Leading a Digital Transformation at the Speed of Government

A presentation at All Day DevOps in November 2020 in by Henry Quinn

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CULTURE OF THE COURTS https://www.knowol.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/New-Haven-09.jpg @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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CULTURE OF THE COURTS https://blooloop.com/features/walt-disney-world-nighttime-entertainment/ @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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PROJECT REQUIREMENTS https://picography.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/picography-man-reading-newspaper.jpg @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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PROJECT REQUIREMENTS https://www.haikudeck.com/bluetooth-le-and-corebluetooth-how-to-presentation-blT4G7eHGD @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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PROJECT REQUIREMENTS https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims? quality=85&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fimages%2Fdims%3Fcrop%3D4830%252C3221%252C0%252C400%26quality%3D85%26format%3Djpg%26resize%3D1600%252C1067%26image_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs.yimg.com%252Fos%252Fcrea tr-images%252F2018-12%252Fbb586d40-fd47-11e8-bdf7-4d9a7236b898%26client%3Da1acac3e1b3290917d92%26signature%3Dafaef9d90a80981d72ecbf5db8b2158422844d2d&client=amp-blogside-v2&signature=278b23301792fab7f8322455bce8205bacf470f5 @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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CAD SLACK GROUP https://diginomica.com/virtualization-dead-long-live-containerization @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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PROJECT REQUIREMENTS https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/human-resources/2014/05/my-boss-is-evil-and-10-other-career-excuses.html @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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HOW OUR LEADERSHIP HIERARCHY FAILED US https://opmed.doximity.com/articles/how-we-are-trapped-by-golden-handcuffs @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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NATIONWIDE SKUNKWORKS CLUSTERS https://geekestateblog.com/real-estate-skunk-works-departments/ @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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“You were given a ColdFusion app and your problem with that was, ‘how do I deploy this?’ Congratulations, you’re a DevOps engineer.” - Tom Reznick https://twitter.com/threznick/photo @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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FUNDING SECURED https://www.allbusiness.com/startups-seeking-funding-consider-corporate-venture-capital-arms-110681-1.html @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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HOW OUR LEADERSHIP HIERARCHY FAILED US https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/human-resources/2014/05/my-boss-is-evil-and-10-other-career-excuses.html @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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CONTAINERS TO THE RESCUE https://www.feedough.com/what-is-a-beta-version/ @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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99.6% @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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HOW OUR LEADERSHIP HIERARCHY FAILED US https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Muf8Hpazf4 @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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HOW OUR LEADERSHIP HIERARCHY FAILED US https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/human-resources/2014/05/my-boss-is-evil-and-10-other-career-excuses.html @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Laguna_Beach_Bucht.JPG @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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I taught myself to program as I went and got all the way to just needing a signature to save the government $15mm/ year and got the rug yanked out from underneath me. And that was before I found my local and global tech groups and got involved in the community. Think what all of YOU can do if you take initiative, lead from the bottom, and step outside of your leadership hierarchies when you need to. @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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WHERE TO FIND ME ▸ https://HenryNeeds.Coffee ▸ Points to Blog, GitHub, LinkedIn ▸ https://fairfight.com/ ▸ The right to vote is important! Please donate if you can. @Quinncuatro || https://henryneeds.coffee All Day DevOps 2020

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