Bringing best practices front and centre

A presentation at Halfstack Conf in November 2018 in London, UK by Chris Heilmann

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Bringing best practices front and centre Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) November 2018

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▪ We enjoy a lot of privilege, but we also feel a lot of pressure. ▪ We’re in high demand, but the people who want us have no idea what we do. We are a troubled lot… @codepo8 ▪ We’re better off than ever in terms of tooling, technology and standards support – yet we feel that if we don’t innovate, someone will eat our lunch.

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“ “JavaScript fatigue” JavaScript fatigue: the inability to keep up with the latest tools, the fear of becoming obsolete, the constant change of the ecosystem, and the overwhelming choice. - Kim Maida/Auth0 @codepo8

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▪ Best practice setups ▪ Boilerplates ▪ Build tools with automated optimisation “Tools can fix that!” ▪ Replacing JavaScript and the DOM with something better ▪ Debugging tools ▪ Generators @codepo8

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“Full-stack anxiety” @codepo8

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“ There are now more tools and plugins developed to help aid site creation than there ever has been before. For graduates starting out these ‘helpful’ tools and plugins are a double edged sword. Job applications rapidly cite these technologies as prerequisites for winning a position. “Full-stack anxiety” @codepo8 As a result, we see more “full stack anxiety”, where things are advancing too quickly and the amount of learning required for a fresh graduate is completely overwhelming. - Paul Spencer

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Sure, “graduates are overwhelmed” @codepo8

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“ Wanted: T people @codepo8 Companies have been attracted to Tshaped persons, where the vertical bar of the T represents expertise in a single field and depth of related skills, and the horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines and apply knowledge in fields outside one’s expertise. - Joel Califa

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“ More wanted: W people @codepo8 The new, hip thing is a W-shaped designer. Hiring managers are looking for designers who are experts in not one, but two fields (say both visual design and experience design), while maintaining a foundation in the rest (coding, lettering, etc.). - Joel Califa

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Really wanted: A-Z people, a.k.a.: “Full Stack Devs” @codepo8 ▪ Know everything without your company having to give you time to learn it ▪ Be young and independent, so you can enjoy all the overtime you have to put in to reach arbitrary deadlines ▪ Have years of experience especially applying brand new technologies ▪ Be quick in your delivery and lenient in your quality – after all the exit strategy of your startup beats customer experience and security. We need to be faster than our imaginary competition - not perfect

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All in all, the state of software and the web isn’t surprising. @codepo8 017/09/saving-the-world-from-code/540393/

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All in all, the state of software and the web isn’t surprising. @codepo8 Nikita Prokopov

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We don’t lack resources: ▪ Platform: Excellent browsers, mature OSes ▪ Information: MDN, But, why is that? @codepo8 ▪ Tools: developer tools, highly customisable editors, collaboration suites ▪ News: news channels, conferences, AMAs, podcasts ▪ Hands-on training: video courses, training courses on GitHub, workshops

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Learning obstacles @codepo8 ▪ Resources with upvoting options favour the how over the why ▪ We’re not paid to learn, we’re paid to deliver ▪ Peer pressure makes developers who don’t know things afraid to admit it ▪ There’s always a “good enough” way to create a lot in a short amount of time.

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What is “best practice”? @codepo8 ▪ What is considered a best practice is dependent on the goal ▪ The problem is that the business goals of the product don’t necessarily mesh with our goals as developers ▪ Even worse – often what we defined as a best practice years ago isn’t quite as important to new developers ▪ Often we only learn their value once we messed up

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$ cd ..

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Things that matter and you should know… Performance Development environment Accessibility PWA Readiness Interoperability Security

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There are tools and services for this… @codepo8 ▪ Axe-Core for accessibility testing ▪ Snyk for security testing ▪ SSL scanner ▪ In-browser devtools audit with Lighthouse (and since two days ago also as ▪ for an all-in-one solution

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There are tools and services fr this… @codepo8

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Too many promises… @codepo8 ▪ “This tool makes $x easy. No need to look it up.” ▪ “$HUGE_CORP_APP uses this configuration and toolchain – if it works for their needs, it should rock for you, too” ▪ “Using this configuration optimises for the modern web”

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Too many rules and barriers @codepo8 ▪ Opinionated tools demand you to fix things that don’t apply to your product ▪ Dependencies and complex toolchains can be daunting ▪ “Best practices” often don’t get updates, and are contextual ▪ Having to follow strict rules without understanding them is not fun

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Customisable best practices in context @codepo8 ▪ Having information isn’t enough when people don’t go there ▪ We need to prevent mistakes before they happen ▪ We need to allow people to customize these experiences. An intranet site needs different settings than a marketing site ▪ So, let’s target editors and build processes

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Linting and inline insights in editors @codepo8

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Adding experience to build processes… @codepo8 ▪ A web interface or browser dev tools to get reports doesn’t scale to production ▪ Why not add best practices as part of your build/deployment process? ▪ That way you can also test the setup of your bundler/preprocessor to avoid huge release sizes

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▪ Once you know what your product’s needs are, you can turn different tests on and off Customise the tests to your needs… @codepo8 ▪ You can also write your own tests to become part of the scan – like “make sure every footer has a picture of a leprechaun” – just one example ▪ You can create these with a cli wizard: $ npm create hintrc

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Webhint is open, and needs your help…

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webhint @code extension

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Create valid app manifests…

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Fixing your tooling setup…

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Are you creating inaccessible content?

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▪ We accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years what software should do for users and how to make sure it does ▪ We suck at making sure busy and new developers learn about it ▪ We know, however, that people are happy to use open editors, and node as a platform ▪ Instead of whining that people don’t follow best practices, let’s make them part of the build process In summary… @codepo8

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In summary… @codepo8 ▪ We’re past a stage where developers have the chance to learn the trade before applying it ▪ Our editors are much more than dumb text writing tools and not as overwhelming as huge IDEs. ▪ We tend to buildz products using a toolchain we customise to the need of the product ▪ Both are an opportunity to instill a sense of ownership to developers and to learn about our mistakes before our users suffer from them.

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Thanks! Chris Heilmann @codepo8