Memory Management, C# 7.2 and Span<T>

A presentation at .NET South West in September 2018 in by Stuart Lang

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Memory Management, C# 7.2 and Span<T>

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HELLO! F# |> I ❤ 9 years of experience in .NET Organiser of Bristol F# meetup and DDD South West You can find me at @stuartblang &

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● FAST ● SAFE ● MAINTAINABLE Can C# have all 3?

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C# as a high performance language

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C# as a high performance language

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Performance where it matters Fr am ew or ks Li br ar ie s

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Always Measure

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Measure with… ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Memory Performance Counters BenchmarkDotNet dotMemory Visual Studio

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How it works

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“ The Stack Is An Implementation Detail. - Eric Lippert Part One Part Two

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Types ▸ Value types ▹ Structs ▹ Enums ▹ Bool ▹ Int, Float, Short, Long… ▹ Byte ▸ Reference types ▹ Class ▹ Interface ▹ Array ▹ String ▹ Delegate

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Stack Code demo a=42 Stack Heap x(ref) object: array{1,2,3}

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Code - behaviour

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Stack Credit:

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Heap Small Object Heap Gen 0 Gen 1 Large Object Heap Gen 2

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Heap Credit:

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Great Resource ▸ lanation-of-net-garbage-collection/

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Stack vs Heap What? Lifetime When disposed? Time to dispose Stack Local values Local references (just the ref part) Stack frame Deterministic Constant (near instant) Heap Reference object instances Unrestricted GC non-deterministic It depends (non-trivial)

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Watch out for hidden allocations ▸ Let’s see some examples

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Watch out for hidden allocations

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Watch out for hidden allocations

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Watch out for hidden allocations

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Watch out for hidden allocations

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Plugins ▸ R# Heap Allocations Viewer ▸ Roslyn Clr Heap Allocation Analyzer

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In Parameters

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In Parameters - cont. ▸ Essentially readonly ref ▸ Where you want to want to pass by-ref for performance, with the safety and behaviour or by-value ▸ Watch out for copying with invoking methods on non-readonly structs

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Ref extension methods

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Ref locals ▸ Reference semantics with value types

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Ref locals ▸ Can be thought of as aliases

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Ref returns

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Ref Struct ▸ Aka ref-like ▸ Stack-only! ▸ To support Span<T>

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Ref Struct

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“ The great Eric Lippert once wrote “The Stack Is An Implementation Detail”, and basically that’s not true anymore. - Jon Skeet

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Span<T> ▸ Abstraction over arbitrary memory Span<T> Marshal.AllocHGlobal() stackalloc [] new []

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Span<T> - Why stack-only? ▸ Safe lifetime - cannot outlive stack memory ▸ Safe concurrency - No struct tearing ▸ It’s fast!

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Span<T> - Other properties ▸ Efficient representation ▸ GC tracking - refs will be maintained by GC

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Use Cases ▸ Alternative to unsafe code ▸ Parsing text ▸ Sharing partial parts of memory

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Problem with pointers ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Requires GC pinning (for heap memory) Mustn’t escape pointer (for stack) No bounds checking Unsafe code blocks

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Problem with pointers

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You can still pin

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You can still pin - in C# 7.3

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C# 8 - Slicing with Ranges demo

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Span<T> Framework APIs Today netcoreapp2.0 ❌ netcoreapp2.1 ✅ netstandard2.0 ❌ Next netcoreapp2.2 ✅ netcoreapp2.3 ✅ netcoreapp3.0 ✅ netstandard2.1 ✅ ❓ net472 ❌ net48 ❌ net49 ❓

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Related topics ▸ ReadOnlySpan<T> ▸ Memory<T> & ReadOnlyMemory<T> ▸ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe ▸ MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(span) ▸ MemoryMarshal.Cast<TFrom,TTo>(span)

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Libraries using Span<T> ( just some) ▸ Utf8Json ▸ SpanJson ▸ ZeroFormatter ▸ StackExchange.Redis

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Case study JustEat.StatsD PRs Low hanging fruit: #55, #59, #63, #65 Master class by dv00d00: #104 - Zero Allocations

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Good Reads Adam Sitnik - Span Marc Gravell - Spans and ref Parts 1 & 2 Span<T> spec Vladimir Sadov All About Span: Exploring a New .NET Mainstay Stephen Toub ▸ Maarten Balliauw ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸

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THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at @stuartblang