A presentation at DevOpsDays Zurich 2018 in May 2018 in Zürich, Switzerland by Rachael Byrne
Don’t be a bystander, be an Incident Commander Rachael Byrne
Something is broken! @b3rachael
Major Incident Incident Response Incident Commander @b3rachael
Who can lead? @b3rachael
(spoiler, none are technical) @b3rachael
Incident Commander Skills
Process Communication Time management Listening @b3rachael
Inclusive Incident Response Training @b3rachael
Coordinate and delegate @b3rachael
Office Hours @b3rachael
Shadow @b3rachael
Scribe @b3rachael
Failure Friday @b3rachael
Reverse Shadow @b3rachael
Celebrate @b3rachael
Inclusive IC Training 1. Define the role 2. Office hours 3. Shadow 4. Scribe 5. Failure Friday 6. Reverse shadow @b3rachael
#DevOps @b3rachael
Thank you @b3rachael response.pagerduty.com