Unleash your web skills on native!

A presentation at Dutch PHP Conference in June 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Rowdy Rabouw

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Unleash your web skills on native!

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Web developer mood coaster

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web developer in natural habitat

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web developer • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Sass • Node Package Manager Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 7/129

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web developer on native iOS / Android

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web developer & native • App stores • Provisioning files • Java or Kotlin for Android • Objective-C or Swift for iOS Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 10/129

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web developer with nativescript

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web developer & nativescript • App stores • Provisioning files • NativeScript • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Sass • Node Package Manager Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 13/129

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web developer ❤ nativescript

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Rowdy Rabouw @rowdyrabouw Gouda, The Netherlands I ❤ superhero movies Freelance web and app developer Lead developer Nationale-Nederlanden Pension App Progress Developer Expert for Nativescript Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 17/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want/need a native User Interface and native performance? No Yes Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 20/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want/need a native User Interface and native performance? No Yes Phonegap / Cordova with Ionic • WebView • DOM to manipulate • HTML styled like native Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 21/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want/need a native User Interface and native performance? No Yes Phonegap / Cordova with Ionic • WebView • DOM to manipulate • HTML styled like native continue Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 22/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you have too much money and time? Yes No Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 23/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you have too much money and time? Yes No Native iOS and Android • Twice the work Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 24/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you have too much money and time? Yes No Native iOS and Android • Twice the work continue Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 25/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you potentially want/need to share code with the web? Or do you want/need to use web technologies? No Yes Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 26/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you potentially want/need to share code with the web? Or do you want/need to use web technologies? No Yes Xamarin • .NET or C# • Cross compiling • Bindings to access native APIs Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 27/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you potentially want/need to share code with the web? Or do you want/need to use web technologies? No Yes Flutter • Dart • Cross compiling • Beta Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 28/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you potentially want/need to share code with the web? Or do you want/need to use web technologies? No Yes Flutter • Dart • Cross compiling • Beta continue Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 29/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want to use modern JavaScript? No Yes Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 30/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want to use modern JavaScript? No Yes Titanium • No ES6/ES2015 support • Can’t use NPM • Old MVC framework (Alloy) Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 31/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you want to use modern JavaScript? No Yes Titanium • No ES6/ES2015 support • Can’t use NPM • Old MVC framework (Alloy) continue Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 32/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you know and like React? Yes No Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 33/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you know and like React? Yes No React Native • React • Native code to access APIs • Version 0.55 Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 34/129

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Mobile App framework decision guide Do you know and like React? Yes No React Native • React • Native code to access APIs • Version 0.55 continue Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 35/129

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What is NativeScript? • Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps • JavaScript, markup (XML/HTML) and CSS • Native code inside your JavaScript if you want and dare • Cross Platform: one codebase for iOS and Android • Backed by software company Progress • Android 4.2 or a later stable official release • iOS 7.0 or later stable official release Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 39/129

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Nice … but get me up to speed

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install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)”

install Node.js

brew install node

install NativeScript CLI

npm install -g nativescript

install iOS and Android requirements


@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘https://www.nativescript.org/setup/win’))”


ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://www.nativescript.org/setup/mac)” Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 42/129

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NativeScript CLI (tns = Telerik NativeScript)

tns <Command> [Command Parameters] [— command <Options>] tns create <app-name> tns create <app-name> —tsc tns create <app-name> —ng vue init nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template <app-name> tns create <app-name> —template <template-url> tns platform add ios tns platform add android tns build ios tns build android tns run ios tns run android Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 43/129

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markup like on the web

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Markup http://2xr.nl/markup https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/components < ActionBar

title =”Native elements”/> < StackLayout

< Button

text =”Button” tap =”{{ onButtonTap }}”/>

< Switch

checked =”false”/>

< SegmentedBar

items =”{{ segmentedBarItems }}”/>

< Progress

value =”0” maxValue =”100”/>

< Slider

value =”0” minValue =”0” maxValue =”100”/>

< DatePicker

year =”2018” month =”1” day =”1”

minDate =”1970-01-01” maxDate =”2100-12-31”/> </ StackLayout

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 53/129

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TextField https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_text_field.textfield < TextField /> < TextField

text =”“/> < TextField

hint =”Enter your name”/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 55/129

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TextField: autocapitalization https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_text_field.textfield < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”allCharacters”/> < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”sentences”/> < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”words”/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 56/129

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TextField: autocapitalization https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_text_field.textfield < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”allCharacters”/> < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”sentences”/> < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”words”/> < TextField

autocapitalizationType =”none”/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 57/129

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TextField: autocorrect https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_text_field.textfield < TextField

autocorrect =”true”/> < TextField

autocorrect =”false”/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 58/129

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TextField: keyboardType http://2xr.nl/keyboardType https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_enums.keyboardtype < TextField

keyboardType =”number”/> < TextField

keyboardType =”datetime”/> < TextField

keyboardType =”phone”/> < TextField

keyboardType =”email”/> < TextField

keyboardType =”url”/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 59/129

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TextField: more attributes https://docs.nativescript.org/api-reference/modules/ui_text_field.textfield < TextField

textAlignment =”“/> < TextField

visibility =”“/> < TextField

width =”“/> < TextField

maxLength =”“/> Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 61/129

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Layouts https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/layouts Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 62/129

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Layouts https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/layouts Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 63/129

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DockLayout https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/layouts < DockLayout

height =”100%”

stretchLastChild =”true”>

< Label

text =”1” dock =”top”/>

< Label

text =”2” dock =”bottom”/>

< Label

text =”3” dock =”right”/>

< Label

text =”4” dock =”left”/> </ DockLayout

<!— 1 + 2 have fixed height 3 has fixed width 4 will get all remaining space —>

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 64/129

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GridLayout https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/layouts < GridLayout

rows =”100, auto, *”

columns =”100, auto, *”>

< Label

text =”1” row =”0” col =”0”>

< Label

text =”2” row =”0” col =”1”

colSpan =”2”/>

< Label

text =”3” row =”1” col =”0”

rowSpan =”2”/>

< Label

text =”4” row =”1” col =”1”/>

< Label

text =”5” row =”1” col =”2”/>

< Label

text =”6” row =”2” col =”1”/>

< Label

text =”7” row =”2” col =”2”/> </ GridLayout

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 65/129

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Cascading Style Sheets

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Cascading Style Sheets https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/styling • a large subset of CSS properties is supported • device-independent pixels • application-wide, page-specific or inline • platform-specific possible • animations • SASS Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 68/129

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{N} Core Themes https://docs.nativescript.org/ui/theme • ready to use color schemes • tailored for iOS and Android Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw

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NativeScript Theme Builder https://www.nativescriptthemebuilder.com Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 70/129

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TabView < TabView

height =”100%”>

< StackLayout * tabItem =”{title: ‘Rocket Raccoon’}” class =”full rocket”/>

< StackLayout * tabItem =”{title: ‘Harley Quinn’}” class =”full harley”/>

< StackLayout * tabItem =”{title: ‘Hulk’}” class =”full hulk”/> </ TabView

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 71/129

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TabView .full {

background-size : cover;

background-position : center;

background-repeat : no-repeat; } .rocket { background-image : url ( “~/images/rocket-raccoon.jpg” ); } .harley { background-image : url ( “~/images/harley-quinn.jpg” ); } .hulk { background-image : url ( “~/images/hulk.jpg” ); } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 72/129

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Fantastic 4 Choices

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4 Fantastic Choices

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Native Code

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{N} Angular directory structure app/components/slider/ slider.component.html slider.component.ts slider.component.css slider-routing.module.ts slider-module.ts Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 83/129

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slider.component.html < ActionBar

title =”Slider”></ ActionBar

< StackLayout

< Slider

value =”70”></ Slider

</ StackLayout

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 84/129

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slider.component.ts import { Component } from

“@angular/core” ; @Component({

selector : “app-slider” ,

moduleId : module .id,

templateUrl : “slider.component.html” ,

styleUrls : [ “slider.component.css” ] }) export

class SliderComponent {

constructor () {} } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 85/129

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slider.component.css ActionBar {

color : white;

background-color : red; } StackLayout {

padding : 50 ; } Slider {

background-color : red; } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 86/129

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Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 87/129

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slider.component.html < ActionBar

title =”Slider”></ ActionBar

< StackLayout

< Slider


value =”70”></ Slider

</ StackLayout

• attribute directive • changes the appearance or behavior of an element Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 88/129

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slider.directive.ts import { Directive, ElementRef } from

“@angular/core” ; import { isIOS } from

“platform” ; @Directive({

selector : “[slider-icon]” }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( “image.png” ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 89/129

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slider.directive.ts import { Directive, ElementRef } from

“@angular/core” ; import { isIOS } from

“platform” ; @Directive({

selector : “[slider-icon]” }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( “image.png” ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 90/129

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slider.directive.ts import { Directive, ElementRef } from

“@angular/core” ; import { isIOS } from

“platform” ; @Directive({

selector : “[slider-icon]” }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( “image.png” ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 91/129

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slider.module.ts import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from

“@angular/core” ; import { NativeScriptModule } from

“nativescript-angular/nativescript.module” ; import { SliderIconDirective } from

”./slider.directive” ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from

”./slider-routing.module” ; import { SliderComponent } from

”./slider.component” ; @NgModule({

imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],

declarations : [SliderComponent, SliderIconDirective],

schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export

class SliderModule {} Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 92/129

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Packages & Libraries

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Node Package Manager • commonly known as npm • ready to use JavaScript modules • about 650.000 packages of free, reusable code • npm install packagename —save • package.json Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 97/129

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Node Package Manager crypto-js Cryptography standards (AES-256) accounting.js Number, money and currency formatting email-validator Email syntax validator Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 98/129

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Android Arsenal • libraries for Android (Java / Kotlin) Cocoapods • libraries for iOS (Objective-C / Swift) Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 99/129

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Multilingual: ngx-translate

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Multilingual: ngx-translate • internationalization library for Angular 2+ • define translations in different languages • switch between them easily • no hardcoded text/labels, all in one place • start directly, even with one language Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 102/129

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Multilingual: ngx-translate {

“HOME” : {

“TITLE” : “Hello Dutch PHP Conference!” ,

“TEXT” : “It’s great to be here and introduce NativeScript to you.” ,

“SLIDER” : “Slider” ,

“ENGLISH” : “English” ,

“FOREIGN” : “Dutch” ,

“MIP” : “WowWee MiP” ,

“SPEECH_RECOGNITION” : “Speech Recognition” } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 103/129

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Multilingual: ngx-translate < ActionBar

[ title ]=“‘HOME.TITLE’ | translate”> </ ActionBar

< Button

[ text ]=“‘HOME.ENGLISH’ | translate” ( tap )=”changeLanguage(‘en’)”> </ Button

[] = one way data binding in Angular | = display-value transformations Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 104/129

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NativeScript Plugins

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What are {N} plugins? When the NativeScript core modules do not provide the native device or platform capability that you need, you can use plugins. • version-number plugin • version-number.ios.ts • version-number.android.ts • version-number.d.ts Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 108/129

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version-number.ios.ts declare let NSBundle: any; export

class VersionNumber {

constructor () { } getVersion(): string {

let version = NSBundle.mainBundle .objectForInfoDictionaryKey( “CFBundleShortVersionString” );

return version; } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 109/129

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version-number.android.ts import * as application from

“application” ; declare let android: any; declare let java: any; export

class VersionNumber {

constructor () { } getVersion(): string {

let PackageManager = android.content.pm.PackageManager;

let pkg = application.android.context .getPackageManager() .getPackageInfo(application.android.context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);

return java.lang.Integer.toString(pkg.versionCode); } } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 110/129

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version-number.d.ts export declare class VersionNumber {

constructor (); getVersion(): string; } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 111/129

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package.json { “name”: “nativescript-version-number”, “version”: “1.0.0”, “main”: “version-number”, “typings”: “version-number.d.ts”, …. } Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 112/129

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install from NPM

tns plugin add nativescript-version-number

install from local

tns plugin add ../nativescript-version-number Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 113/129

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use import { VersionNumber } from

“nativescript-version-number” ; let version = new VersionNumber().getVersion(); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 114/129

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Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 115/129

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{N} Plugins live demo ?

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Nativescript plugins • nativescript-bluetooth • nativescript-camera • nativescript-social-share • nativescript-speech-recognition • nativescript-texttospeech • nativescript-videoplayer Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 117/129

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nativescript-bluetooth import * as bluetooth from

“nativescript-bluetooth” ; bluetooth.isBluetoothEnabled() .then( function ( enabled ) { alert( “Enabled? “

  • enabled); }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 118/129

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nativescript-bluetooth private uuid = “CA9F644C-1920-4572-8833-1D137A6T2A05” ; bluetooth.startScanning({

seconds : 4 ,

onDiscovered : peripheral => {

if (peripheral.UUID == this .uuid) { bluetooth.connect({

UUID : peripheral.UUID,

onConnected : peripheral => { bluetooth.stopScanning();

// do stuff } }); } } }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 119/129

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nativescript-camera import * as camera from

“nativescript-camera” ; import { ImageSource } from

“tns-core-modules/image-source” ; camera.requestPermissions(); camera.takePicture({

width : 1000 ,

height : 1000 }) .then( imageAsset => {

new ImageSource().fromAsset(imageAsset).then( imageSource => {

// do something with the image }); }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 120/129

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nativescript-social-share import * as camera from

“nativescript-camera” ; import { ImageSource } from

“tns-core-modules/image-source” ; import * as SocialShare from

“nativescript-social-share” ; camera.requestPermissions(); camera.takePicture({

width : 1000 ,

height : 1000 }) .then( imageAsset => {

new ImageSource().fromAsset(imageAsset).then( imageSource => { SocialShare.shareImage(imageSource); }); }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 121/129

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nativescript-speech-recognition import { SpeechRecognition, SpeechRecognitionTranscription }


“nativescript-speech-recognition” ; private speechRecognition = new SpeechRecognition(); this .speechRecognition.available().then(

( available: boolean ) =>

console .log(available ? “YES!” : “NO” ), (err: string) => console .log(err) ); this .speechRecognition.requestPermission().then( ( granted: boolean ) => {

console .log( “Granted? “

  • granted); }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 122/129

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nativescript-speech-recognition this .speechRecognition.startListening({

locale : “en-US” ,

returnPartialResults : true ,

onResult : ( transcription: SpeechRecognitionTranscription ) => {

console .log( User said: ${transcription.text} ); } }); this .speechRecognition.stopListening().then( () => {

// do something with the recognized text }); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 123/129

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nativescript-texttospeech import { TNSTextToSpeech, SpeakOptions }


“nativescript-texttospeech” ; let textToSpeech = new TNSTextToSpeech(); let speakOptions: SpeakOptions = {

text : “Hello world!” ,

locale : “en-GB” ,

speakRate : 0.5 ,

pitch : 0.8 }; textToSpeech.speak(speakOptions); Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 124/129

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Slide 125

nativescript-videoplayer < VideoPlayer

src =”video.mp4”

controls =”true”

loop =”true”

autoplay =”false”> </ VideoPlayer

Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 125/129

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{N} Plugins live demo ?

Slide 127

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Slide 128

Dank je wel Amsterdam! @rowdyrabouw 2xr.nl/DPcon joind.in/talk/550b3

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Links Native elements playground: http://2xr.nl/markup keyboardType playground: http://2xr.nl/keyboardType TabView playground: http://2xr.nl/TabView Plugin demo app: https://github.com/rowdyrabouw/NativeScriptTalk/tree/dpcon Unleash your web skills on native! - Rowdy Rabouw - Dutch PHP Conference 2018 - @rowdyrabouw 129/129