A presentation at Web Directions Code Melbourne in in Melbourne VIC, Australia by Ben Buchanan (200ok)
The SemVer Talk 1.1.0 Web Directions Code 2016 Ben Buchanan, @200okpublic command-line.net
Versions everywhere { “dependencies”: { “express”: “~4.13.3”, “gruntcli”: “~0.1.13”, “mustache”: “~2.2.1”, “socket.io”: “~1.3.7” } }
Version schemes Sequential Date of release Degree of change Degree of compatibility Random ^%#@
ReadMyBlogVer Where the versions mean nothing, you just have to read their blog.
ReadMyBlogVer doesn’t scale reveal.js uses 484 NPM packages. 484 * 2 minutes = ~16 hours.
People don’t read your blog Your API is a tiny piece of a much larger experience.
Enter Semantic Versioning… SemVer communicates changes to a public API.
semver.org SemVer is the most popular version scheme in web development.
Most popular? Preferred in most current dev stacks. 91% of Hashnoders surveyed* use it. * survey was not in any way scientific.
Semantic adjective Relating to meaning in language or logic.
SemVer is… A degree of compatibility scheme. SemVer describes changes to the API.
Anchored to 1.0.0 0.x.y = early development 1.0.0 = first public API 2.0.0 = first breaking change
SemVer is not… Based on the size, number, or general vibe of the changes.
SemVer is not… Guessing if your code works, or estimating your upgrade work.
1.2.3 1 = major 2 = minor 3 = patch
1.2.3 1 = major 2 = minor 3 = patch
1.2.3 1 = major 2 = minor 3 = patch
1.2.3 1 = major 2 = minor 3 = patch
Pre-release & Build 1.2.3-beta.1 1.2.3-beta.1+001
Precedence 1.2.3 ↑ 1.2.3-beta.1 1.2.3-beta.1+001 (builds ignored)
X.Y.Z Three numbers, not one. Each increments sequentially. Each increments indefinitely.
1.9.0 Can but does not have to increment to 2.0.0
1.9.0 can increment to 2.0.0 1.10.0 1.9.1
What do the terms mean? Major = breaking changes Minor = new features Patch = bug fixes
Breaking changes Code changes which are not backwards-compatible are called breaking changes.
Imagine this API: // returns a small black coffee COFFEE.gimme(‘large’) Wait, large returns small ?
Next release // returns a large black coffee COFFEE.gimme(‘large’) Fixed! That’s a patch: 1.0.1
Next release // adds types of coffee COFFEE.gimme(‘large’, ‘latte’) New feature! That’s a minor: 1.1.0
Next release // has a more extensible format COFFEE.gimme({ ‘size’:’large’, ‘type’:’latte’ }) // but old calls no longer work COFFEE.gimme(‘large’, ‘latte’) That’s a breaking change: 2.0.0
Shorthand SemVer compresses information.
We judge risk every day Update available 1.7.7 → 1.7.9 Run npm i g bower to update
How risky is this upgrade? 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 = dangerous 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 = safe 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 = safe
What will happen when I upgrade? 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 = things will break 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 = you can use something new 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 = something was fixed
What do I need to read? 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 = upgrade guide, definitely 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 = release notes, maybe 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 = nothing
Non-code SemVer Versions can help with design, copy…
Does this look familiar? website-new.psd website-new_new.psd website-new_new-blue.psd website-new_new-with-bigger-logo.psd website-new-final.psd website-new-final-fixed.psd
Better! website-0.1.psd website-0.2.psd website-1.0.psd website-1.0.1.psd website-1.1.0.psd website-2.0.psd
So we’ve solved everything? Excellent! Job done.
Many people don’t follow SemVer. :(
Common breaches Breaking changes in minor or patch New features in a patch Skipping versions Modifying a deployed package Permanent Zero
Protect yourself Lock noncompliant dependencies. Avoid confusing auto-upgrade syntax. Use shrink wrap.
Auto upgrade in NPM * auto upgrades major ^1.0.1 auto upgrades minor ~1.0.1 auto upgrades patches
x is easier to read x auto upgrades major 1.x auto upgrades minor 1.0.x auto upgrades patches
Shrink wrap Include resolved dependency tree details when you tag your project.
Why don’t people use SemVer? “Too hard to make changes” “Not followed, why bother”
Too hard to make changes? Put the user first. Plan your API. Use deprecation.
Backwards compatibility + Deprecation = Less pain for users
Revisiting our coffee API // returns coffee COFFEE.gimme({ ‘size’:’large’ }) // breaks COFFEE.gimme(‘large’) Required a 2.0.0 release.
Option: accept both // returns coffee COFFEE.gimme({ ‘size’:’large’ }) // returns coffee + warning COFFEE.gimme(‘large’) Minor release: 1.2.0
Option: different name // returns coffee COFFEE.giveMe({ ‘size’:’large’ }) // returns coffee + warning COFFEE.gimme(‘large’) Minor release: 1.2.0
Deprecation Gives you freedom Gives users time to update
Common pattern 1.2.0 feature deprecated 2.0.0 removed from docs 3.0.0 removed from code
Pre-releases + API planning = Less pain for everyone
Pre-release feedback // v1.0.0beta.1 COFFEE.gimme(‘large’); // v1.0.0beta.2 COFFEE.gimme(‘large’,’latte’,’skim’); // v1.0.0 COFFEE.gimme({ ‘type’: ‘latte’, ‘size’: ‘large’, ‘milk’: ‘fullcream’ })
API planning (know the domain) graphic: popchartlab.com
But… If we bump version numbers, people will think the API is unstable!
Hauptversionsnummernerhöhungsangst noun Fear of increasing the major version number
Be judicious 50.1.1 is fine 1.50.1 is great 1.1.50 is not so great
“Not followed, why bother” Lack of compliance does not invalidate standards.
Advocate. This is not just a job, it’s a craft.
Professionalism We must earn titles like ‘Engineer’ by displaying engineering rigour
This is not a new call
Professionalism API stability. Predictability. Quality.
Professionalism SemVer is a small piece. Use it. Demand it.
1.2.3 1 = broken 2 = improved 3 = fixed semver.org
1.2.3 1 = broken 2 = improved 3 = fixed semver.org Thank you. @200okpublic, command-line.net
What do all those numbers mean in your package.json
? And how can they make my life better?
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
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Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
* = YOLO upgrade plan, heh! @200okpublic on SemVer #code16 pic.twitter.com/J5ev8eLWIK
— Laura Summers (@summerscope) August 2, 2016
Enjoying @200okpublic talk about semver. Better but less fun than senver https://t.co/cxxjnAWACk #code16
— Jeremy Nagel (@jeznag) August 2, 2016
This talk on SemVer is surprisingly exciting ✨, @200okpublic 👌 I understand those numbers now! #code16
— Mel Kaulfuß | @mello.bsky.social (@MelissaKaulfuss) August 2, 2016
The Compendious Coffee Chart https://t.co/Qn1RVHBErW via @popchartlab #code16 @200okpublic [ Pop Chart Lab | Design + Data = Delight ]
— Frank Arrigo 🇦🇺💪😇♏️🍔☕💉⁶ (@frankarr) August 2, 2016