Aesthetics and Narrative: Programming What Cannot Be Programmed

A presentation at I T.A.K.E Unconference in May 2017 in Bucharest, Romania by D. Schmudde

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Aesthe cs and Narra ve: Programming What Cannot Be Programmed @dschmudde h p ://

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Lambda Calculus Lisp Scheme Clojure Haskell

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λ Symbolic Expressions

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λ Composable g(f(x))

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λ Pure

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λ Reason About Code Finance (Quan ta ve) Data (Quan ta ve)

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Quan ta ve Reasoning Mathema cally Provable  Correctness  Performance Cogita ng  Behavior  Improvements

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λ Long History in Abstract Domains Aesthe cs Story

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Process Chaos and Surrender Decisiveness and Agency

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The Decisive Ar st Know the Rules Before You Can Break Them

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The Decisive Programmer Know the Rules Before You Can Write Them

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We Don’t Always Know the Rules

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AARON Development: 1968 ‐ 21st Century FORTRAN → C→ Lisp (CLOS)

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Color Composing a Small Number of Primi ves

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Process AARON Consider All Possibili es and Decide

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Process Ar st Manifest Intent and Respond

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Intelligence? Crea ve?

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Autonomy “ I want to make it clear that in trying to model Harold Cohen “ cognitive behavior in a computer program […] I was not a cognitive scientist doing research, I was an artist attempting to give form to what my own cognitive experience had told me.

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Autonomy Harold Cohen (1 May 1928 – 27 April 2016) Pain ngs by AARON (1968 ‐ ?)

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Zork Development: 1975 ‐ 1982 FORTRAN (Adventure) → MDL (PDP‐10) → ZIL (Z‐Machine running Zork I‐III)

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1975 Colossal Cave Adventure Verb‐Noun Commands go west

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1977 Zork Preposi ons and Conjunc ons Direct and Indirect Objects fill the bo le with water

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ZIL <OBJECT LANTERN (LOC LIVING-ROOM) (SYNONYM LAMP LANTERN LIGHT) (ADJECTIVE BRASS) (DESC “brass lantern”) (FLAGS TAKEBIT LIGHTBIT) (ACTION LANTERN-F) (FDESC “A battery-powered lantern is on the trophy case.”) (LDESC “There is a brass lantern (battery-powered) here.”) (SIZE 15)>

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Parsing and Language Small Number of Primi ves

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Autonomy Narra ve Guide Natural Language

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Making a Movie

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Film Script: A Technical Document Clarity and precision for interpretation: Production breakdowns Camera shooting scripts Direction for actors and directors Basis for novelizations

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Autonomy script ≠ film code ≠ execu on

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Quan ta ve Acts of Crea vity

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Every Icon (1997‐present) John F. Simon, Jr.

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Super Mario Bros. (1985) Shigeru Miyamoto

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Qualita ve Reasoning Unknown Quan es Explora on of the Idea

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Borderless Kinect Overtone

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Abstract Domain

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Transducers → Input personEntered personUpdated personWillLeave

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→ Input 0: pid; 1: oid; 2: age; 3: centroid.x; 4: centroid.y; 5: velocity.x; 6: velocity.y; 7: depth; 8: boundingRect.x;

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→ Input 9: boundingRect.y; 10: boundingRect.width; 11: boundingRect.height; 12: highest.x 13: highest.y 14: haarRect.x; 15: haarRect.y; 16: haarRect.width;

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Output → vca (loudness) reverb (timbre) vco (pitch) attack (timbre) sustain (timbre) release (timbre) gate (loudness) silence (loudness)

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A/V Flow → Input: Kinect Vision Δ Internally: Clojure: Operate on Primitives → Output: Overtone Sound

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Δ Opera ons osc/person-enter ∈ @person-sound{id-1 “vowel-1” id-2 “vowel-2” …} (osc/person-updated ‘(id age)) ∃ @person-sound{id …} × (vowel (map #(* age %) [amp verb osc])

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Complexity (definst drone-ae-sus “I make the ‘ae’ vowel sound at a given frequency. I start/stop with the gate set to 1 or 0.” [freq 100 gate (synth-defaults ::gate) amp (synth-defaults ::vca) verb (synth-defaults ::reverb) kr-mul (synth-defaults ::vco)] (let [kr-mul eq-freq hpf-rlpf q synth-unit (:value kr-mul) [270 2290 3010] [600 8000 0.6] 0.1 (synth-unit-layered freq eq-freq q kr-mul)] (synth-filter-chain synth-unit amp verb gate hpf-rlpf)))

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Art Qualita ve Reasoning Know the rules before you can break them

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Art Qualita ve Reasoning Know the rules before you can break them Constraints breed creativity

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clojure.spec Integrated System For Specifica on and Tes ng

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spec Scien fic Constraints (s/def ::frequency (s/and number? #((control-range 20 20000) %) ))

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spec Aesthe c Constraints (s/def ::vca (s/and number? #((control-range 0.4 1) %))) (s/def ::reverb (s/and integer? #((control-range 0 1000) %))) (s/def ::vco (s/and integer? #((control-range 0 25) %)))

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Autonomy testable experiment‐able with spec

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Autonomy Unexpected Paths Unexpected Results Expressive Tool

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Autonomy Ar ficial Intelligence (Computers)

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Autonomy Augmented Intelligence (Humani es)

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Autonomy & Authorship

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Aesthe cs and Narra ve: Programming What Cannot Can Be Programmed @dschmudde h p :// Licensed under a Creative Commons license.