Understanding OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

A presentation at Connect.Tech in October 2019 in Atlanta, GA, USA by Stephanie Chamblee

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Resources ● RFC 6749 - OAuth 2.0 ● RFC 6750 - Bearer Tokens ● RFC 7636 - Proof Key for Code Exchange ● OpenID Connect Specifications ● The OpenID Connect Handbook - Auth0 ● Learn Identity Video Series - Auth0

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OAuth2 & OIDC Stephanie Chamblee @stephchamblee

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Stephanie Chamblee Software Developer at BrightLink (we’re hiring!) Auth0 Ambassador stephaniechamblee.com schamblee@thebrightlink.com @stephchamblee

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Overview 1 CONTEXT Open Standards Brief History of Identity 2 FOUNDATION Four roles in OAuth Tokens Authorization Flows 3 OAUTH & OIDC AUTHORIZATION CODE FLOW OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect (OIDC) Walkthrough

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OAuth2 OpenID Connect

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Thanks! Stephanie Chamblee @stephchamblee

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Open Standards in Identity * SAML * JWT * OAuth2 * OIDC

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HISTORY OF IDENTITY 1960s Passwords 2002 2010 2014

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Computer User Password

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Simple Login Security * Password Strength Requirements * Password Hashing * Two-Factor Authentication

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ABC Company

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HISTORY OF IDENTITY SAML 1960s Passwords 2002 2010 2014

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HISTORY OF IDENTITY SAML 1960s Passwords 2002 2012 OAuth2 2014

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Authorization vs. Authentication

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HISTORY OF IDENTITY OIDC SAML 1960s Passwords 2002 2012 OAuth2 2014

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Four Roles Defined by OAuth2

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OAuth 2.0 Roles End User who provides consent for scopes Resource Owner (RO)

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Resource Owner (RO) end user scopes

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OAuth 2.0 Roles End User who provides consent for scopes Resource Owner (RO) Resource Server (RS) API or Application controlling the data

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Resource Server (RS) Application Controlling the data

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OAuth 2.0 Roles Application handling delegated authorization decisions End User who provides consent for scopes Resource Owner (RO) Resource Server (RS) API or Application controlling the data Authorization Server (AS)

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OAuth 2.0 Roles Application handling delegated authorization decisions End User who provides consent for scopes Client Resource Owner (RO) Resource Server (RS) API or Application controlling the data Authorization Server (AS) Client Application requesting the data

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Client Application requesting the data

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Let’s review.

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Resource Owner SomeApp

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Resource Server + Authorization Server SomeApp

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Client SomeApp

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Scopes SomeApp

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Resource Server + Authorization Server Resource Owner Client SomeApp Scopes Consent

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Tokens Access Token Refresh Token ID Token

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Access Token

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Refresh Token

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ID Token

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ID Token JSON Web Token (JWT)

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JSON Web Token (JWT) ● Encoded Claims (user data) ● Stateless validation ● Signed for authenticity

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3 parts of JWT Header Payload Signature hhhhhhhhhhh . ppppppppppppp . sssssssssssssssss

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3 parts of JWT hhhhhhhhhhh . ppppppppppppp Header Payload . sssssssssssssssss Signature

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PAYLOAD { “iss”: “https://example.com”, “sub”: “123”, “aud”: “some-client-id”, “exp”: 1311281970, “iat”: 1311280970 }

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Parts of a JWT Summary Header - alg (algorithm) & type (JWT) Payload - claims (data about the user) Signature - uses payload, header and secret and specified algorithm verify that a token is authentic

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Authorization Grants

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Authorization Grants methods for a client application to acquire an access token which represents a user’s permission for the client to access their data

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Authorization Grant Flows * Authorization Code * Authorization Code + PKCE * Client Credentials

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Front-Channel Browser to API Not-so secure Back-Channel Server to API Very Secure

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Authorization Code Flow Back Channel + Front Channel

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Implicit Authorization Code + PKCE Front Channel Only SPA/Mobile

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Client Credentials Flow Back Channel Only Machine-to-Machine example: microservices

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CLIENT RO User my app AS Auth0 RS Google

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CLIENT RO User my app AS Auth0 RS Google

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CLIENT ? n o i t a my app n a C h I z i r o h t u a e v a RO User AS Auth0 RS Google

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https://auth-server.com/authorize? response_type=code& client_id=client_id123& redirect_uri=https://example.com/callback& scope=openid+profile+email& state=some_random_string

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RO User CLIENT my app Here’s your auth code! AS Auth0 RS Google

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https://example.com/callback? code=123& state=some_random_string

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RO User CLIENT my app a e v a h I n Ca ? n e tok s s e c c a n AS Auth0 RS Google

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POST https://auth-server.com/token grant_type=authorization_code& code=123& redirect_uri=https://example.com/callback& client_id=client_id123&

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RO User CLIENT my app s s e c c a r u o y s d ’ n e r a e n H e k o t h s e r f e r , n e tok ! n e k ID to AS Auth0 RS Google

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RO User CLIENT my app AS Auth0 Can I h ave us e r data? RS Google

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RO User CLIENT my app AS Auth0 Here’s the use r data! RS Google

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RO User CLIENT my app r e h t o n a e v a h I n Ca ? n e k o t s s e acc AS Auth0 RS Google

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RO User CLIENT my app r e h t o n a s ’ e r He ! n e k o t s s e c ac AS Auth0 RS Google

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RS Google CLIENT my app AS Auth0 Can I h ave us e r data RS Google

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RS Google CLIENT my app AS Auth0 YEAH! RS Google

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Summary 1 CONTEXT Open Standards Brief History of Identity 2 FOUNDATION Four roles in OAuth Tokens Authorization Flows 3 OAUTH & OIDC AUTHORIZATION CODE FLOW OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect (OIDC) Walkthrough

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Resources ● RFC 6749 - OAuth 2.0 ● RFC 6750 - Bearer Tokens ● RFC 7636 - Proof Key for Code Exchange ● OpenID Connect Specifications ● The OpenID Connect Handbook - Auth0 ● Learn Identity Video Series - Auth0

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Thanks! Stephanie Chamblee @stephchamblee