The VoiceOver experience of an interactive graph in a mobile app

A presentation at A11y Bytes Melbourne 2024 in May 2024 in Melbourne VIC, Australia by Allison Ravenhall

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The VoiceOver experience of an interactive graph in a mobile app

There is a lot of audio in this presentation, it’s a lot more meaningful to watch the video recording if you can. I’ve added the YouTube recording to the Video section. Below I’ve briefly described the videos I presented in each slide.

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Introducing Money plan Savings graph

A picture of the Money plan savings graph in a banking app. It is a line graph that shows the savings balance amount over the last 3 months. The current savings amount and date is shown about the graph.

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Video demonstration (no audio)

A short video (no audio) that shows the interactive nature of the savings chart. A user can drag their finger along the chart line to see the savings amount and date values update automatically. But how do we share this rich information to people using VoiceOver?

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Video demonstration (VoiceOver audio)

VoiceOver summarises a chunk of the line graph. Video demonstration captions: VoiceOver on CB Test, Back button Total savings, $9,971.50, the 7th of May, heading 5th of Feb 2024 at 12AM to 19th of Feb 2024 at 12AM, 5,572 to 9,170 Increases inconsistently, 12 values

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Video demonstration (VoiceOver audio)

Quick video that lists the VoiceOver interaction options for the line graph. Captions: Describe graph Audio graph Chart details

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Video demonstration (VoiceOver audio)

Video recording of the VoiceOver experience of the Audio graph interaction. It plays a series of tones, sounds that represent the line graph values. Lower tones are lesser values, higher tones are higher values.

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Video demonstration (VoiceOver audio)

Video recording of the VoiceOver experience of the Chart details interaction. It opens a new page where the user can drag their finger across the chart to access every individual data point. Captions: Chart details Audio graph, heading Done, button Savings history, heading Savings history 7th of Feb 2024, $5,572.46 Audio chart tones as I drag my finger across 28th of Feb 2024, $11,101.75 More audio chart tones 24th of Mar 2024, $10,232.94

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Which platforms is this charting interaction available on?

iOS SwiftUI - Yes (iOS 15 and up) iOS UIKit - No Android - Unsure but probably not

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Resources to implement your own accessible graph

WWDC presentation: Bring accessibility to charts in your app Search for “WWDC AXChart” Audio graphs | Apple Developer Documentation Search for “apple audio graphs”

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