There be weeds [image]: Two fluffy dandelion weeds in a green field
● Fast forward a few years and… a few talk listing and package updates later… I noticed that my Digital Garden got… weedy. And Gatsby had versioned up to 5.3, while my site was on 2.3
● I considering an upgrade and asked an industry colleague familiar with Gatsby how painful this upgrade would be. Of course I already knew the answer. 3 major versions. Ouch. But! After asking, and hearing the expected — yes it’ll be a pain — the advice leaned towards the obvious.
● “If it’s using JavaScript, it requires regular maintenance” (OK…) which turned into a suggestion to use Squarespace, since it didn’t require maintenance.
[image]: UnSplash — masaaki-komori—0M1TKzvr3Y-unsplash