A presentation at Shopify Pursuit in in Melbourne VIC, Australia by Anne Thomas
Long live your code. Be proactive instead of reactive. !2
Past, present and future. Meet your codebase ghosts… !3
Technical debt is unavoidable. Does your team pay off their credit card every month? !5
It’s all around us... ● Using third-party libraries that are now defunct ● Custom undocumented code added to a theme by an expert ● Themes that haven’t been updated in years ● Inherited code from other agencies/developers ● A “temporary” fix that was added months ago
Legacy code is everywhere. How much are you living with? !7
Reaching the tipping point. ● Developers are scared to change anything ● Worried about the “Butterfly Effect” ● No one want to work on that store anymore ● Theme can’t be updated - bugs emerge ● App conflicts (with other apps and themes)
I see dead parentheses. Identifying your issues. !9
Take stock of what you’ve got. ● Is it currently broken? Like really broken? ● When is the last time the code was touched? ● Does anyone understand what the code does? ● Are you using the latest Shopify features? ● What kind of improvements can be made?
Be kind. Attitude is everything. !11
Focus on solutions, not blame. ● You don’t know what stresses previous developers were under/ time commitments, etc ● Software is built by humans and humans are NOT infallible ● Flip side is to not put code on a pedestal
Why does it happen? Identifying the path to technical debt. !13
Reckless Deliberate Inadvertent Prudent No one has time to review it, so we’ll just commit to master. We know this bug exists, but we have to focus on this feature instead. What are JavaScript design patterns? In hindsight, it’s clear that we should have taken this approach instead. – Martin Fowler
Getting buy-in. Is it worth the trouble to update or improve? !16
What’s the return on investment here? ● Merchants may not recognize the importance of maintenance ● Avoid enabling the “Set it and forget it” attitude ● Sell them on the flexibility of new features and performance improvements ● Stress the importance of keeping things up to date (browsers update all the time)
Help your team. Reduce technical debt where you can. !18
Document the heck out of everything. ● Documentation needs to be just good enough ● Document all the things - project with compilers, development process, etc ● Use comments in your code - eg. using liquid to create arrays ● Not fun, but super helpful when someone new joins the team
Tooling. ● Linters, compilers, task runners ● Be wary because these can come with their own technical debt, but the pros generally outweigh the cons ● Linters can be tough with liquid - separate files
Code styleguides. ● If you can’t implement a linter, this is the next best thing in the short term ● Be picky in pull requests (but nice!) ● Have one for CSS/JavaScript/HTML/Liquid, etc
Establish some standards. ● Introduce some repetition and consistency in your code so that it is easier to ramp up ● BEM, SMACSS, OOCSS ● Explore design systems (eg. Polaris or custom)
Know what has changed. ● Always use some form of version control ● Make pull requests small and associate branch with issue number ● Take your time with reviews and set aside time/ energy ● Establish a solid git branching model (eg. git-flow)
Keep your merchants in the loop. ● Changelogs are easier for team to review than commit messages - also a marketing opportunity ● Let your clients know when updates have been made - stress importance of updating ● Listen to suggestions for features/improvements
Happy devs, happy life. ● Nothing is too precious to be reworked and improved - encourage time to refactor ● Provide opportunities to work on new features ● Get team to take personal ownership of code that they are committing ● Don’t get too fancy, just solid readable code
Incremental changes. Small wins over time. !26
Things you can do tomorrow. ● Remove any old polyfills that you no longer need (check out caniuse.com for browser support) ● Use resource hints (preconnect, dns-prefetch) to perform DNS lookups in the background ● Minify your HTML using liquid ● Run axe on your site to check for accessibility issues and make a plan to update
Look ahead. Think about what your merchants are requesting. !29
Be kind to your future self. ● Be ready to support new features down the line ● Not all “features” are optional (eg. a11y) ● Browsers change rapidly and new APIs appear that you will want to use ● There is no “set it and forget it”
Keeping things fresh. What should you be aware of? !31
Font picker. (maybe not for custom agency sites) !32
Dynamic Payment Buttons. SUPER popular. !33
Sections and blocks. Just scratching the surface of how powerful these can be. !34
Accessibility. Mandatory updates. !35
Internationalization. All around the world. !36
Stay up to date. Bringing it all together. !37
No code left behind. ● If you are using a third-party theme, always aim to keep it up to date ● Sign up for mailing lists/ read development blogs ● Get involved with the Shopify community ● Attend conferences (good job!) ● Build time for maintenance into your schedule
Maintenance is often overlooked ● It’s not hip, cool or sexy ● BUT being able to properly understand (and respect) legacy code is a skill ● It is critical and important
Tenacity and optimism ● Don’t become complacent with the work you are doing ● Know your contribution affects the long-term prospects of the merchant and their business ● You’ve got this!
Thank you! @AlfalfaAnne @outofthesandbox