Failing Continuous Delivery

A presentation at Devoxx Morocco 2015 in November 2015 in Casablanca, Morocco by Daniel Sawano

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#DevoxxMA @DevoxxMA Failing Continuous Delivery @DanielSawano, @DanielDeogun Omegapoint

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About Us… Daniel Deogun Daniel Sawano Omegapoint Stockholm - Gothenburg - Malmoe - Umea - New York

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About Us… Daniel Deogun Daniel Sawano Omegapoint Stockholm - Gothenburg - Malmoe - Umea - New York

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About Us… Daniel Deogun Daniel Sawano Omegapoint Stockholm - Gothenburg - Malmoe - Umea - New York

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[vanishing point ]

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[vanishing point ] Dream Inc.

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Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment? Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment

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[Candle Time] What drives CD in an organization? [Wallstreet] IT Sales CEO

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[Candle Time] What drives CD in an organization? [Wallstreet] IT Sales CEO

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[Candle Time] What drives CD in an organization? [Wallstreet] IT Sales CEO

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Core vs Supportive IT Core Supportive [Atom] [Quad Hall]

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IT - Supportive or Core?

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IT - Supportive or Core?

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IT - Supportive or Core?

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IT - Supportive or Core? 

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IT - Supportive or Core? Bank of America

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The Challenges [Elephant in the Room]

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The Challenges structure processes people [Elephant in the Room]

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Current organization is not designed to continuously produce business value

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User Business case Design Development Test Operations

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User Business case Design Development Test Operations

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User Business case Design Development Test Operations

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Security Development Infrastructure Operations

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Security Development Infrastructure Operations We’re heading this way! The future is over here! We just found the holy grail! This is the only way forward!

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Conway’s Law

“organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations ”

  • M. Conway, 1967

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Conway’s Law Applied
to Business Value

“ Organizations which design IT products are constrained to produce business value at a rate limited by the organizational structure ”

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Inverse Conway Maneuver

“… evolving your team and organizational structure to promote your desired architecture ”

  • ThoughtWorks Technology Radar

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Inverse Conway Maneuver

Be prepared to evolve your organization to enable a continuous delivery process Applied to business value:

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Process [Waterfall ]

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Process Know when to stop polishing the diamond

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Process • The only way to know if an idea that looks good on paper will generate revenue is to test it on customers • Release, measure, improve/abort

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Business [Business]

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Business • Todays market is increasingly competitive and demanding • You need IT management

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Business • IT and business is fused together • New breed of managers

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IT [Matrix Code]

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Cycle Time “…the time it takes from deciding to make a change, whether a bug fix or a feature, to having it available to users.”

  • Jez Humble, David Farley, Continuous Delivery Hmm… what if… Developing Testing Developing Testing Developing Testing Users

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Manual Testing

  • Just Automate That Sh*t [Testing]

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Implications of
Just Automate That …

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Implications of
Just Automate That … Design & Mindset Modularity Complexity Independence Maintainability Good enough?

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Implications of
Just Automate That … Test Data How to generate? Ownership Sampling Stale data? Sensitive Design & Mindset Modularity Complexity Independence Maintainability Good enough?

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Implications of
Just Automate That … Test Data How to generate? Ownership Sampling Stale data? Sensitive Design & Mindset Modularity Complexity Independence Maintainability Good enough? Cost vs Savings Hardware Risk analysis Bug preemption Training

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Implications of
Just Automate That … Test Data How to generate? Ownership Sampling Stale data? Sensitive Design & Mindset Modularity Complexity Independence Maintainability Good enough? System Dependencies Legacy Downtime Data flow Cost vs Savings Hardware Risk analysis Bug preemption Training

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Key Take Aways Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Deployment Core or Supportive IT Cultural Shift Processes & Organization Company Vision

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Q & A [Questions]

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Awesome images 1. [Wallstreet -] by Micha D. under license

[Candle Time -] by Henti Smith under license

[Quad Hall -] by Scott Wang under license

[Atom -] by Brian Westin under license

[Think Different -] by Luigi Torreggiani under license

[Elephant in the Room] by Daniel Sawano, @ 2015, all rights reserved 7. [Waterfall - ] by Vincent Moschetti under license

[Matrix Code -] by David.Asch under license

[Business -] by thinkpanama under license

[Questions -] by Damián Navas under license

[Testing -] by cta web under license

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Thank you! @DanielSawano @DanielDeogun