GIFs Are Forever, Let’s Make Them Better

A presentation at CascadiaJS in June 2024 in Seattle, WA, USA by Tyler Sticka

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GIFs are forever… Let’s make them better! CascadiaJS 2024

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256 Colors Per Frame?

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256 Colors Per Frame?

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256 Colors Per Frame? Single-Bit Transparency?

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256 Colors Per Frame? Single-Bit Transparency?

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256 Colors Per Frame? Single-Bit Transparency? Image Sequences?

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256 Colors Per Frame? Single-Bit Transparency? Image Sequences?

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Here is a cool example of a silent GIF I like this loop of a kitty with a soccer ball even better, though

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“Using emoji, emoticons and GIFs in a texted conversation instantly signals the difference between sincerity and a joke or sarcasm.” — Jenna Wortham The New York Times

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Tired: GIF, an image file format

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Wired: GIF, a shorthand for silent, inline animated clips

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<img src=”clip.gif” … … width=”…” height=”…”>

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Animated Silent Looping Inline Autoplay

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Animated Silent Looping Inline Autoplay

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Animated Silent Looping Inline Autoplay Text alternative

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Animated Silent Looping Inline Autoplay Text alternative

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Of the top 1,000,000 home pages… Source: (March 2024)

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Of the top 1,000,000 home pages… 54.5% were missing alt text! Source: (March 2024)

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Of the top 1,000,000 home pages… 54.5% were missing alt text! Source: (March 2024)

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Describe the image for blind and low-vision users A peeved groundhog repeatedly shouts “Hey!…Hey!…Hey!”

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<img src=”clip.gif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”A hypothetical example for this slide.” />

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Animated Silent Looping Inline Autoplay Text alternative

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Inline Autoplay

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Autoplay

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Autoplay

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WebP Since 2014 (v32) Since 2018 (v18) Since 2019 (v65) Since 2022 (v16.0)

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WebP Since 2014 (v32) Since 2018 (v18) Since 2019 (v65) Since 2022 (v16.0) AVIF Since 2020 (v85) This Year (v121) Since 2021 (v93) Since 2023 (v16.4)

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974 KB 226 KB 66 KB GIF WebP AVIF

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974 KB r e h g Hi ! ! y t i qual 226 KB 66 KB GIF WebP AVIF

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Local libvips sharp gif2webp FFmpeg ImageMagick

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s e c i v r e S Local libvips sharp gif2webp FFmpeg ImageMagick : e r U S o l c s i d L Ful ! T n e i l c They’rE a …and many others!

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<img src=”clip.avif” clip.gif … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”A hypothetical animated AVIF asset.” />

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<img src=”clip.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”A hypothetical animated AVIF asset.” />

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<picture> <source type=”image/avif” srcset=”clip.avif” /> <source type=”image/webp” srcset=”clip.webp” /> <img src=”clip.gif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”Possibly AVIF, WebP or GIF” /> </picture>

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Autoplay

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay

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clip.avif f i v a . c i t a t s

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<picture> <source media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” srcset=”clip.avif” /> <img src=”static.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”This meme may or may not be animated.” /> </picture>

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<picture> <source media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” srcset=”clip.avif” /> <img src=”static.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”This meme may or may not be animated.” /> </picture>

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<picture> <source media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” srcset=”clip.avif” /> <img src=”static.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”This meme may or may not be animated.” /> </picture>

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Motion sensitivity often depends on content + context

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<video controls>

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MP4 (H.264) Since 2010 (v4) Since 2015 (v12) Since 2015 (v35) Since 2008 (v3.2)

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MP4 Since 2010 (v4) Since 2015 (v12) Since 2015 (v35) Since 2008 (v3.2) WebM Since 2013 (v25) Since 2020 (v79) Since 2014 (v28) Since 2022 (v16.0) (H.264) (VP8 / VP9)

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974 KB 226 KB GIF WebP 81 KB 66 KB 59 KB MP4 AVIF WebM (H.264) (VP9)

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Local FFmpeg Handbrake Adobe Media Encoder

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s e c i v r e S Local FFmpeg Handbrake Adobe Media Encoder : e r U S o l c s i d L Ful ! d E s A i b I’m stiLl …and even more alternatives!

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” … … width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video>

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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<img src=”clip.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”I have alternative text!” />

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<img src=”clip.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”I have alternative text!” /> <video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”clip.mp4” width=”…” height=”…”> </video>

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video>

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<figure> <video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video> <figcaption> An example of a video used as a GIF. </figcaption> </figure>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-label=”An example of a video used as a GIF.”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-labelledby=”clip-label”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video> <div id=”clip-label” aria-hidden=”true”> An example of a video used as a GIF. </div>

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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<picture> <source media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” srcset=”clip.avif” /> <img src=”static.avif” … … width=”…” height=”…” alt=”This meme may or may not be animated.” /> </picture>

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-labelledby=”clip-label”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” /> </video> <div id=”clip-label” aria-hidden=”true”> An example of a video used as a GIF. </div>

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Web components!

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<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-labelledby=”clip-label”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video> <div id=”clip-label” aria-hidden=”true”> An example of a video used as a GIF. </div>

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<video controls loop autoplay muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-labelledby=”clip-label”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video> <div id=”clip-label” aria-hidden=”true”> An example of a video used as a GIF. </div>

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<gif-like> <video controls loop muted playsinline … … width=”…” height=”…” aria-labelledby=”clip-label”> <source src=”clip.webm” type=”video/webm” /> <source src=”clip.mp4” type=”video/mp4” /> </video> <div id=”clip-label” aria-hidden=”true”> An example of a video used as a GIF. </div> </gif-like>

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) { if (state) {; } else {; } } } customElements.define(“gif-like”, GifLike);

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) {

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this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) { if (state) {; } else {; } } } customElements.define(“gif-like”, GifLike);

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toggle(state) { if (state) {; } else {; } } } customElements.define(“gif-like”, GifLike);

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class GifLike extends HTMLElement { static motionQuery = window.matchMedia( “(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)” ); connectedCallback() { = this.querySelector(“video”); GifLike.motionQuery.addEventListener(“change”, (query) => { this.toggle(query.matches); }); this.toggle(GifLike.motionQuery.matches); } toggle(state) { if (state) {; } else {; } } } customElements.define(“gif-like”, GifLike); ! e r E h d SHaRe

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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Animated Text alternative Silent Looping Higher quality Smaller size Inline Motion prefs Autoplay Playback control

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… … <gif-like src=”…” alt=”…”></gif-like> r o c B e w y t n e v e Enhance SSR or el … r e p l e h e t a l p m e t cMs block or <gif-like> <video controls loop muted playsinline preload=”none” … poster=”…” … … width=”…” height=”…”

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Here is a cool example of a silent GIF I like this loop of a kitty with a soccer ball even better, though GIF is a shorthand for silent, inline, animated clips

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Alternative text is chronically overlooked low-hanging fruit

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974 KB Newer formats work in all modern browsers, load faster and look better 226 KB GIF WebP 81 KB 66 KB 59 KB MP4 AVIF WebM (H.264) (VP9)

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Video gives users more control

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<gif-like> Web components are a great choice for progressive enhancement </gif-like>

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Slide 136 @$tylersticka$@$ /in/$tylersticka ! m a e t Hire my