Długoterminowe projekty w IT

A presentation at PHPers 3city in March 2018 in Gdańsk, Poland by Paweł Lewtak

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Long-term IT projects

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Pawel Lewtak Developer @ GOG.com @pawel_lewtak

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  1. Disclaimer

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  1. Analysis

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What to build?

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What problem to solve?

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"The root of all evil in programming is misunderstanding of the problem. Ask right questions to right people before first line of code." Mariusz Gil

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"It's developers (mis)understanding not expert knowledge that get's released to production" Alberto Brandolini

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"Tech people must speak the language of Business people, not vice versa." Stefan Priebsch

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"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Domain Driven Design

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Event Storming

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"The only thing that is constant is change." Heraclitus

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  1. Architecture

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Monolith vs Microservices

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"you shouldn't start a new project with microservices" Martin Fowler

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Service Oriented Architecture

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Clean architecture

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You're not unique

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Don't reinvent the wheel

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microservices serverless artificial intelligence machine learning blockchain nosql virtual/augmented reality internet of things cloud computing deep learning quantum computing

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  1. Tests

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Test Driven Design

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Tests !== Test Driven Design

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"If it's hard to write a test, it's a signal that you have a design problem, not a testing problem" Kent Back

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  1. Code Review

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  1. Continous ...

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Continous integration

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Continous deployment

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Deployment !== Release

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  1. Monitoring & Logging

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  1. Metrics

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Business Metrics

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  1. Automation

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If it moves, automate it!

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"If boring repetitive things aren't automated a manager gets hired." Niranjan Paranjape

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  1. Documentation

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Start with README

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"Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." Damian Conway

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  1. Communication

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Communication is NOT a soft skill

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Communication is a core skill!

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"People who don't share their knowledge look more productive because they're holding back the entire team." Jessica Kerr

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"I wish the understanding were more widespread that we plateau in coding skill mid-career, it is all about communication after that" Denton Gentry

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Thank you!

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