Choose your (web) animation adventure

A presentation at FullStack London in July 2018 in London, UK by Val Head

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Choose Your Animation Adventure Val Head • @vlh Author of Designing Interface Animation Design Advocate, Adobe

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You have encountered an interface that requires animation. What would you like to use? (1) CSS? (2) JavaScript? (3) SVG? (4) …?

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CSS Key Frames Transitions

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What CSS is great at: • Well-defined state transitions • Loading animations, looping animations • Animations on :hover, :focus and similar CSS

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Pros: • No external library needed • Great potential for performance without much e ! ort • Keyframes are reusable
• Can adjust properties in media queries for responsive animation when needed CSS

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Cons: • Access to limited events • Defined entirely ahead of time • Can’t separate transform properties* CSS

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CSS In Summary Where it shines: • Animated interactions with defined states • Simple interactive animations Biggest Pro: • Nearly e ! ortless performance • No additional requests

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CSS is pretty great, but it might be 
 time to move to JavaScript if: • You’ll be chaining more than 3-ish animations in a sequence • The animation needs to change dynamically at runtime • Need to animate transform properties separately
• Physics or other complex easing structures are required

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Vanilla Canvas Web GL react Libs Web Animation API JS

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What javascript is great at: JS • Complex animated interactions • Narrative or immersive animation • Dynamic state transitions

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Vanilla JS - requestAnimationFrame JS const moveCat = () !” { … currentValue = changeInValue * progress + startValue = translate3d(${currentValue}px, 0, 0)
… requestAnimationFrame(moveCat); } moveCat();

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Vanilla JS - requestAnimationFrame JS const moveCat = () !” { … currentValue = changeInValue * progress + startValue = translate3d(${currentValue}px, 0, 0)
… requestAnimationFrame(moveCat); } moveCat();

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Vanilla JS - requestAnimationFrame JS const moveCat = () !” { … currentValue = changeInValue * progress + startValue = translate3d(${currentValue}px, 0, 0)
… requestAnimationFrame(moveCat); } moveCat();

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Vanilla JS - requestAnimationFrame JS const moveCat = () !” { … currentValue = changeInValue * progress + startValue = translate3d(${currentValue}px, 0, 0)
… requestAnimationFrame(moveCat); } moveCat();

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JS animation libraries

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Comparing JavaScript animation libraries…

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Slide 35 box , 1 , 
 { opacity:1, x:800 , ease:Power2.easeIn } 
 ); Velocity( box , 
 { opacity: 1, translateX:”+=800 “}, 
 { duration: 1000 , easing:”easeInQuad” }); anime({ targets: box ,

opacity:1, translateX: 800, 

duration: 1000,

easing: ‘easeInQuad’ 

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~9 - 29kb ~14.4kb ~4.7kb back to IE8* back to IE8 back to IE10 Docs + forums Docs + SO Docs drawSVG, morphSVG, Draggable drop-in replacement for jQuery very lightweight Some features and licensing 
 requires $ MIT license MIT license *These are not the only JS animation libraries out there.

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JavaScript In Summary Where it shines: • Complex UI animation • Animation with dynamic states • Immersive animation Biggest Pro: • Lots of options for how to get it done • Can animate DOM, SVG, canvas

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What SVG is great at: SVG • Animated illustrations
• Animated icons • Infographics and dataviz • Fluidly scaling, responsive animation

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Tag-based animation within SVG • No IE or Edge support • Future in Chrome uncertain “

$ CSS • Transitions and keyframe animations can be applied to SVG elements • Limited number of properties are exposed to CSS • Transforms on child elements not supported in IE* JS • Can access/animate native SVG properties • Can do motion along path, shape morphing and more just like SMIL

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SVG In Summary Where it shines: • Animated illustrations & infographics • Shape morphing • Motion along a path Biggest Pro: • Responsive by nature • Potential for tiny file sizes

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  • transform: scale() position
  • transform: translate() rotation
  • transform: rotate() opacity

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composite paint layout style

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CSS JavaScript • CSS is declarative 
 (whole animation is known ahead of time) • CSS animations with transform & opacity won’t be impacted by the main thread • JS is imperative 
 (browser only really aware of the current frame) • Hardware acceleration isn’t automatic

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SVG & Hardware Acceleration? • Not all browsers support it
• Good performance in general without it though

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You have encountered an interface that requires animation. What would you like to use? (1) …?

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Designing Interface Animation 20% O ! : “valhead”