Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with

A presentation at React Alicante in September 2018 in Alicante, Spain by Marco Cedaro

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Modular architecture

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Modular architecture Classes and components

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Modular architecture classes and Components and modifiers

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Modular architecture classes and Components, modifiers and overrides

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Modular architecture classes, modifiers and overrides Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with

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@cedmax Webmaster before it was cool Tech Lead Condé Nast International

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Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with

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Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with or… How I came up with a good use of quotes from Lost in Translation

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Lost in Translation? Basically

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Disclaimer “This movie is an hour and some odd minutes of my life I will never get back.” JoeB. on Metacritic

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Lost in Translation “Meaning is complex and often gets lost in translation. Everybody has their own mental model of things” Alla Kholmatova

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Modular design

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2013 - 2015

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Atomic design Brad Frost · October 2013

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Web components announced in November 2011

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Pattern Library “Pattern libraries are something I do a lot for client projects. It’s a technique I first saw Natalie Downe develop for client projects back in 2009” […] […] Anna Debenham

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Pattern Library “Pattern libraries are something I do a lot for client projects. It’s a technique I first saw Natalie Downe develop for client projects back in 2009” […] […] Anna Debenham

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ReactJS First release: March 2013

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Where are we at, today?

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Frame the issue Basically

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It's not that simple “When you actually try to apply a modular approach to your day to day work, it isn’t really that simple” Alla Kholmatova · June 2015

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The issue

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The issue How do we manage our code, to re-use patterns without making them too rigid for the day to day activities?

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The issue How do we manage our code, to re-use patterns without making them too rigid for the day to day activities? How do we re-use our patterns in slightly different use cases?

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Wish I could sleep

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It’s NOT about any specific tech stack or module implementation: most of the patterns can be applied with BEM, styled components, css modules… * It’s about modularity at its core It’s about modules responsibilities It’s about maintainability (among other coding practices)

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Classname injection I'll be in the bar for the rest of the week

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<IconButton className="content-actions__button" iconId="close" />

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<IconButton className="content-actions__button" iconId="close" />

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//_content-actions.scss .content-actions { //[...] &__button { flex: 1 0 auto; padding: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; &:hover, &:focus { background: $grey-1; } &:active { background: $grey-2; } } }

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//_content-actions.scss .content-actions { //[...] &__button { flex: 1 0 auto; padding: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; &:hover, &:focus { background: $grey-1; } &:active { background: $grey-2; } } }

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//_content-actions.scss .content-actions { //[...] &__button { flex: 1 0 auto; padding: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; &:hover, &:focus { background: $grey-1; } &:active { background: $grey-2; } } } What's the effect on the base button?

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//_content-actions.scss .content-actions { //[...] &__button { flex: 1 0 auto; padding: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; &:hover, &:focus { background: $grey-1; } &:active { background: $grey-2; } } } Why is this button different from the pattern library ones?

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What works This is the most flexible way to extend anything.

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What really doesn't 1. The default style could be overridden in unexpected ways. 2. We are creating many variants of the original patterns.

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Ad hoc modifiers

  • You're too tall. - Anybody ever tell you you may be too small?

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<Dialog className="dialog--user-intent"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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<Dialog className="dialog--user-intent"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { //[...] &--user-intent { width: 43.75rem; height: auto; } }

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { //[...] &--user-intent { width: 43.75rem; height: auto; } }

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { //[...] &--wizard { width: 43.75rem; height: 35rem; } &--game-intent { width: 43.75rem; height: auto; } &--save-results { width: 23.75rem; height: auto; } } How many variants do we have to account for?

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What works This practice allows for flexibility, giving a reasonable control and keeping all the variants in proximity.

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What really doesn't 1. The generic component style have knowledge of specific implementations. 2. The file size might be effected by unused code. 3. It doesn't scale

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Specialised patterns I'm special

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<Dialog className="dialog--prompt"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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<Dialog className="dialog--prompt"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { //[...] &--prompt { display: block; overflow: hidden; max-width: map-get($dialog-prompt, max-width); height: auto; margin: map-get($dialog-prompt, margin); padding: 2rem 0 0; border-radius: 3px; } }

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { //[...] The semantic value of the modifiers is different from the ad-hoc ones. &--prompt { display: block; overflow: hidden; max-width: map-get($dialog-prompt, max-width); height: auto; margin: map-get($dialog-prompt, margin); padding: 2rem 0 0; border-radius: 3px; } }

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What works The patterns are at the centre: no special cases, but pre-defined flavours of the basic components.

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What really doesn't 1. It might drive to preemptive abstraction 2. It does account for a finite number of use cases

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<Dialog className="dialog--prompt"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog> <Dialog type="prompt" /> <DialogPrompt />

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Classname injection Ad hoc modifiers Specialised patterns A no go: it defies the point of having a pattern library A code smell, it's an hack and it should be treated like one The best approach, even though sometimes I still wish I could sleep

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I'm stuck Basically

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It's not that simple “It isn’t really that simple” Alla Kholmatova · June 2015

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The issue How do we re-use our patterns in slightly different use cases?

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What am I trying to solve?

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Arrangement within parent components

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<div className="game-intent__dialog"> <Dialog> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog> </div>

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<div className="game-intent__dialog"> <Dialog> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog> </div>

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { width: 100%; height: 100%; //[...] } //_game-intent.scss .game-intent { //[...] &__dialog { width: 43.75rem; height: auto; } }

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//_dialog.scss .dialog { width: 100%; height: 100%; //[...] } //_game-intent.scss .game-intent { //[...] &__dialog { width: 43.75rem; height: auto; } } Each component has its own responsibility

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What works This practices defines responsibilities in a neat way and it enables for specific implementations without invalidating patterns.

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<Dialog className="custom-class"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog> <div className="custom-class"> <Dialog> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog> </div>

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What really doesn't Potentially you might need a wrapper HTML element that could have been avoided.

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Space in relation to other components

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<Dialog className="space-max inner-space-min"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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<Dialog className="space-max inner-space-min"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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What works It reduces the need to come up with new class names and it moves the conversation regarding component relationships back to the pattern library.

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What really doesn't 1. The positional classes might get stale if not codified properly in the pattern lib. 2. The flexibility of the helper classes is limited 3. Do you like atomic css?

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<Dialog className="M(defSpace) P(defSpace)"> <!-- [...] --> </Dialog>

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"Open" components

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//_question-content-block.scss .question-content-block { //[...] &__icon-button { //[...] .icon { width: $content-block-icon-large-size; height: $content-block-icon-large-size; } }

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//_question-content-block.scss .question-content-block { //[...] &__icon-button { //[...] .icon { width: $content-block-icon-large-size; height: $content-block-icon-large-size; } }

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//_question-content-block.scss .question-content-block { //[...] &__icon-button { //[...] @include icon-size($content-block-icon-medium-size); } } //_icon.scss @mixin icon-size($size) { .icon { width: $size; height: $size; } }

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//_question-content-block.scss .question-content-block { //[...] &__icon-button { //[...] @include icon-size($content-block-icon-medium-size); } } //_icon.scss @mixin icon-size($size) { .icon { width: $size; height: $size; } }

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//_question-content-block.scss .question-content-block { //[...] &__icon-button { //[...] @include icon-size($content-block-icon-medium-size); } } //_icon.scss @mixin icon-size($size) { .icon { width: $size; height: $size; } } The responsibility of being flexible it back to the component itself

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<Icon size={32} />

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What works 1. Every base component can be as flexible as it defines itself to be. 2. Developers always have control on what they expose.

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What really doesn't 1. This technique involves more complexity in thinking about the components 2. It's a slippery slope 3. How does an "open" component fit in the patterns?

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Does it get easier? Basically

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The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you

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I just don't know what I'm supposed to be

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“A common language is a first step towards communication across cultural boundaries. ” Ethan Zuckerman

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The issue How to understand - and convey the meaning of an exception in our patterns?

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Learn what the pattern your are building is supposed to be

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Get involved early

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Talk to people

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and remember that…

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You are not hopeless @cedmax