My IndieWeb Journey

A presentation at OpenUK Digital Meetup #4 The IndieWeb by Ana Rodrigues

My IndieWeb Journey: Building, Sharing, and Owning Your Online Presence

My IndieWeb Journey: Building, Sharing, and Owning Your Online Presence

Hello everyone! đź‘‹

Hello everyone! đź‘‹

Homebrew Website Club

Homebrew Website Club

“Building Blocks of the Indie Web” Talk by Jeremy Keith

“Building Blocks of the Indie Web” Talk by Jeremy Keith

"Blogging and me" a talk by me!!

"Blogging and me" a talk by me!!

What does it mean to have an online presence nowadays?

What does it mean to have an online presence nowadays?

A case for the IndieWeb

A case for the IndieWeb

What does “people-focused” alternative to the “corporate web” mean?

What does “people-focused” alternative to the “corporate web” mean?

What does “people-focused” alternative to the “corporate web” mean?

What does “people-focused” alternative to the “corporate web” mean?

Take it easy!

Take it easy!

You don’t have to over-engineer

You don’t have to over-engineer

You don’t have to be a content creator to have a website.

You don’t have to be a content creator to have a website.

My IndieWeb Journey: Building, Sharing, and Owning Your Online Presence.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.