Lessons Learned When a Dev Does Opsy Things

A presentation at DeliveryConf 2020 in in Seattle, WA, USA by Cora Fedesna

The story of a Dev wading into the land of ops to get her deployment environment created. The story starts in the land of terraforming. It’s a different land for coding with scary and unfamiliar things like data blocks, IAM roles, and cidr. What is cidr? Well you can’t drink it! She travels through the land of AWS console where to wind up in the running of load tests to tune her services resources.

This talk is a discovery of terraforming, AWS dashboards, and the digging (datadog/logs) needed to tune a service with load tests. It will show code, there will be no live coding. In a story format, the talk walks the audience through these steps from the perspective of a Dev.


Buzz and feedback

Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.