Utilising Umbraco to power an online beer club

A presentation at Umbraco Spark 2019 in March 2019 in Bristol, UK by Thomas Morris

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Utilising Umbraco to power an online beer club.

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About me 2

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🌉 Live in Bristol 3

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2012 Started using Umbraco in 2012 Co-organiser for umBristol 4

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đŸș Like beer! 5

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Recently got a puppy. 6

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About BeerBods 8

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2012 UK’s first online beer club and subscription service, established in 2012. 9

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2019 Launched #BUILDACASE Reserve beers using social media and have them saved for up to 30 days. 11

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What’s this talk about then? 13

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Powering your own niche, and hooking that into Umbraco. 14

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Some topics ■ Custom data + DB migrations ■ Admin UI with Fluidity ■ Custom dashboards ■ Scheduled tasks with Hangfire ■ Umbraco events ■ Models Builder ■ GraphQL 15

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Custom data with Umbraco 16

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PetaPoco - what is it? ■ A micro-ORM for .NET ■ Create your own POCOs and have them saved to the DB ■ Fluent syntax (with some Umbraco tweaks) ■ Handle transactions ■ Run SQL commands ■ NPoco for v8 17

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PetaPoco object [TableName(“Subscription”)] [PrimaryKey(“SubscriptionId”)] public class Subscription { [PrimaryKeyColumn(AutoIncrement = true, Name = “PK_Subscription”)] public int SubscriptionId { get; set; } [Ignore] public Customer Customer { get; set; } public int CustomerId { get; set; } public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } public DateTime NextPaymentDate { get; set; } } public bool Active { get; set; } 18

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PetaPoco commands // get reference to database _db = ApplicationContext.Current.DatabaseContext.Database; // save an object _db.Save(subscription); // delete an object _db.Delete(subscription); // query and get an object back _db.FirstOrDefault<Subscription>(“SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Subscription WHERE SubscriptionId=@0”, id); // query for a collection of objects _db.Query<Subscription>(“SELECT * FROM Subscription WHERE Active=1”); 19

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What about migrations? ■ Define your POCOs using attributes as required ■ Define your migrations as classes (inherit from MigrationBase) ■ Umbraco use them for each upgrade in the installer ■ On startup, use the MigrationRunner to check and process migrations ■ Can actually be used for more than DB changes 20

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Migration class [Migration(“1.6.0”, 1, MigrationNames.BeerBods)] public class AddressNotesMigration : MigrationBase { public AddressNotesMigration(ISqlSyntaxProvider sqlSyntax, ILogger logger) : base(sqlSyntax, logger) { } public override void Up() { Alter.Table(“Address”).AddColumn(“Notes”).AsString().Nullable(); } } public override void Down() { Delete.Column(“Notes”).FromTable(“Address”); } 21

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In an event handler
 // get all migrations already executed var migrationService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MigrationEntryService var migrations = migrationService.GetAll(MigrationNames.BeerBods); // get the latest migration executed var currentVersion= migrations.OrderByDescending(x => x.Version).FirstOrDefault(); // create runner var migrationsRunner = new MigrationRunner( ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MigrationEntryService, ApplicationContext.Current.ProfilingLogger.Logger, currentVersion, targetVersion, MigrationNames.BeerBods); // execute migrations migrationsRunner.Execute(_databaseContext.Database, targetVersion > currentVersion); 22

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How about v8? 23

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Should be better
 ■ Migrations in v7 are a bit all or nothing ■ In v8, there is an execution plan ■ They run in a deterministic order ■ Idea is to transition through states ■ One-way only, i.e. no UP or DOWN ■ Ask Stephan

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V8 Migration public class CustomMigration : MigrationBase { public CustomMigration(IMigrationContext context) : base(context) { } public override void Migrate() { Logger.Debug<CustomMigration>(“Running my CustomMigration”); if (ColumnExists(“myTable”, “myColumn”)) { Delete.Column(“myColumn”).FromTable(“myTable”).Do(); } } } Database.Execute(Sql(“DELETE FROM myOtherTable”)); 25

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Viewing custom data 26

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Fluidity ■ Back-office package by UMCO team. ■ A way to present custom data within Umbraco ■ Fits within the Umbraco UI ■ Can make use of Umbraco property editors (and define your own) ■ Define list/editor views via a Fluent syntax ■ Can get a fully working CRUD experience quickly 27

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Set up configuration public class FluidityBootstrap : FluidityConfigModule { public override void Configure(FluidityConfig config) { // Define options for Fluidity config.AddSection(“Database”, “icon-server-alt”, sectionConfig => { sectionConfig.SetTree(“Database”, treeConfig => { } } }); }); treeConfig.AddFolder(“Subscription Info”, folderConfig => { folderConfig.AddCollection(SubscriptionFluidityConfig()); folderConfig.AddCollection(Beer13FluidityConfig()); }); 30

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Create a collection config var collectionConfig = new FluidityCollectionConfig<Customer>( p => p.CustomerId, “Customer”, “Customers”, string.Empty, “icon-male-and-female”, “icon-users”); 31

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Set up a collection config collectionConfig.SetNameProperty(p => p.Email); collectionConfig.SetViewMode(FluidityViewMode.List); collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.FirstName); collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.LastName); 32

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Add list view collectionConfig.ListView(listViewConfig => { listViewConfig.AddField(p => p.FirstName); listViewConfig.AddField(p => p.LastName); listViewConfig.AddBulkAction<SendInviteBulkAction>(); }); listViewConfig.AddDataView(“With email”, p => p.Email != string.Empty); listViewConfig.AddDataView(“Without email”, p => p.Email == string.Empty); 33

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Set up editor view collectionConfig.Editor(editorConfig => { editorConfig.AddTab(“Customer”, tabConfig => { tabConfig.AddField(p => p.FirstName).MakeRequired(); tabConfig.AddField(p => p.LastName).MakeRequired(); tabConfig.AddField(p => p.Email).MakeRequired(); tabConfig.AddField(p => p.Phone); tabConfig.AddField(p => p.AddressId).SetDataType(AddressPicker); tabConfig.AddField(p => p.Token).MakeReadOnly(); }); }); 35

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How about v8? 36

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Not yet planned
 ■ Ask Matt Brailsford ■ Support UMCO ■ Chat with HQ? ■ Be more Matt Brailsford? 37

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Custom dashboard ■ Just a bit of HTML/CSS/JS ■ Define a package.manifest ■ Integrate with admin controller for processing actions ■ Keep them inline with Umbraco styles ■ Build what works for you 38

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Example custom dashboard

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What you’ll need ■ dashboard.html ■ dashboard.controller.js ■ dashboard.resource.js ■ package.manifest ■ DashboardApiController.cs 40

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Angular controller function DashboardController($scope, beerbodsDashboardResource) { var vm = this; beerbodsDashboardResource.getSummary().then(function (response) { } }); // load info vm.summaryData = response.data.details; angular.module(“umbraco”).controller(“DashboardController”, DashboardController); 41

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Angular resource angular.module(‘umbraco.resources’).factory(‘beerbodsDashboardResource’, function($q, $http) { var serviceRoot = ‘backoffice/beerbods/dashboardapi/’; ); } return { getSummary: function () { return $http.get(serviceRoot } };

  • ‘getsummary’); 42

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C# controller [JsonCamelCaseFormatter] [IsBackOffice, PluginController(“BeerBods”)] public class DashboardApiController : UmbracoAuthorizedApiController { [HttpGet] public HttpResponseMessage GetSummary() { var model = new DashboardViewModel() { // add details }; } } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { status = “Summary info updated”, details = model }); 43

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HTML file <div ng-controller=”BeerBods.DashboardController as vm”> <h3> <a href=”/umbraco/#/database/fluidity/list/order” class=”link”>Orders</a> </h3> <p> View payments on Stripe: <a href=”https://dashboard.stripe.com/”>https://dashboard.stripe.com/</a> </p> <div class=”dash-flex”> <div class=”stat-block”> <div class=”stat-block__inner”> <h4 class=”text-1”>Orders today</h4> <p class=”text-2”>{{vm.summaryData.orders.placed}}</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 44

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Build to meet a requirement. 45

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Scheduled tasks 48

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Hangfire ■ Background jobs for .NET ■ Uses persistent storage (e.g. SQL Server, Redis) ■ Can define certain times to run ■ Or trigger fire and forget commands ■ Retry policies, should provide the same result each time ■ Run outside of Umbraco context ■ Dashboard for viewing all your scheduled tasks 49

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Job options // run job every 2 mins RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => VerifyMembersTask.Instance.Run(), Cron.MinuteInterval(2)); // run job every hour RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => ExpiredCaseTask.Instance.Run(), Cron.HourInterval(1)); // send reminders daily at 10am RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => SubscriptionRemindersTask.Instance.Run(), Cron.Daily(10)); // queue a job BackgroundJob.Enqueue<ProcessOrderTask>(x => x.Run(orderId)); // queue a job on delay BackgroundJob.Schedule<NewCaseTask>(x => x.Run(caseId), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); 50

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Umbraco events 53

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Event Handlers ■ Hook into the Umbraco pipeline ■ Saving, Saved, Publishing, Published, Deleting, Copying, etc. ■ Run your own code ■ Think about performance, keep them single use ■ e.g. default data, save product to Stripe, trigger index to Algolia ■ Web hooks for Headless 54

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Add an event handler public class SaveProductEventHandler : ApplicationEventHandler { protected override void ApplicationStarted( UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext) { ContentService.Saving += ContentService_Saving; } private static void ContentService_Saving(IContentService sender, SaveEventArgs<IContent> e) { // do checks
 } } foreach (var content in e.SavedEntities) { // do stuff
 } 55

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How about v8? 56

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Composers ■ A new way of doing things for v8 ■ Components are created during composition ■ Define a component that implements IComponent ■ Add via composer ■ All sorts of ‘collections’ tied to the composition ■ e.g. add your own health checks, content finders, etc. ■ Ask Stephan

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Set up your component public class MyComponent : IComponent { // initialize: runs once when Umbraco starts public void Initialize() { ContentService.Saving += ContentService_Saving; } // terminate: runs once when Umbraco stops public void Terminate() { } e) } private void ContentService_Saving(IContentService sender, ContentSavingEventArgs { } // Same as before 58

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Set up your own composer [RuntimeLevel(MinLevel = RuntimeLevel.Run)] public class MyComposer : IUserComposer { public void Compose(Composition composition) { // Append our component to the collection of Components // It will be the last one to be run composition.Components().Append<MyComponent>(); } } 59

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Powering the Front End 60

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Models Builder ■ Strongly typed models for Umbraco ■ Generate on saving ■ Work nicely with compositions (generates an interface) ■ A few different ways to do it ■ Integrate with your own code ■ How to use custom view models ■ Enhance with your own data, e.g. beer ratings 61

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Add these to your web.config <add <add <add <add <add key=”Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.Enable” value=”true” /> key=”Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsMode” value=”AppData” /> key=”Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsNamespace” value=”Project.Web.Core.Models.Content” /> key=”Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsDirectory” value=”~/../Project.Web.Core/Models/Content/” /> key=”Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.AcceptUnsafeModelsDirectory” value=”true” /> Other modes: ■ PureLive models (default, in memory) ■ Dll models (generates a Dll) ■ AppData models (the example above, get generated models) ■ API models (using VS extension) 62

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Define a class that inherits from generated model. public class ProductBeerViewModel : ProductBeer { public ProductBeerViewModel(IPublishedContent content) : base(content) { } // custom properties } public RatingViewModel Rating { get; set; } public bool HasRating => Rating != null; In your view
 @inherits UmbracoViewPage<ProductBeerViewModel> 63

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Provide a custom controller public class ProductBeerController : BasePageController { private readonly RateBeerService _rateBeerService; public ProductBeerController() { _rateBeerService = new RateBeerService(); } public async Task<ActionResult> ProductBeer() { var model = new ProductBeerViewModel(CurrentPage); model.Rating = await _rateBeerService.GetRating(model.RateBeerId); } } return CurrentTemplate(model); 64

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Cache the external response private IRuntimeCacheProvider runtimeCache => ApplicationContext.ApplicationCache.RuntimeCache; // fetch from cache var cacheKey = “BeerRating” + model.RateBeerId; var rating = _runtimeCache.GetCacheItem<RatingViewModel>(cacheKey); if (rating == null) { // get rating rating = await _rateBeerService.GetRating(model.RateBeerId); _runtimeCache.InsertCacheItem<RatingViewModel>(cacheKey, () => rating); } model.Rating = rating; 65

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Define features, use descriptive language. 66

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GraphQL ■ Query language created by Facebook ■ For using with APIs ■ Define what you want returned ■ Can be backed by different data sources ■ Viewer (GraphiQL) allows for exploration of the API 67

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Algolia 70

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Algolia - what is it? ■ Search as a service ■ Feed it with JSON / simple objects ■ Provide FE components for shop ui ■ Offload the demands to another service ■ Built using VueJS ■ All sorts of search options ■ Good fit for Headless, Hybrid approach 71

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Setting up Vue import Vue from ‘vue’; import InstantSearch from ‘vue-instantsearch’; Vue.use(InstantSearch); // custom components import BuildCase from ‘./components/buildCase.vue’; import ShopListing from ‘./components/shopListing.vue’; new Vue({ el: ‘#shop’, components: { BuildCase, ShopListing } }); 75

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In your Razor view
 <section id=”shop” class=”shop”> <build-case> <div class=”build-case__loading”> <h4>Loading
</h4> </div> </build-case> <div id=”results” class=”container”> <shop-listing app-id=”@AlgoliaConfig.AppId” api-key=”@AlgoliaConfig.SearchKey” index-name=”@AlgoliaConfig.IndexName”> <div class=”shop-listing__loading”> <h4>Loading
</h4> <p>This is the default state.</p> </div> </shop-listing> </div> </section> 76

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Choose what works for you. 77

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Summary 78

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■ Ways to extend and handle your own code ■ Umbraco is the glue ■ Custom data, events, tasks ■ Consistent approach that is easier to understand ■ Possibilities are endless. 79

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UMBSPARK19 beerbods.co.uk 81