Jest can do whaaat?

A presentation at React Open Source Berlin in November 2017 in Berlin, Germany by Robin Pokorny

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JEST can do whaaat? @robinpokorny React Open Source Berlin 1 November 2017

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INFO Slides accompany a talk. Here, the talk is missing. For the full experience see the recording. I welcome any feedback!

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WHAT IS JEST delightful, zero configuration testing platform Jasmine’s and Expect’s successor practical utilities for awesome DX

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describe(‘method’, () !=> { test(‘works’, () !=> { const full = { number: 1975, bool: true, string: ‘Hello, Vanek’, promise: Promise.resolve(‘Better job’), symbol: Symbol(‘brewery’), [Symbol.for(‘brewmaster’)]: ‘Next beer!’, … }; expect(full).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(1936).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); TEST

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!// Jest Snapshot v1, https:!// exports[method works 1] = Object { "bool": true, … "undefined": undefined, Symbol(brewmaster): "Next beer!", }; exports[method works 2] = 1936; SNAPSHOT

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` Object { “bool”: true, “func”: [Function], “map”: Map { “position1” !=> “workman”, “position2” !=> “stockkeeper”, }, “null”: null, “number”: 1975, “promise”: Promise {}, SNAPSHOT

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SNAPSHOT } ` “set”: Set { “think”, “write”, “snitch”, }, “string”: “Hello, Vanek”, “symbol”: Symbol(brewery), “undefined”: undefined, Symbol(brewmaster): “Next beer!”,

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describe(‘method’, () !=> { test(‘works’, () !=> { const full = { … }; TEST expect(full).toMatchSnapshot(‘new name’); }); }); SNAPSHOT exports[new name 1] =

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test(‘mock function’, () !=> { const fn = jest.fn(); TEST fn(‘Vanek’); fn(‘Ferdinand’, ‘Vanek’); expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(‘Vanek’); expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(‘Ferdinand’, ‘Vanek’); expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); !// vs expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); });

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exports[method mock function 1] = Array [ Array [ "Vanek", ], Array [ "Ferdinand", "Vanek", ], ]; SNAPSHOT

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exports[component with defaults] = ` <div style={ Object { “backgroundColor”: “black”, “display”: “flex”, “flexDirection”: “column”, } }> <h1> … SNAPSHOT

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TEST expect(Immutable.Map({ a: 1, b: 2 })).toMatchSnapshot(); exports[method immutable 1] = Immutable.Map { "a": 1, "b": 2, }; SNAPSHOT

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const plugin = { SERIALISER test(val) { return val !&& val.isPlay; }, serialize(val, config, indent, depth, refs, printer) { const name =; const newIndent = indent + config.indent; return ( Play <${val.title}>: + printer(val.content, config, newIndent, depth!++, refs) ); } };

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expect.addSnapshotSerializer(plugin); or // package.json { … “jest”: { “snapshotSerializers”: [“plugin.js”] } } SERIALISER

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test(‘play’, () !=> { const play = { isPlay: true, title: ‘Audience’, content: { scenes: 1 } }; expect([ play ]).toMatchSnapshot(); }); TEST

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SNAPSHOT exports[method play 1] = Array [ Play <Audience>: Object { "scenes": 1, }, ];

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TEST test(‘diff’, () !=> { const play = { title: ‘Audience’, characters: 2 }; expect(play).toMatchSnapshot(); expect({ !!…play, characters: 3 }).toMatchSnapshot(); });

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exports[diff 1] = Object { "characters": 2, "title": "Audience", }; exports[diff 2] = Object { "characters": 3, "title": "Audience", }; SNAPSHOT

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const { toMatchDiffSnapshot } = require(‘snapshot-diff’); expect.extend({ toMatchDiffSnapshot }); test(‘diff’, () !=> { const play = { title: ‘Audience’, characters: 2 }; expect(play) .toMatchDiffSnapshot({ !!…play, characters: 3 }); });

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exports[diff 1] = "Snapshot Diff: - First value + Second value Object { !\\"characters!\\": 2, + !\\"characters!\\": 3, !\\"title!\\": !\\"Audience!\\", }"; SNAPSHOT

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TDD ✖ SNAPSHOTS algorithms structures write before concurrent or after part whole inside codebase

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$ jest !—watch $ npm test !— !—watch

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understands dependencies filter by Path or Test name Update snapshots failed re-run first

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!// moduleA.spec.js const moduleA = require(‘./moduleA’); test(‘moduleA’, () !=> { expect(moduleA()).toBe(true); }); !// moduleA.js const moduleB = require(‘./moduleB’); DEPS

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ASYNC in JEST testing

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CALLBACK test(‘promise’, done !=> { Promise.resolve(7) .then(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(7); }) .then(done) .catch(; });

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test(‘promises’, () !=> { Promise.resolve(8).then(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(7); }); return Promise.resolve(7).then(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(7); }); }); PROMISES

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test(‘reject’, () !=> { return Promise.reject(0).catch(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(0); }); }); REJECTION

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test(‘reject’, () !=> { return Promise.reject(0).catch(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(0); }); }); test(‘reject’, () !=> { return Promise.resolve(7).catch(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(0); }); }); REJECTION

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test(‘reject’, () !=> { expect.assertions(1); return Promise.resolve(7) .then(() !=> { throw new Error(‘Not rejected!’); }) .catch(n !=> { expect(n).toBe(0); }); }); REJECTION

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test(‘async’, async () !=> { const n = await Promise.resolve(7) const m = await Promise.resolve(42) expect(n).toBe(7) expect(m).toBe(42) }) ASYNC AWAIT

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test(‘async’, async () !=> { const n = Promise.resolve(7) const m = await Promise.resolve(42) expect(n).toBe(7) expect(m).toBe(42) }) ASYNC AWAIT

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test(‘async rejection’, async () !=> { try { await Promise.reject(0); } catch (e) { expect(e).toBe(0); } }); ASYNC REJECTION

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test(‘async rejection’, async () !=> { try { await Promise.resolve(7); } catch (e) { expect(e).toBe(0); } }); ASYNC REJECTION

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test(‘async rejection’, async () !=> { try { await Promise.resolve(0); expect(true).toBe(false); } catch (e) { expect(e).toBe(0); } }); ASYNC REJECTION

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.RESOLVES & .REJECTS test(‘resolves/rejects’, async () !=> { await expect(Promise.resolve(7)).resolves.toBe(7); await expect(Promise.reject(0)).rejects.not.toBe(7); });

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JEST can do will do whaaat?

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test(‘mockName’, () !=> { const mockFn = jest.fn(); expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); MOCK NAME

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test(‘mockName’, () !=> { const mockFn = jest.fn(); MOCK NAME expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test(‘mockName’, () !=> { const mockFn = jest.fn().mockName(‘mockedFunction’); expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); });

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INFO GIF not supported in PDF

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$ jest packages/moduleA $ jest packages/moduleA !—passWithNoTests

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INFO GIF not supported in PDF by @kentcdodds

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RELATED • • • • • • • Jest Snapshots and Beyond by Rogelio Guzman (recording) Writing snapshot plugins in the docs Effective Snapshot Testing by Kent C. Dodds Async testing in Jest (recording) Snapshot testing in Jest (recording) Async testing Koa with Jest INFO Full links in the description

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Help others to go JEST can do whaaat? @robinpokorny