Dlaczego legacy nie jest takie straszne i jak je pokochać?

A presentation at DynamIT in August 2019 in Kraków, Poland by Paweł Lewtak

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Dlaczego legacy nie jest straszne i jak je pokochać? Paweł Lewtak @pawel_lewtak

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Legacy: code without tests Michael Feathers

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Nobody sets out to write legacy code Rachel Willmer

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Źródło: https://philippe.bourgau.net/a-serious-game-for-learning-built-inquality-at-the-source/

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Legacy != Twój wróg

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Twój kod == Twoja odpowiedzialność

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Przepisać czy poprawić?

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We’re programmers. Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand. Joel Spolsky

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When we refactor, we should have tests. To put tests in place, we often have to refactor. Michael Feathers

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Refaktoryzuj jeśli to możliwe. Przepisz jeśli nie masz wyjścia.

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Zasada Pareto

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Metoda Mikado

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Strangler pattern

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10 lat doświadczenia to nie to samo co rok doświadczenia powtórzony x10

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