A presentation at CanUX in in Ottawa, ON, Canada by Alastair Somerville
CanUX 2019 CanUX @acuity_design Mixed Reality Frameworks
CanUX @acuity_design Alastair @acuity_design
Relax CanUX @acuity_design Post-Brunch
CanUX @acuity_design 7 topics 2 problems 1 solution
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design 7 topics 2 problems 1 solution
(including why you are extraordinary) CanUX @acuity_design 7 topics 2 problems 1 solution
CanUX @acuity_design What do I do?
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design How to help people perceive information in places?
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Maps thru touch
Augmented Reality thru sound CanUX @acuity_design Maps thru touch
Augmented Reality thru sound Data visualisation & manipulation thru N Dimensional data folding in Virtual Reality CanUX @acuity_design Maps thru touch
Augmented Reality thru sound Cognitive accessibility of information and places Data visualisation & manipulation thru N Dimensional data folding in Virtual Reality CanUX @acuity_design Maps thru touch
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Design of public spaces & services for people with dementia and autistic people
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Centre for Accessible Environments
CanUX @acuity_design Entrance halls for autistic people
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Cognitive Accessibility of museums
CanUX @acuity_design Mapping and sorting
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Looking at lots of Post It Notes on walls
CanUX @acuity_design Small problem
CanUX @acuity_design Human centered design needs human perspective
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Toys Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Jenga
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Human perspective on content
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
Content splitting then Meaning CanUX @acuity_design Perception
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Perceivable
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design From human perspective, content may not be perceivable
CanUX @acuity_design Sensory Cognitive Cultural Economic
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Meaning
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Meaning is held by user
CanUX @acuity_design Perspective switching
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Human perspective
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design System perspective
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design More questions More user journeys
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design A small detour…
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places Transcendent User Experience
CanUX @acuity_design Make your own tools
CanUX @acuity_design Crown Nail
CanUX @acuity_design Blued Cut Tacks
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Corollary of mass production is custom tools
Tool Makers CanUX @acuity_design Tool Room
Making Innovation CanUX @acuity_design Maintaining Infrastructure
CanUX @acuity_design
But do make your own tools CanUX @acuity_design Do not imitate manufacturing
CanUX @acuity_design And back…
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Service Design and sorting into lanes
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Adding realities
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Virtual realities
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Mixed realities
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Mixed realities are everywhere…
CanUX @acuity_design …and always have been
CanUX @acuity_design Books Theatres Cinema Daydreams
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Big problem
CanUX @acuity_design Framing Mixed Realities
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Building a model
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Thresholds
CanUX @acuity_design Information Thresholds
CanUX @acuity_design People move thru mixed realities all the time
CanUX @acuity_design Thresholds enable choice of which reality to enter to meet intent
CanUX @acuity_design Threshold spotting
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Threshold spotting tool
CanUX @acuity_design Thresholds are rectangular*
CanUX @acuity_design *unless they are human (with a rectangular badge)
CanUX @acuity_design Boundaries
CanUX @acuity_design Boundaries enable choices
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Human perspective: thinking, dreaming, imagining
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Choosing realities to enter
CanUX @acuity_design Another detour…
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Autonoetic consciousness
“an awareness of you, the experiencing person, as part of the experience” Joseph LeDoux CanUX @acuity_design Autonoesis
CanUX @acuity_design We all journey back & forward thru time and place
CanUX @acuity_design Autonoesis is unique to humans*
CanUX @acuity_design You, and everyone you meet, are extraordinary
CanUX @acuity_design Senses Mixed Reality Design Cognitive Accessibility Autonoetic consciousness Perception Tools Diversity of people, diversity of places
CanUX @acuity_design Designing for diversity of people in a diversity of places?
CanUX @acuity_design Postal Museum, London, UK
CanUX @acuity_design Photo: http://alondoninheritance.com
CanUX @acuity_design Listen to many people!
CanUX @acuity_design Less like this
CanUX @acuity_design Isolated in technology
CanUX @acuity_design More like this
CanUX @acuity_design Threshold: held by human storyteller
CanUX @acuity_design Boundary: centered in humanity, immersed in stories
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Problematising people
CanUX @acuity_design Accessibility framed as problem with impairments
CanUX @acuity_design Accessibility framed as opportunity for capacities
CanUX @acuity_design Social Model of Disability: broken design not broken people
CanUX @acuity_design Design framed as problem with humanity
CanUX @acuity_design Design framed as solution thru humanity
CanUX @acuity_design Human centred: bad design not bad people
CanUX @acuity_design People are amazing
CanUX @acuity_design The uniqueness of human consciousness
CanUX @acuity_design We all move back and forward thru many realities
CanUX @acuity_design
CanUX @acuity_design Work with the huge diversity of people
CanUX @acuity_design Anchor to human perspective and perception
CanUX @acuity_design Being human is the solution
CanUX @acuity_design Being you is the solution
CanUX @acuity_design Because you are extraordinary
CanUX @acuity_design
A talk about mixed reality design, human perspectives, accessibility, Jenga, human consciousness and the importance of anchoring design to humans