A presentation at Performance.now() in November 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Mark Zeman
Pushing Pixels
Hopeful Idealist
Buttery Smooth
Thinking in pages has fostered a monolithic approach to the web experience
Let’s bust up that monolith
Let’s burn those pages
Let’s burn those pages an ape wearing a spacesuit burning pages in a book surrounded by hundreds of other burning books
Not every pixel has the same value
Nav Cart Hero Ad Content
Design an island
Don’t throw pages over the wall from design to development
Collaborate and prototype early in small interdisciplinary teams
Kumara Incident
Approach the UX as time based
Static App Static Third Party Static
Design Dev Marketing Agency Content
Build an island
Islands Architecture Katie Sylor-Miller
Multi Page App Content Focused BYO JS Components astro.build
Critical Rendering Path web.dev
Static vs SPA 1.7s 10.5s
Measure an island
Hero Times
Hero Times 1.7s
Paul Irish
Largest Contentful Paint
Largest Contentful Paint Cumulative Layout Shift First Input Delay
Largest Contentful Paint Cumulative Layout Shift First Input Delay Interaction to Next Paint
First Meaningful Paint
Cumulative Layout Shift Windows
Unexpected LCP
WC3 Web Performance Working Group
Element Timing <img src=”/images/logo.png” elementtiming=”logo-shown” /> Chromium only img and text nodes RUM & Synthetic
Time to first tweet
Think in smaller islands of content and stream them into the browser (islands architecture)
Don’t prioritise developer experience over user experience (everything has a cost, especially SPAs)
Keep measurement simple and easy for everyone to understand and improve (build a performance culture)
Pushing Code