Running a Serverless Lucene Reverse Geocoder Alexander Reelsen @spinscale
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Agenda ‣ What is serverless? ‣ Searching for Locations ‣ Demo ‣ Searching with Lucene using a binary
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Serverless? ‣ FaaS (Function as a Service) ‣ Execution Environment as a Service ‣ Payment model: Pay per code runtime ‣ Not running? No bill! ‣ Configure memory size (also changes CPU power) ‣ Maximum function execution time ‣ Provider takes care of scaling functions
Java? ‣ Not too well suited for short lived tasks ‣ JVM startup time ‣ JIT compiler ‣ Dependency initialisation ‣ Application initialisation
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Location search
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Reverse Geocoder ‣ Input: Latitude, Longitude ‣ Output: City (a readable representation)
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Search across points ‣ Each city gets indexed with a lat/lon pair ‣ Search for the next point to the supplied one ‣ Problem: Neighbours!
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Point based search: Near neighbours
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Point based search: Near neighbours
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Search across shapes ‣ Each city gets indexed with a lat/lon pair ‣ Certain cities get indexed as a geoshape ‣ Search twice: ‣ Lat/Lon within any shape ‣ Lat/Lon nearby any point
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Geo and Lucene: BFF! ‣ LatLonPoint: two points, 4 bytes each ‣ LatLonShape: triangular mesh tesselation
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Geo and Lucene: BFF!
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Geo and Lucene: BFF!
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Serverless Lucene ‣ Local execution, index part of the package ‣ Offline index creation ‣ Packaging index into code ‣ Index needs to be unpacked, using Lucene via classpath resources is tricky
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Summary ‣ Works! ‣ Problem: Data quality, getting accurate shape data ‣ Problem: First invocation (up to 2s) ‣ JVM startup ‣ Lucene index opening
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Faster startup & runtime
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Enter GraalVM! ‣ A new compiler, supporting HotSpot and AOT compilation ‣ Graal compiler part of Java9 (experimental!) ‣ Graal JIT compiler part of Java10 (Linux 64bit only) ‣ Project Metropolis: Java-on-Java Hotspot implementation ‣ Truffle: Interpreter to implement other languages on top of graal (jruby replacement)
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Enter GraalVM! ‣ AOT static compilation + SubstrateVM = executable binaries of java apps ‣ Using SubstrateVM ‣ Reflection!