A presentation at BuzzJS in in New York, NY, USA by Colin Bendell
1 Browser Test Automation (in 2018) @ ColinBendell CTO Office, Cloudinary
up & Q&A
End Automating CDN Changes
5 Why Do We Test?
10 Te s t i n g : P r e p a r e f o r t h e U n e x p e c t e d
“I just want to buy my Mom’s birthday present.” “I just want to know if it will rain today.” “I just want to share pictures of my vacation”
Te s t i n g = = = M e e t i n g U s e r E x p e c t a t i o n s
Te s t i n g M o d e l s
Unit Testing • Smallest testable component • Usually simple inputs and outputs • Moch objects v. skeleton dev services
converter.rgbToHex ( 0 , 0 , 255 ); expect( redHex ). to.equal ( "ff0000" ); expect( greenHex ). to.equal ( "00ff00" ); expect( blueHex ). to.equal ( "0000ff" ); }); }); });
Unit Testing • Blurred line to integration tests • Encourages small component logic v. monoliths • Large volume of Tests
Integration Tests
"http://localhost:3000/ rgbToHex?red =255&green=255&blue=255" ; it( "returns status 200" , function () {}); it( "returns the color in hex" , function () {}); }); describe( "Hex to RGB conversion" , function () { let url = "http://localhost:3000/ hexToRgb?hex =00ff00" ; it( "returns status 200" , function () {}); it( "returns the color in RGB" , function () {}); }); });
System Tests • Does it match design? • Meet expectations of design • Often focused on workflows • Vol ume, l oad, stress, securi ty • Usability, Accessibility
System Tests
End • Can the end user accomplish what we wanted it to do? • Alpha/Beta Feedback cycle
Kinds of Testing
Melanie Cey
Why do we need browser testing • Functional User experience • Wo r k f l o ws • Design & Layout • Preserve Presentation • Above the fold, responsive web • Mobi l e experi ences v. Watch v. ?? • Accessibility • Screen readers • audits • Performance measurement • Performance budgets • Request flows
Browser Eco System
2007 2008 2009 2010 Present IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 IE7 iPhone 3G Firefox 3 Android Chrome 1 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 iPad ??
2012: 3,977 Different Android Devices Source: OpenSi gnal 2012: 3,977 Different Android Devices
Source: OpenSignal 2014: 18.7k Different Android Devices
Source: OpenSignal 2015: 24.0k Different Android Devices
How many browsers in a typical Thanksgiving weekend?
How many browsers in a typical Thanksgiving weekend? 572
2007 2008 2009 2010 Present IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 IE7 iPhone 3G Firefox 3 Android Chrome 1 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 iPad 572 iOS Safari MacOS Safari Android Chrome Desktop Chrome Samsung IB Opera …
“…25% of new Android phones have only 512MB of RAM. ”
Jen Fitzpatrick VP of product management for Google Maps
Browser Based Te s t i n g
How do we test the Browser? • Checklists • Support tickets • Screen capture • Pixel comparison • Programmatic control • RUM Beacons
#1 reason checklists fail to catch browser regression: Humans
metric MAE baseline.png testoutput.png null
same1.png[0] PNG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 1.64KB 0.010u 0:00.019
same2.jpg[0] JPEG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 3.65KB 0.000u 0:00.009
0.196766 (3.00245e
metric MAE baseline.png testoutput.png null
same1.png[0] PNG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 1.64KB 0.010u 0:00.019
same2.jpg[0] JPEG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 3.65KB 0.000u 0:00.009
0.196766 (3.00245e
metric MAE baseline.png testoutput.png null
same1.png[0] PNG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 1.64KB 0.010u 0:00.019
same2.jpg[0] JPEG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 3.65KB 0.000u 0:00.009
0.196766 (3.00245e
metric MAE baseline.png testoutput.png null
same1.png[0] PNG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 1.64KB 0.010u 0:00.019
same2.jpg[0] JPEG 640x400 640x400+0+0 8
bit DirectClass 3.65KB 0.000u 0:00.009
0.196766 (3.00245e
How do we test the Browser? • Checklists • Support tickets • Screen capture • Pixel comparison • Programmatic control • RUM Beacons
OS API application control • Access the window model directly • Simulate Keyboard strokes and mouse movements • Interact with any application like a human • Screen Readers use this approach to supersede the OS accessibility features
Programmatic Control
How do we test the Browser? • Checklists • Support tickets • Screen capture • Pixel comparison • Programmatic control • RUM Beacons
Selenium Evolution • Selenium • Selenium Core • Selenium RC Selenium 1 • Selenium WebDriver Selenium 2 • We b D r i v e r Selenium 3 Gecko Driver (+Marionette) Chrome Driver EdgeDriver Apple Safari Driver Firefox Driver Safari Driver … https:// www.seleniumhq.org /download/
Selenium 3 (W3C WebDriver) Selenium Bindings Java Ruby C# Python JavaScript ? Selenium Grid ChromeDriver GeckoDriver SafariDriver EdgeDriver OperaDriver Browsers Chrome Firefox Safari Edge Opera JSON Wire Protocol WebDriver Wire Protocol HTTP HTTP
We bDr i ve r. i o We b Dr i ve r (or Selenium Grid) ChromeDriver GeckoDriver SafariDriver EdgeDriver OperaDriver Browsers Chrome Firefox Safari Edge Opera WebDriver Wire Protocol HTTP HTTP NodeJS
here { " sessionId " : "..." , "status" : 0 , "value" : null }
To o l c h a i n o v e r v i e w We bDr i ve r. i o Jenkins We b Platform Te s t Allure Chrome Driver Mocha Chrome Axe
workshop Request https:// duckduckgo.com Enter search term ( eg : "Mr. Dressup ") Navigate to the 4th result and report the
npm install chromedriver
npm install webdriverio
require ( ' webdriverio ' );
require ( ' webdriverio ' );
require ( ' webdriverio ' );
require ( ' webdriverio ' ); browser.init ();
require ( ' webdriverio ' ); browser.init (); browser.url ( 'https:// amazon.com /' ); browser.saveScreenshot ( amazon.png ');
workshop Request https:// duckduckgo.com Enter search term ( eg : "Mr. Dressup ") Navigate to the 4th result and report the
<title>Te s t i n g with Mocha
https:// mochajs.org /
http:// www.chaijs.com
wdio config
? Where do you want to execute your tests? On my local machine ? Which framework do you want to use? mocha ? Shall I install the framework adapter for you? Yes ? Where are your test specs located? ./ src /**/*_ spec.js ? Which reporter do you want to use? dot, allure ? Shall I install the reporter library for you? Yes ? Do you want to add a service to your test setup? Chromedriver ? Shall I install the services for you? Yes ? Level of logging verbosity error ? In which directory should screenshots gets saved if a command fails? ./ errorShots / ? What is the base url ? http://localhost
Adding TODO spec Install mocha, chai, allure create wdio.conf.js Navigate to todomvc.com Using Angular implementation: • add a To D o • marking it complete • clear the list
Model to abstract selectors for reduced maintenance • Create good & actionable outputs
How Browsers Work
How Browsers Are Supposed to work
Page Load Time: Seconds
2 Second Magic Number Page Load Time: Seconds
! " ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms ShoesByColin.com
! " ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms ShoesByColin.com
! " ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms TCP Connect +100ms ShoesByColin.com
! " ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms TCP Connect +100ms TLS Negotiation +200ms ShoesByColin.com
! " ! ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms TCP Connect +100ms TLS Negotiation +200ms Application +100ms
! " ! ! 50ms DNS Lookup 100ms TCP Connect +100ms TLS Negotiation +200ms Application +100ms
HTML DOM JavaScript CSS Render Tr e e Layout Paint CSSOM Images Video JS Exec
Browser APIs
Real User Monitoring: JavaScript Timers Steve Souders Philip Te l l i s https:// github.com / stevesouders /episodes https:// github.com /lognormal/boomerang
https://www.w3.org/wiki/ We b_ Pe r fo r manc e /Publications
Navigation Timing API
{ " timeOrigin ": 1528900579651.6672, "timing": { " navigationStart ": 1528900579651, " unloadEventStart ": 0, " unloadEventEnd ": 0, " redirectStart ": 0, " redirectEnd ": 0, " fetchStart ": 1528900583010, " domainLookupStart ": 1528900579730, " domainLookupEnd ": 1528900579730, " connectStart ": 1528900579730, " connectEnd ": 1528900579761, " secureConnectionStart ": 1528900579733, " requestStart ": 1528900579761, " responseStart ": 1528900582922, " responseEnd ": 1528900583010, " domLoading ": 1528900583014, " domInteractive ": 1528900583849, " domContentLoadedEventStart ": 1528900583849, " domContentLoadedEventEnd ": 1528900583876, " domComplete ": 1528900585616, " loadEventStart ": 1528900585617, " loadEventEnd ": 1528900585856 }, "navigation": {"type": 0, " redirectCount ": 0 } }
timing.navigationStart }
What about … Javascript | CSS | WebFonts | Images | Videos | XHR/Fetch
{ "name": "https:// ajax.googleapis.com /ajax/libs/ jquery /1.11.2/ jquery.min.js ", " entryType ": "resource", " startTime ": 928.70000000039, "duration": 425.8000000008906, " initiatorType ": "script", " nextHopProtocol ": "h2", " workerStart ": 0, " redirectStart ": 0, " redirectEnd ": 0, " fetchStart ": 928.70000000039, " domainLookupStart ": 937.4000000025262, " domainLookupEnd ": 945.9000000024389, " connectStart ": 945.9000000024389, " connectEnd ": 967.5999999999476, " secureConnectionStart ": 946.2000000021362, " requestStart ": 949.5999999999185, " responseStart ": 970.9000000002561, " responseEnd ": 1354.5000000012806, " transferSize ": 33798, " encodedBodySize ": 33495, " decodedBodySize ": 95931, " serverTiming ": [] }
me. responseStart }
Length: 1234
How long does it take to display the main product image on my site?
function loadTemplate () { performance.mark (“ startTask ”); doTemplateStuff () //do stuff (assumes promise()) .then(() => { performance.mark (“ stopTask ”); //Measure the duration between the two marks performance.measure (“ taskDuration ”, “ startTask ”,“ stopTask ”); }); }
Timing: cloudinary , dur="10", desc ="new trans"
{ let url = 'https:// example.com / resource.jpg ’; let severEntries [] = window.performance.getEntriesByName ( url ) . filter (( name ) => name === " server ") ; }
document.querySelector ('body'); let callback = function(mutations) { mutations.forEach (function(mutation) { if ( mutation.type === ' childList ') { let values = []. slice.call ( list.children ) .map(node => node.nodeName ) .filter(n => / img / i.test (n)); console.log ( list_values ); } }); }; let observer = new MutationObserver (callback); observer.observe ( targetNode , config);
Exercise 4: performance budget Navigate to amazon.com Calculate the total bytes downloaded Ensure that the page load time < 2s and bytes < 2MiB Repeat with Disney.com
Ta ke A c t i o n • Add performance.mark () to measure YOUR key metrics • Eg : Hero Image, Product Image, Sport Scores • Keep performance.mark () in production code! • Define Hard and Soft targets that synthetic tests should hit • BHAG: 2s & 1MiB
Mobile Display & Network Throttling Tim Kadlec
gpu " ] },
gpu " ], mobileEmulation : { deviceMetrics : { width : 360, height : 720, pixelRatio : 3}, networkThrottle : 'Fast 3G' } }
Ta ke A c t i o n • Run Tests in different viewport configurations to test RWD • Experiment with different Network Conditions • Similarly with different CPU throttling
Web Platform Test
Why Inside v. Outside Browser Testing? • Hawthorne Effect • Platform Widgets & Controls • APIs
Exercise 5: WPT Implement Responsive Images and Test the naturalWidth
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
ADA Sec. 12182 (a)
core npm Load 3 news websites Compare the violations Create a test case to fail on a11y violations
and description
tags to media and anchors
Te s t y o u r s i t e ( a x een • Be an ally
Ta ke A c t i o n
Ta ke A c t i o n
CI/CD/CB with Jenkins
Ta ke A c t i o n
Real User Monitoring with Lux
Synthetic Real • Consistent • Precise CPU, Network use • Availability • Engagement • Business Metrics (Rev) • Market Segment • Layout • Design
User browser exerpiences • Audit user experience (load time, downloaded content) • Periodically run tests in the wild • Add window.addEventListener (‘error’) to capture console errors • Use Beacon API to ensure metrics are returned
User feedback to compare tests in the wild
@ ColinBendell
up & Q&A
10:45 AM 183
Lunch 11:50 AM – 12:30 AM 184 Lunch 12:00 PM – 1:00PM
Break 2:30 – 2:45 PM 185
In this training we will put all the pieces you need to adopt browser based testing without the complexity. For you: build more resilient front end apps. For your boss: lower the barrier for test writing and get "support" to write browser tests as bug reports.
Client side testing is mostly a known science, but it is not always easy, boring to build and often very fragile. The challenge is to lower the barrier-to-entry so that anyone can create tests, scale and resilience. We will cover the basics of browser based testing, webdriver standards and infrastructure advances. Different testing paradigms for client side testing with BDD models like mocha to WebPlatformTests from the W3C. Finally the CI automation and scaling with CI pipelines.