelism? (or, “Is it a good idea to simply buy a 256-core processor and parallelize all your codes?”)

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Practical Considerations ● Is your code already optimized? ○ Sometimes, you might need to rethink your approach. ○ Example: Use list comprehensions or map functions instead of for-loops for array iterations.

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Practical Considerations ● Is your code already optimized? ○ Sometimes, you might need to rethink your approach. ● Problem architecture ○ Nature of problem limits how successful parallelization can be. ○ If your problem consists of processes which depend on each others’ outputs, maybe not.

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Practical Considerations ● Is your code already optimized? ○ Sometimes, you might need to rethink your approach. ● Problem architecture ○ Nature of problem limits how successful parallelization can be. ● Overhead in parallelism ○ There will always be parts of the work that cannot be parallelized. → Amdahl’s Law ○ Extra time required for coding and debugging (parallelism vs sequential code)

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Amdahl’s Law and Parallelism Amdahl’s Law states that the theoretical speedup is defined by the fraction of code p that can be parallelized: S: Theoretical speedup (theoretical latency) p: Fraction of the code that can be parallelized N: Number of processors (cores)

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Amdahl’s Law and Parallelism If there are no parallel parts (p = 0): Speedup = 0

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Amdahl’s Law and Parallelism If there are no parallel parts (p = 0): Speedup = 0 If all parts are parallel (p = 1): Speedup = N → ∞

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Amdahl’s Law and Parallelism If there are no parallel parts (p = 0): Speedup = 0 If all parts are parallel (p = 1): Speedup = N → ∞ Speedup is limited by fraction of the work that is not parallelizable - will not improve even with infinite number of processors

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Multiprocessing vs Multithreading Multiprocessing: System allows executing multiple processes at the same time using multiple processors

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Multiprocessing vs Multithreading Multiprocessing: Multithreading: System allows executing multiple processes at the same time using multiple processors System executes multiple threads of sub-processes at the same time within a single processor

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Multiprocessing vs Multithreading Multiprocessing: Multithreading: System allows executing multiple processes at the same time using multiple processors System executes multiple threads of sub-processes at the same time within a single processor Better option for processing large volumes of data Best suited for I/O operations

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Parallel Processing in Data Science

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Parallel Processing in Data Science Python is the most widely-used programming language in data science Distributed processing is one of the core concepts of Apache Spark Apache Spark is available in Python as PySpark

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Parallel Processing in Data Science Data processing tends to be more compute-intensive → Switching between threads become increasingly inefficient → Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python does not allow parallel thread execution

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How to do Parallel Processing in Python?

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Parallel Processing in Python concurrent.futures module ● High-level API for launching asynchronous parallel tasks ● Introduced in Python 3.2 as an abstraction layer over multiprocessing module ● Two modes of execution: ○ ThreadPoolExecutor() for multithreading ○ ProcessPoolExecutor() for multiprocessing

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ProcessPoolExecutor vs ThreadPoolExecutor From the Python Standard Library documentation: For ProcessPoolExecutor, this method chops iterables into a number of chunks which it submits to the pool as separate tasks. The (approximate) size of these chunks can be specified by setting chunksize to a positive integer. For very long iterables, using a large value for chunksize can significantly improve performance compared to the default size of 1. With ThreadPoolExecutor, chunksize has no effect.

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Recap: map() map() takes as input: 1. The function that you would like to run, and 2. A list (iterable) where each element of the list is a single input to that function; and returns an iterator that yields the results of the function being applied to every element of the list.

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map() in concurrent.futures Similarly, takes as input: 1. The function that you would like to run, and 2. A list (iterable) where each element of the list is a single input to that function; and returns an iterator that yields the results of the function being applied to every element of the list.

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“Okay, I tried using parallel processing but my processing code in Python is still slow. What else can I do?”

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Compiled vs Interpreted Languages Written Code Compiler Execution Compiled Code in Target Language Loader Linker Machine Code (executable)

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Compiled vs Interpreted Languages Written Code Compiler Execution Lower-level bytecode Virtual Machine

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JIT Compilation Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation ● Converts source code into native machine code at runtime ● Is the reason why Java runs on a Virtual Machine (JVM) yet has comparable performance to compiled languages (C/C++ etc., Go)

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JIT Compilation in Data Science

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JIT Compilation in Data Science numba module ● Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler for Python that converts Python functions into machine code ● Can be used by simply applying a decorator (a wrapper) around functions to instruct numba to compile them ● Two modes of execution: ○ njit for no-Python mode (JIT only) ○ jit for object mode (JIT + Python interpreter)

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Practical Implementation

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Case: Image Processing Dataset: Shopee National Data Science Challenge ( Size: 77.6GB of image files Data Quality: Images in the dataset are of different formats (some are RGB while others are RGBA) and different dimensions

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Without Parallelism import sys import time N = 35000 # size of dataset to be processed start = 0 batch_size = 1000 partition = int(np.ceil(N/step)) partition_count = 0 imagearray_list = [None] * partition start_cpu_time = time.clock() start_wall_time = time.time()

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Without Parallelism while start < N: end = start + batch_size if end > N: end = N imagearray_list[partition_count] = [arraypartition_calc(image) for image in range(start, end)] start += batch_size partition_count += 1

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Without Parallelism while start < N: end = start + batch_size if end > N: end = N imagearray_list[partition_count] = [arraypartition_calc(image) for image in range(start, end)] start += batch_size partition_count += 1

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Without Parallelism while start < N: end = start + batch_size if end > N: end = N Execution Speed: 3300 images after 7 hours = 471.43 images/hr imagearray_list[partition_count] = [arraypartition_calc(image) for image in range(start, end)] start += batch_size partition_count += 1

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation from PIL import Image from numba import jit @jit def image_proc(index): ”’Convert + resize image”’ im = im = im.convert(“RGB”) im_resized = np.array(im.resize((64,64))) return im_resized

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation from PIL import Image from numba import jit Note: I can’t use no-Python mode (@njit) as PIL codes can’t seem to be compiled into machine code @jit def image_proc(index): ”’Convert + resize image”’ im = im = im.convert(“RGB”) im_resized = np.array(im.resize((64,64))) return im_resized

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation @jit def arraypartition_calc(start, batch_size): ”’Process images in partition/batch”’ end = start + batch_size if end > N: end = N partition_list = [image_proc(image) for image in range(start, end)] return partition_list

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation @jit def arraypartition_calc(start, batch_size): ”’Process images in partition/batch”’ end = start + batch_size if end > N: end = N partition_list = [image_proc(image) for image in range(start, end)] return partition_list

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation N = 35000 start = 0 batch_size = 1000 partition, mod = divmod(N, batch_size) if mod: partition_index = [i * batch_size for i in range(start // batch_size, partition + 1)] else: partition_index = [i * batch_size for i in range(start // batch_size, partition)]

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation import sys import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor start_cpu_time = time.clock() start_wall_time = time.time() with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: future =, partition_index) imgarray_np = np.array([x for x in future])

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation Execution Speed: 35000 images after 3.6 hours = 9722.22 images/hr import sys import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor start_cpu_time = time.clock() start_wall_time = time.time() with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: future =, partition_index) imgarray_np = np.array([x for x in future])

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation Execution Speed: 35000 images after 3.6 hours = 9722.22 images/hr import sys import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor start_cpu_time = time.clock() start_wall_time = time.time() No. of cores: 2 Speedup: 19.4 times with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: future =, partition_index) imgarray_np = np.array([x for x in future])

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With Parallelism and JIT compilation import sys import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor start_cpu_time = time.clock() start_wall_time = time.time() with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: future =, partition_index) imgarray_np = np.array([x for x in future]) Extract results from iterator (similar to generator)

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Key Takeaways

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Parallel Processing in Data Science ● Not all processes should be parallelized ○ Amdahl’s Law on parallelism ○ Extra time required for coding and debugging (parallelism vs sequential code) ○ If the cost of rewriting your code for parallelization outweighs the time savings from parallelizing your code (especially if your process only takes a few hours), maybe you should consider other ways of optimizing your code instead.

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JIT compilation in Data Science ● Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation ○ converts source code from non-compiled languages into native machine code at runtime ○ may not work for some functions/modules - these are still run on the interpreter ○ significantly enhances speedups provided by parallelization

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References Official Python documentation on concurrent.futures ( Built-in Functions - Python 3.7.4 Documentation ( 5-minute Guide to Numba (

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Contact Ong Chin Hwee LinkedIn: ongchinhwee Twitter: @ongchinhwee