VR ≠ the Immersive web (WebXR) VR is not a toy. It’s a new medium. New media can’t be exclusive
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Is the fallback input for mobile VR inclusive enough for everyone?
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Navigating VR for Physically Disabled Users with Binary Input Controls
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NSCISC: >250.000 people with quadriplegia (tetraplegia) in the US each year Majority: Neurological disease/disorders & birth defects (MS/ALS/Polio/…) Random accidents: Statistically every 41 min a person in the US sustains a traumatic spinal cord injury (many paralyzing) @rolanddubois
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Sip-and-Puff -
introduced to navigate wheelchairs in the 1960s
two (stereo) input frequencies: sip/puff strong/soft/continuous
rebirth in IOT and AT for productivity software
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From Sip-and-Puff To Binary
mapped with the W3C standard Gamepad API to enable assistive technology (AT) devices
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Locomotion Mode
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Interaction Mode
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433 Hackers 110 Team submissions Best Application For Accessibility Wayfair Way-more Best Use of an HTC Vive Focus 3x winner at the world’s largest, most diverse XR Hackathon. January 17-21st, 2019 @ the MIT Media Lab, Boston
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Thanks! Roland Dubois rolanddubois.com @rolanddubois #aframe_nyc #webxr @aframevr