How to Use Sass to Make Your Site More Maintainable

A presentation at Devsigner 2014 in May 2014 in Portland, OR, USA by Scott Vandehey

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How to Use Sass to Make Your Site More Maintainable Scott Vandehey - @spaceninja Front-End Engineer - Puppet Labs Devsigner 2014

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DRY • Don’t Repeat Yourself • Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

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“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” –Brad Bowman

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Sass Color Manipulation $r: #f00; // red $b: #00f; // blue p { color: rgba($r, 0.5); // rgba(255,0,0,.5) color: mix($r, $b); // returns #7f007f color: lighten($r, 10%); // returns #ff3333 color: darken($r, 10%); // returns #cc0000 color: complement($r); // returns cyan color: desaturate($r, 10%); // returns #f20d0d }

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Variables $brand_green: #76C642; $brand_font: “PT Sans”; $fontstack: #{$brand_font}, Arial, sans-serif; ! .btn { font-family: $fontstack; background: $brand_green; } ! Rendered Output .btn { font-family: “PT Sans”, Arial, sans-serif; background: #76C642; }

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Nesting .btn { background: $brand_green; &.orange { background: $brand_orange; } } ! Rendered Output .btn { background: #76C642; } { background: #EFA92D; }

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Includes // style.scss // This file combines all partials into one // style sheet that will be loaded on all pages. ! @import @import @import @import @import @import @import @import @import @import @import “vars”; “fonts”; “normalize”; “jquery-ui”; “drupal”; “layout”; “global”; “scoped”; “home”; “blog”; “print”; // // // // // // // // // // // Variables and mixins. Custom fonts. An alternative to CSS resets. jQuery UI overrides. Drupal-Specific Styles. Defines overall page layout. Styles used on every page. Styles scoped to individual pages. Styles scoped to the homepage. Styles scoped to the blog. Styles for printing.

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Example Partial /** * global.scss - Global Styles * These styles control the broad strokes of the theme - header, footer, etc. * These styles should apply to every section of the site. / ! / Base Colors & Fonts —————————————————————————— */ body { background: #fff; color: $main_text_color; font:16px/1.5 $fontstack; } a { @include single-transition(color, .25s); text-decoration: none; color: $link_color; &:hover, &:focus, &:active { color: $active_link_color; text-decoration: underline; } }

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Extends %shared_code { font: 30px “Comic Sans MS”; color: magenta; } p.ugly { @extend shared_code; color: green; } h1.ugly { @extend shared_code; font-size: 120px; } ! /* output on next slide */

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Extends ! Rendered Output p.ugly, h1.ugly { font: 30px “Comic Sans MS”; color: magenta; } p.ugly { color: green; } h1.ugly { font-size: 120px; }

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Mixins @mixin font-size($sizeValue, $baseline_px: 16){ font-size: ($sizeValue * 1) + px; font-size: ($sizeValue / $baseline_px) + rem; } ! h1 { @include font-size(36); } ! Rendered Output h1 { font-size: 36px; font-size: 2.25rem; }

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Buttons Old .btn { background: $puppet_green; &:hover, &:focus { background: mix(white, $puppet_green, 10%); } &.orange { background: $puppet_orange; &:hover, &:focus { background: mix(white, $puppet_orange, 10%); } } &.purple { background: $puppet_purple; &:hover, &:focus { background: mix(white, $puppet_purple, 10%); } } }

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Buttons New @mixin btn($color: $puppet_green) { background: $color; &:hover, &:focus { background: mix(white, $color, 10%); } } .btn { @include btn(); &.orange { @include btn($puppet_orange); } &.purple { @include btn($puppet_purple); } }

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Modernizr Testing @mixin yep($feature) { // feature supported .#{$feature} & { @content; } } ! @mixin nope($feature) { // feature not supported .no-#{$feature} & { @content; } } ! /* usage on next slide */

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Modernizr Testing #logo { @include yep(svg) { background: url(logo.svg): } @include nope(svg) { background: url(logo.png): } } ! Rendered Output .svg #logo { background: url(logo.svg): } .no-svg #logo { background: url(logo.png): }

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Flexible Columns, Fixed Gutter @mixin span-columns($columns, $gutter: 20px) { $gutterWidth: (($columns - 1) * $gutter); $columnWidth: “(100% - #{$gutterWidth}) / #{$columns}”; width: calc($columnWidth); float: left; margin: 0 $gutter $gutter 0; @include nope(csscalc) { // fallback styles for browsers that don’t do calc() } } .three-columns .column { @include span-columns(3); } Rendered Output ! .three-columns .column { width: calc((100% - 40px) / 3); margin: 0 20px 20px 0; } .no-csscalc .three-columns .column { /* fallback styles / } ! / abbreviated for readability. full source: */