KCDC — SEPT 17, 2021
BUILT-IN TESTING IN GO IS MORE THAN JUST PASSABLE Scott McAllister PagerDuty @stmcallister
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go-pagerduty library
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The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive.
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Really, Really Brief Introduction to Go
● Released by Google in 2009 ● Designed to help solve Google’s problems ● Main Characteristics ○ Open-Source ○ Statically Typed ○ Concurrency Support ○ Powerful Standard Library ○ Built-in Testing ○ Garbage Collection
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Testing Evaluate and verify that the code does what is expected
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Unit Testing Testing the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated
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Integration Testing Testing combined modules as a group
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Testing in Go @stmcallister
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TESTING IN GO Test code typically lives in the same package as the code it tests
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TESTING IN GO Test code typically lives in the same package as the code it tests
Name of test files end in *_test.go
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TEST FUNCTIONS You can define methods on any type:
func TestHelloEmpty(t *testing.T) { msg, err := Hello(“”) if msg != “” || err == nil { t.Fatalf(Hello("") = %q, %v, want "", error, msg, err) } }
Function names begin with ‘Test’ Functions receive pointer to testing.T