Hello, I’m Sally. I’m currently Engineering Director for Safety and Integrity at Bumble Inc.
I love giving talks that share practical tips, but which also get people thinking about their use of technology and some of the impacts it can have on the people (and world) around them.
Outside of this I love tea, learning Japanese, and have photos collections of hotel carpets, manhole covers, and train stamps.
You’re at a conference! You’re listening to interesting talks, getting inspired by being around like-minded folks, and preparing to take everything back to work on Monday. You’re going to change the world! Except… it’s not always that easy, is it?
In this session we’ll look at standards in the context of practical tips to help take others along on that journey too. Using examples from Sally’s work at Monzo and beyond, we’ll discuss how to empower the people around you, and ultimately how and why we should be making a better web for everyone.