Cracking the Code to Secure Software

A presentation at Devoxx Poland 2017 in June 2017 in Kraków, Poland by Daniel Sawano

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Platinum Sponsor: Cracking the Code to Secure Software Daniel Deogun & Daniel Sawano

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Daniel Deogun Daniel Sawano

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Secure by Design Secure by Design is a new approach to software security that lets you create secure software while still focusing on business features.

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Secure by Design “Any activity involving active decision making should be considered part of the software design process and can thus be referred to as design .”

  • Johnsson, Deogun, and Sawano

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Key Takeaway By focusing on good design principles you can create secure software without constantly thinking about security.

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • Domain Primitives • Entity Snapshots • Dealing with Legacy Code • Security in your Delivery Pipeline • Domain DoS Attacks What we’ll cover today… Design patterns Security & tests Upcoming threat

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Domain Primitives A value object so precise in its definition that it, by its mere existence, manifests its validity is called a domain primitive .

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • A Domain Primitive is very strict in its definition • If it’s not valid then it cannot exist • Defined in the current domain • It’s preciseness brings robustness in your code • It’s immutable so it will always be valid Domain Primitives

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Domain Primitives import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.inclusiveBetween; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull; public final class Quantity { private final int value; public Quantity(final int value) { inclusiveBetween(1, 200, value); this.value = value;

} public int value() { return value;

} public Quantity add(final Quantity addend) { notNull(addend); return new Quantity(value + addend.value); } // ... } Quantity is not just an int! • Enforces invariants at creation • Provides domain operations to • Encapsulate domain behavior

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • Confidentiality

  • protecting data from being read by unauthorized users • Integrity
  • ensures data is changed in an authorized way • Availability
  • concerns having data available when authorized users need it CIA [11] Not this

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Domain Primitives import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.inclusiveBetween; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull; public final class Quantity { private final int value; public Quantity(final int value) { inclusiveBetween(1, 200, value); this.value = value;

} public int value() { return value;

} public Quantity add(final Quantity addend) { notNull(addend); return new Quantity(value + addend.value); } // ... } Quantity is not just an int! • Enforces invariants at creation • Provides domain operations to • Encapsulate domain behavior

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Domain Primitives External context Your context Email Email Defined by RFC Defined by you

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Use Domain Primitives as: • the smallest building block in your domain model • to build your Domain Primitive Library • to harden your code and your APIs Domain Primitives

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL ✓ Domain Primitives • Entity Snapshots • Dealing with Legacy Code • Security in your Delivery Pipeline • Domain DoS Attacks What we’ll cover today… Design patterns Security & tests Upcoming threat

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • An entity has an identity that doesn’t change over time • The values/data belonging to an entity can change over time • Typically modeled as mutable objects Entities

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Classic Entity public final class Order { private final OrderId id; private final List<OrderItem> orderItems = new ArrayList<>(); public Order(final OrderId id) { = notNull(id); } public void addItem(final OrderItem item) { notNull(item); orderItems.add(item); }

// ... }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Entity Snapshots are: • Securing mutable state by making it immutable • An immutable representation of a mutable entity • Solves many of the security problems with regular entities Entity Snapshots

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Entity Snapshots public final class Order { private final OrderId id; private final List<OrderItem> orderItems; public Order(final OrderId id, final List<OrderItem> orderItems) { noNullElements(orderItems); notNull(id); = id; this.orderItems = unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(orderItems)); } public List<OrderItem> orderItems() { return orderItems; } // ... }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Entity Snapshots public final class WritableOrder { private final OrderId id; private final OrderRepository repository; public WritableOrder(final OrderId id, final OrderRepository repository) { = notNull(id); this.repository = notNull(repository); } public void addOrderItem(final OrderItem orderItem) { notNull(orderItem); isOkToAdd(orderItem); repository.addItemToOrder(id, orderItem); } private void isOkToAdd(final OrderItem orderItem) { // domain validation logic to ensure it's ok to add order } }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL ✓ Domain Primitives ✓ Entity Snapshots • Dealing with Legacy Code • Security in your Delivery Pipeline • Domain DoS Attacks What we’ll cover today… Design patterns Security & tests Upcoming threat

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Dealing with Legacy Code [6] Declutter Entities Harden your APIs Draw the Line [7] [8] 3 good design patterns

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • We need to identify the semantic boundary of a context • Add a layer that internally translates data to a domain primitive and then back again

data -> domain primitive -> data • This way, we have created a validation boundary that protects the inside from bad input • But, if rejecting data is to harsh, consider logging it for insight Draw the Line [6]

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • Create a library of domain primitives • Express your APIs with your domain primitives • Never accept generic input if you have specific requirements Harden the API Generic Specific [7] void buyBook(ISBN, Quantity) void buyBook(String, int)

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Decluttering Entities [8] import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.isTrue; public class Order { 
 private final List<Object> items; 
 private boolean paid; 
 public void addItem(String isbn, int qty) { 
 if (this.paid == false) { 
 isTrue(isbn.length() == 10); 
 isTrue(isbn.matches(“[0-9]{9}[0-9X]”)); if (inventory.avaliableBooks(isbn, qty)) {

Book book = bookcatalogue.findBy(isbn); 
 items.add(new OrderLine(book, qty)); 

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Decluttering Entities [8] import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.isTrue; public class Order { 
 private final List<Object> items; 
 private boolean paid; 
 public void addItem(final ISBN isbn, final Quantity quantity) { notNull(isbn); notNull(quantity); isTrue(notPaid());

    if (inventory.avaliableBooks(isbn, quantity)) {
        Book book = bookcatalogue.findBy(isbn);

 items.add(new OrderLine(book, quantity)); 

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL ✓ Domain Primitives ✓ Entity Snapshots ✓ Dealing with Legacy Code • Security in your Delivery Pipeline • Domain DoS Attacks What we’ll cover today… Design patterns Security & tests Upcoming threat

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Security in your Delivery Pipeline [10] [12]

  • Unit Testing

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL The Hospital Case [9]

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Email Domain Primitive External context Your context Email Email Defined by RFC Defined by you

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Normal & Boundary Testing Normal Boundary Tests with i nput that clearly meets the domain rules Tests that verify behavior around the boundary

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Email Address v1.0 public final class EmailAddress { public final String value; public EmailAddress(final String value) {

matchesPattern (value.toLowerCase(), "^(?=[a-z0-9.@]{15,77}$) [a-z0-9]+\.?[a-z0-9]+@\$"); this.value = value.toLowerCase(); } ... }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Invalid Input Testing • Any input that doesn't satisfy the domain rules is considered invalid • For some reason, null, empty strings, or "strange" characters tend to result in unexpected behavior

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Testing with invalid input @TestFactory Stream<DynamicTest> should_reject_invalid_input() { return Stream.of( null,
" ",
" ",
" ",
"e x a m p l e @ hospital . c o m",
"=0@$*^%;<!->.:\()&#"") .map(input -> dynamicTest("Rejected: " + input, assertInvalidEmail(input))); }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Email Address v2.0 public final class EmailAddress { public final String value; public EmailAddress(final String value) {

notNull(value, "Input cannot be null");

matchesPattern (value.toLowerCase(), "^(?=[a-z0-9.@]{15,77}$) [a-z0-9]+\.?[a-z0-9]+@\$"); this.value = value.toLowerCase(); } ... }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Testing with Extreme Input • Testing the extreme is all about identifying weaknesses in the design that makes the application break or behave strangely when handling extreme values. @TestFactory Stream<DynamicTest> should_reject_extreme_input() { return Stream.<Supplier<String>>of( () -> repeat("x ", 10000),
() -> repeat("x ", 100000),
() -> repeat("x ", 1000000),
() -> repeat("x ", 10000000), () -> repeat("x ", 20000000),
() -> repeat("x ", 40000000)) .map(input -> dynamicTest("Rejecting extreme input", assertInvalidEmail(input.get()))); }

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Inefficient Backtracking v.s "^ (?=[a-z0-9.@]{15,77}$) [a-z0-9]+\.?[a-z0-9]+@\$" “^ [a-z0-9]+\.?[a-z0-9]+@\$"

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL ✓ Domain Primitives ✓ Entity Snapshots ✓ Dealing with Legacy Code ✓ Security in your Delivery Pipeline • Domain DoS Attacks What we’ll cover today… Design patterns Security & tests Upcoming threat

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL • The main objective of a DoS attack is to prevent availability of a system’s services • A DoS attack doesn’t require heavy load to be successful (asymmetric) DoS Attacks

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Domain DoS Attacks A DoS attack caused by utilizing domain rules in a malicious way is called a Domain DoS

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL We need great customer service! Domain DoS Example - The Hotel Full refund if cancelled before 4 p.m. Book all empty rooms No rooms available for ordinary customers [9]

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Uber vs Ola [4]

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Lyft vs Uber [5]

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Key Takeaway By focusing on good design principles you can create secure software without constantly thinking about security.

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL Questions & More [2] URL: Discount code: ctwdevoxxpl17 (40% off) Want a free ebook? Catch us in the break!

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@ DanielDeogun @DanielSawano #D evoxxPL [1] by Stewart Butterfield under license [2] by Damián Navas under license [3] by Graeme Fowler under license [4] Uber vs Ola, [5] Lyft vs Uber, [6] 3d key, by Yoel Ben-Avraham under license [7] Building blocks, by Tiffany Terry under license [8] Doctors Stock Photo,, by Sergio Santos under license [9] “Anonymous” - Icon made by Egor Rumyantsev from - CC 3.0 References