Introduction into Full Text Search

A presentation at HYF Copenhagen in July 2020 in by Alexander Reelsen

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Full-text search with distributed search engines Alexander Reelsen @spinscale

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Agenda • Overview • Indexing: Analysis, Tokenization, Filtering, on disk data structures • Searching: Scoring, Algorithms & Optimization • Aggregations • Distributed systems and search •Q&A

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Overview Full text search introduction

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Why is search so important?

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SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE = ‘%topf%’

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grep “topf” my_dataset.txt

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Problem • Scales linearly with the data set size • Relevancy • Spell correction • Synonyms • Phrases

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Inverted Index

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The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

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Tokenize The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Sort The brown dog fox jumped lazy over quick the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Quick brown foxes leap over lazy dogs in summer

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 lazy dog

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 lazy AND dog [1,2] AND [1] = [1]

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 lazy OR dog [1,2] OR [1] = [1,2]

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Technologies used today • Apache Lucene (search library) • Elasticsearch (distributed search engine built on top of Apache Lucene)

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Indexing Analysis, Tokenization, Filtering Data structures

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 quick 1 hit

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 quicK 0 hits

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Analysis: Tokenizer & Token Filters

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Tokenization quick brown fox

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox the lazy, white dog.

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox the_lazy_white_dog

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox the_lazy_white_dog

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox the_lazy_white_dog

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Tokenization quick_brown_fox the_lazy_white_dog

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Token Filter

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Quick The brown dog dogs fox foxes in jumped lazy leap over quick summer the 2 1 1,2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1

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Token filter The Quick brown fox

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Token filter Lowercase The Quick brown fox the quick brown fox

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Token filter The Quick brown fox Lowercase Stopwords the quick brown fox quick brown fox

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Token filter The Quick brown fox Lowercase Stopwords the quick brown fox quick brown fox Synonyms quick,fast brown fox

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Token filter The Quick brown fox Lowercase Stopwords the quick brown fox quick brown fox Synonyms quick,fast brown fox Tokens can be changed, added, removed

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Token filter The Quick brown fox Lowercase Stopwords the quick brown fox quick brown fox Synonyms quick,fast brown fox Queries need to be processed as well!

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More analysis strategies • Phonetic analysis: Meyer vs. Meier • Stemming: foxes ⇾ fox • Compounding: Blumentopf ⇾ blumen topf • Folding: Spaß ⇾ Spass

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(On-Disk) Data structures

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What else is in an inverted index? • Documents: Find documents • Term frequencies: Relevancy • Positions: Positional Queries • Offsets: Highlighting • Stored fields: The original data

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Segment: Unit of work • A fully self sufficient inverted index • An index consists of a number of segments • New segments are created for newly added documents • Segments are immutable!

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Read-only data structures • Pro: Write-once, sequentially • Pro: Lock-free reading • Pro: File system cache • Contra: in-place updates & deletes • Contra: Housekeeping • Contra: Transactions

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Segment: Deletes • Mark a document as deleted in a special file • Exclude it from searches • No space is freed! 1|2|3|4|5 3 6|7|8

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Segment: Merging • Number of segments needs to be kept reasonable • Merge multiple segments into one (smaller index) • Delete expired documents 1|2|3|4|5 3 6|7|8

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Segment: Merging • Number of segments needs to be kept reasonable • Merge multiple segments into one (smaller index) • Delete expired documents 1|2|3|4|5 3 6|7|8 1|2|4|5|6|7|8

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Searching Precision vs. recall Scoring Algorithms and optimizations

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Relevancy • Textbook answer: How well matches a document a query? • Business answer: Are the top search results those that make me the most money? • marketplace • hotel booking website • newspaper website

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Scoring: lazy dog • Naive: increase a counter if a term is matched • “the lazy dog” => score 2 • “the lazy frog” => score 1 • “the lazy lazy lazy lazy cat” => score 4 or 1?

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Scoring: More than term frequency • How about incorporating information about the whole document corpus in scoring? • Are lesser common terms more relevant? • news paper: “dieselgate news”

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Scoring: TF-IDF • Term frequency: number of times a term occurs in a field • Inverse document frequency: inverse function of the number of documents in which it occurs

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Scoring: Vector space model • Each term is a dimension • The length is based on tf-idf calculation • Similarity is the angle between vectors • Cosine similarity: best match == angle 0°

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Scoring: TF-IDF in Lucene score(q,d) = ∑ ( tf(t in d) · 2 idf(t) · t.getBoost() · norm(t,d) )

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BM25 • Default in Apache Lucene/Elasticsearch • Works better with stopwords (high TF) • Term frequency saturation • Improved field length normalization (per document)

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Precision vs. recall

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Precision and Recall

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Precision and Recall relevant documents irerelevant documents

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Precision and Recall relevant documents irerelevant documents

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True positives relevant documents irerelevant documents

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True negatives relevant documents irerelevant documents

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False positives relevant documents irerelevant documents

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False negatives relevant documents irerelevant documents

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Precision and recall • Precision: How many selected documents are relevant? • Recall: How many relevant documents are selected

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Under the hood

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Optimizations everywhere • leap frogging, skip lists • top-k • two phase iterations • integer compression

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Query two phase iteration

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Two phase iteration: Phrase query • Phrase query: “quick fox” • Approximation phase: document contains terms quick and fox • Verification phase: read positions of terms

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Two phase iteration: Geo distance query • Geo distance query: Distance from reference point • Approximation phase: bbox around point • Verification phase: exact distance calculation

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Two phase iteration: Geo distance query GET /my_locations/_search { “query”: { “bool” : { “filter” : { “geo_distance” : { “distance” : “200km”, “pin.location” : { “lat” : 40, “lon” : -70 } } } } } }

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Two phase iteration: several queries • Powerful when several queries are used • “quick fox” AND brown • Approximation: quick AND fox AND brown • Verification: “quick fox” position check for hits

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Skip lists & leap frogging

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Skip lists • Term dictionary is a sorted skip list • Skip list is a linked list with ‘express lanes’ to leap forward

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Leap frogging elasticsearch AND kibana AND logstash

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Leap frogging elasticsearch AND kibana AND logstash 266 102 568 98 302 266 60 102 199 18 59 150 5 5 102 1 3 5

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit! Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit! Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit! Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit! Hit!

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Leap frogging logstash AND kibana AND elasticsearch 266 Done! 568 102 266 302 98 199 102 60 150 59 18 102 5 5 5 3 1 Hit! Hit!

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Top-k retrieval

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Top-k retrieval • elasticsearch OR kibana • top 10 results wanted • maximum score for kibana is 3.0 • maximum score for elasticsearch is 5.0 • collecting documents: when 10th hit has score > 3, then only documents with elasticsearch need to be collected • total hit count is not accurate

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Top-k retrieval

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Index sorting

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Order index by field values • each segment is sorted before write • criteria can be chosen by the user 5|2|3|1|4 retrieve sort top 2 5|2|3|1|4 5|4|3|2|1 5|4

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Order index by field values • each segment is sorted before write • criteria can be chosen by the user early termination 5|4|3|2|1 5|4

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Aggregations Reducing data

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aggregations documents

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aggregations documents

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Bucketing documents Pumps Sneakers Oxfords Sneakers Boots

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Bucketing documents Sneakers Pumps Boots Oxfords

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Bucketing documents Sneakers Pumps 2 bucket agg 1 metric agg doc_count Boots Oxfords 1 1

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Bucketing documents Sneakers Pumps 50 bucket agg 95 metric agg avg price Boots Oxfords 90 23

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Aggregations • bucket: terms, histogram, geo, range, sampler , significant text, nested • metric: value_count, avg, min, max, sum, stats, median deviation, geo, percentile, cardinality, • pipeline: min, max, sum, avg, derivative, stats, percentiles, cumulative sum, moving average, moving function, serial differencing

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Distributed systems & search Fanning out a search, reducing the results

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Elasticsearch in 10 seconds • Search Engine (FTS, Analytics, Geo), near real-time • Distributed, scalable, highly available, resilient • Interface: HTTP & JSON • Centrepiece of the Elastic Stack • Uneducated conservative guess: Tens of thousands of clusters worldwide, hundreds of thousands of instances

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Distributed systems

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Distributed systems • How do nodes communicate with each other? • Who is taking and executing decisions? • Failure detection? • Replication strategy? • Consistency? • Enter consensus algorithms…

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A fundamental problem in distributed computing and multi-agent systems is to achieve overall system reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. This often requires processes to agree on some data value that is needed during computation 122

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Consensus algorithms • Leader based: Paxos, Raft • Non leader based: BTC, gossip

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Consensus in Elasticsearch • Custom consensus algorithm, improving the existing one • Formally verified • Optimized for Elasticsearch use-case (rolling restarts, growing/shrinking clusters, log-ofoperations vs. cluster state)

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 node 2 node 3 node 4

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 node 2 node 3 node 4

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 node 2 node 3 node 4

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 node 2 node 3 node 4

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Master node tasks • Deciding where data should be stored • Pinging other nodes • Reacting on node leaves/joins • Updating cluster state • Distributing cluster state

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 cs1 node 2 cs1 node 3 cs1 node 4 cs1

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 cs1 node 2 cs1 node 3 cs1 node 4 cs1

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 cs1 node 2 cs1 node 3 cs2 node 4 cs1

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 cs1 node 2 cs1 node 3 cs2 node 4 cs1

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Consensus in Elasticsearch node 1 cs1 node 2 cs2 node 3 cs2 node 4 cs2

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Distributed search

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch node 1 node 2 node 3 p0 Primary Shard (Lucene Index) node 4

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch node 1 p0 node 2 r0 Replica shard (copy) node 3 node 4

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1 2nd Primary Shard Replica shard (copy)

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch • Shard: Lucene index, unit of scale • Primary shard: Write scalability • Replica shard: Read scalability, availability

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1

  1. Client connects any node with search request

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch 2. Execute query against shards node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1

  1. Client connects any node with search request

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch 3. top-k search results are returned to coordinating node node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1

  1. Client connects any node with search request

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch 4. Create real top-k result list node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1

  1. Client connects any node with search request

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch 5. Fetch original documents node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1

  1. Client connects any node with search request

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Distributed search in Elasticsearch 5. Fetch original documents node 1 p0 node 2 r0 node 3 node 4 p1 r1 6. Return data to the client

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Aggregations - cardinality node 1 p0 node 2 p1 POST /sales/_search?size=0 { “aggs” : { “type_count” : { “cardinality” : { “field” : “type” } } } }

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Aggregations - cardinality node 1 p0 25 node 2 p1 40 How many distinct elements are in my index? What is the total? 40? 65? Naive solution: merge data to single dataset and count. Doesn’t scale! Solution: Use HyperLogLog++

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HyperLogLog++ • Hash based counting • Trades in memory for accuracy • Fixed memory usage, based on configurable precision • Result: Small mergeable data structure, can easily be sent over the network

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Aggregations - percentile node 1 p0 node 2 p1 GET latency/_search { “size”: 0, “aggs” : { “load_time_outlier” : { “percentiles” : { “field” : “load_time” } } } }

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T-Digest • Extreme percentiles are more accurate than the Median • Percentiles are divided into buckets • When buckets grow over a boundary, approximation kicks in, saving memory in the process • The exact level of inaccuracy is difficult to generalize • Alternative: HDR histograms

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Probabilistic data structures • bloom/cuckoo/quotient filters (membership check) • HyperLogLog++ (cardinality) • T-Digest, DDSketch, HDR histogram (percentile) • Count-Min sketch (frequency, top-k) • Hashing (similarity)

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Demo Try it out yourself!

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Elastic Cloud Free 30 day trial

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Upcoming trends & summary … or why you should take a closer look at search

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Search is not just google… • “Just google it” does not cut it • Enterprise search: Intranet/G-Drive/Dropbox • Ecommerce search • SIEM • Observability: Logging, APM & Metrics

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Search is not ‘done’ • Constant improvement • Data structures & algorithms (BKD tree for geo shapes) • Academic research moves to industry thanks to Apache Lucene

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Search is still tough • Language specific analysis • Smart query parsing (nike red hoodie xl) • Geo based search • Anomaly detection • Incoporating feedback loops

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Upcoming trends • Learning-to-Rank • Deep Learning • Feedback loop

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Summary • Everything is a search problem! • Search is hard… and interesting • Distributed systems are hard… and interesting • Domain knowledge required • Data keeps exploding, good job chances!

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Literature Books, books, books

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Resources Links, links, links

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Links TFIDFSimilarity.html

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Links - probabilistic data structures pubs/archive/40671.pdf

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Q&A Alexander Reelsen @spinscale