Introduction into Elasticsearch & Spring Data Elasticsearch

A presentation at JUG CH in June 2020 in by Alexander Reelsen

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Introduction into Elasticsearch & Spring Data Elasticsearch Alexander Reelsen Community Advocate | @spinscale

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TOC Why do you need a search engine in your app? Introduction into Elasticsearch Introduction into Spring Data Elasticsearch Demo Running Elasticsearch: Scaling your cluster Next steps

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Why do you need a search engine? … or any data store

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Speed, Scale & Relevance

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… and much more NRT: Searching & Indexing Read scalability & write scalability Resiliency Operational simplicity & monitoring capabilities Developer experience Infrastructure integration Team experience Use-Cases: Observability, Workplace Search, Security, Product Search, Wikipedia

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Product Overview

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Elastic Stack building blocks

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Deployment options

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Elastic Stack building blocks

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Elasticsearch in 10 seconds Search Engine (FTS, Analytics, Geo), near real-time Distributed, scalable, highly available, resilient Interface: HTTP & JSON Heart of the Elastic Stack (Kibana, Logstash, Beats)

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Installation & Start # wget # wget # wget tar zxf elasticsearch-7.8.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz cd elasticsearch-7.8.0 ./bin/elasticsearch wget # wget # wget tar zxf kibana-7.8.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz cd kibana-7.8.0 ./bin/kibana Point your browser to http://localhost:5601/

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Click Dev-Tools Samples in Kibana Samples in Github

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Introduction into Spring Data Elasticsearch Community maintained Spring Data Extension Reactive extension Make sure to use major version 4 (based on Elasticsearch 7.x), default in Spring Boot 2.3 Uses the Elasticsearch REST Client

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Elasticsearch REST client Depends on the Elasticsearch core project Based on Apache HTTP Client (works on java 8), might want to consider shading Supports synchronous calls & cancellable async calls Threadsafe RestClient RestHighLevelClient

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Elasticsearch REST client architecture

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Basics ElasticsearchTemplate & ElasticsearchRestTemplate MappingElasticsearchConverter CrudRepository Auditing, Entity Callbacks, efficient scroll searching

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Entities @Document(indexName = “persons”, shards = 1, createIndex = false) public class Person { @Id private String id; private String name; @Email @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword) private String email; @Field(name=”created_at”, type = FieldType.Date, format = DateFormat.date_time) private Date createdAt; @Size(max=500) @Pattern(regexp = “https?://.*”, message = “must start with http:// or https://”) @URL @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword) private String url; } private List<Person> friends; // creates an array private Point Location; // maps to geo_point

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Repositories import; public interface UserProfileRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<UserProfile, String> { } Dynamic finders like findByEmail(String email) Attention: Inefficient queries like findByDescriptionEndingWith()

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Searching final BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery() // somewhat stable randomization to make sure users get an arbitrary document .must(QueryBuilders.scriptScoreQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), new Script(“randomScore(1000, ‘created_at’)”))) // only consider contributions that are not yet approvaed .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“state”, // ensure only contributions from the same region are shown .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“region”, profile.getRegion())) // only consider languages spoken by the user as well as english .filter(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(“language”, languages)) // exclude documents that were created by this user .mustNot(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“”, profile.getEmail())) // exclude documents that were already voted on .mustNot(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“”, profile.getEmail())); Query query = new NativeSearchQuery(qb).setPageable(PageRequest.of(0, 1)); final SearchHit<Contribution> result = elasticsearchRestTemplate.searchOne(query, Contribution.class);

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Count private boolean canSubmitMoreContributions(String email) { final BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“”, email)) .filter(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(“created_at”).gte(“now-1d”)); final long recentlySubmittedCount = elasticsearchRestTemplate.count(new NativeSearchQuery(qb), Contribution.class); return recentlySubmittedCount <= 10; }

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Count public interface ContributionRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<UserProfile, String> { @Query(“{“bool”: { “must” : [ { “term” : { “”:”?0” } }, { “range” : { “created_at”: { “gte” : “?1” } } } ] } }”) long countRecentContributions(String email, String date); }

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Spring Data Elasticsearch - Aggregations // filter by approved final BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“state”, .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(“region”,; final NativeSearchQuery query = new NativeSearchQuery(qb); // aggregate on username, get top 10, sum up score query.addAggregation(AggregationBuilders.terms(“by_user”).field(“”).size(40) .subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.sum(“total_score”).field(“score”)) // make sure we get the full name of the last contribution .subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.topHits(“by_name”).size(1).sort(SortBuilders.fieldSort(“created_at”) .order(SortOrder.DESC)).fetchSource(“submitted_by.full_name”, “”))); query.setPageable(Pageable.unpaged()); final SearchHits<Contribution> hits =, Contribution.class); // returns an Elasticsearch class final Aggregations aggregations = hits.getAggregations();

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Running Elasticsearch: Scaling your cluster Do not overshard: Single shard can easily contain 20-50GB Let the filesystem cache get to work Performance test, on your data! Use rally Hint: Capacity Planning Webinar

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Compute Resources Storage: SSDs for hot data, HDDs for warm/cold, avoid NAS Memory: JVM heap + OS cache Compute: Thread pool scaling based on CPU count Network: The faster the better (careful cloud providers with burst rates)

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Next steps Improve your search: Learn about mappings and queries Improve your model Figure out expected throughput Use aliases, always!

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Summary Search is never done! Use the reference documentation Ask your users about expectations, do not guess! Testing: TestContainers

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Resources spinscale/link-rating Qovery Spring Data Elasticsearch Documentation Elasticsearch Java REST Client Documentation Elasticsearch Nightly Benchmarks

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Thanks for listening Q&A Alexander Reelsen Community Advocate | @spinscale

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Elastic Cloud

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Elastic Support Subscriptions

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Discuss Forum

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Community & Meetups

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Thanks for listening Q&A Alexander Reelsen Community Advocate | @spinscale