Savvas Dalkitsis

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Using Git like a pro: Shazam’s “master-only” workflow, other branching strategies and Git hacks 360|AnDev July 2016
Using Git like a pro: Shazam's "master-only" workflow, other branching strategies and Git hacks Droidcon Zagreb April 2016
Using Git like a pro: Shazam's "master-only" workflow, other branching strategies and Git hacks Droidcon Dubai March 2016
Using Git like a pro: Shazam's "master-only" workflow, other branching strategies and Git hacks Droidcon Bucharest March 2016
Lightweight Android lifecycle annotations Java2Days November 2015
Lightweight Android lifecycle annotations Mobiconf October 2015
Lightweight Android lifecycle annotations Londroid @ Codenode September 2015
Preventing Analytics and Ads from polluting your codebase Droidcon Greece September 2015
Preventing Analytics and Ads from polluting your codebase Devoxx June 2015
Preventing Analytics and Ads from polluting your codebase Droidcon Montreal 2015 April 2015
How we Build Rock-solid Apps and Keep 100M+ Users Happy at Shazam QCon London 2015 March 2015
How we Build Rock-solid Apps and Keep 100M+ Users Happy at Shazam Droidcon London October 2014
Where are all the senior people? London Mobile Forum 2.0 April 2014
Introducing Gwen: BDD on Android done right LiveCode Android London December 2013

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