A presentation at MicroRNA Agomir in in United States by Marcia Brady
Creative Biogene MiRNA Agomir/Antagomir Synthesis Services Email: info@creative-biogene.com Website: https://www.creativebiogene.com
On Overview of miRNA MicroRNAs comprise a novel class of endogenous, small (only about 20 to 25 nucleotides), and noncoding RNAs, and almost involved in the physiologic and pathologic process of the cardiovascular system. MicroRNAs, in common, play the similar roles as transcription factors by specifically binding the seed sequence within 3’UTR of target genes, by activating their degradation or inhibiting their translation of the target genes mRNAs or inhibit their translation, which results in a variety of cell activities changing at different levels. Moreover, during each stage of development, microRNAs maintain the shift balance between differentiation and proliferation of cell-status.
On Overview of miRNA miRNAs play important roles in various cellular processes including apoptosis, cell division, and proliferation and others. Investigations of miRNAs will help to decipher protein functions and even discover new drugs. Creative Biogene is committed to providing outstanding miRNA products and comprehensive services to facilitate and simplify miRNA investigation. Creative Biogene is a global leading agomir/ antagomir service provider for all passionate scientific researchers. And our comprehensive synthesis service is supported by Cutting-Edge Chemical Synthesis Technology. Agomir/antagomir are members of a novel class of chemically engineered oligonucleotides.
microUP™ miRNA Agomir Agomir is chemically-modified double-strand miRNA mimics which can mimic mature endogenous miRNAs after transfection into cells. They can up-regulate the endogenous miRNA activity by utilizing the natural miRNA machinery. The antisense strand of the agomir has 2 phosphorothioates at the 5’ end, 4 phosphorothioates, 1 cholesterol group at the 3’ end, and full-length nucleotide 2’-methoxy modification. It exhibits enhanced cellular uptake, stability and regulatory activity in vivo. They can up-regulate the corresponding endogenous miRNAs by either local or systemic injection into the animals. Mechanism of microUP™ miRNA agomir.
microUP™ miRNA Agomir Creative Biogene’s microUP™ miRNA agomir is designed to mimic mature miRNAs, and chemically modified to increase their stability and activity. They are recommended for miRNA functional in vitro and in vivo studies. Figure 1. Cells are incubated with equal amount of microUP™ miRNA agomir and miRNA mimic. qRT-PCR is performed after 2 days. Figure 2. qRT-PCR and western blot assays show the mRNA (A) and protein (B) expressions of TOB1 after transfection with agomir-NC and agomir-25.
microUP™ miRNA Agomir Recommended amounts of microUP™ miRNA agomir for your in vivo study.
microDOWN™ miRNA Antagomir Antagomir is chemically-modified single-strand miRNA inhibitor functioning by blocking miRNA regulation of target gene expression efficiently. They are synthesized to reduce the ability of endogenous miRNAs to silence target mRNA transcripts. They can down-regulate the corresponding endogenous miRNAs by either local or systemic injection into the animals. The strand of the antagomir has 2 phosphorothioates at the 5’ end, 4 phosphorothioates, 1 cholesterol group at the 3’ end, and full-length nucleotide 2’-methoxy modification. Stability of microDOWN™ miRNA antagomir appears to be significantly higher than miRNA inhibitors. It exhibits enhanced cellular uptake, stability and regulatory activity and is recommended for miRNA functional studies in vitro and in vivo. Mechanism of microDOWN™ miRNA antagomir.
microDOWN™ miRNA Antagomir Creative Biogene’s microDOWN™ miRNA antagomir is single-strand miRNA inhibitor carrying the chemical modifications functioning by blocking miRNA regulation of target gene expression efficiently. qRT-PCR and western blot assays show the mRNA (A) and protein (B) expressions of TOB1 after transfection with antagomir-NC and antagomir-25.
microDOWN™ miRNA Antagomir Recommended amounts of microDOWN™ antagomir for your cell assay.
Resuspension Protocol 1. Briefly centrifuge tubes containing miRNA agomir/antagomir to ensure that the miRNA pellet is located at the bottom of the tube. 2. Dissolve miRNA agomir/antagomir to a convenient stock concentration using the recommended volume of DEPC H2O (or RNase-free water). For example: dissolve 1 OD miRNA agomir/antagomir to 20 µM using 125 µl DEPC H2O (or RNase-free water). 3. Pipette the solution up and down 3-5 times (or vortex briefly). 4. Briefly centrifuge tubes containing miRNA agomir/antagomir to ensure that the solution is collected at the bottom of the tube. 5. Aliquot the miRNA agomir/antagomir into small volumes and store at ≤ -20℃. miRNA agomir/antagomir is stable (for 6 months under the specified storage condition). For best results, use in 3 months and limit freeze-thaw events for each tube no more than five times.
Advantages Cover all human, mouse, rat miRNAs Optimized modifications for stable utility and easy transfection Long-term (up to 6 weeks) up-regulation of the corresponding endogenous miRNAs Various scales and grades for your application No need of virus or vector for delivering, ready for in vivo and in vitro studies
THANKS Email: info@creative-biogene.com Website: https://www.creative-biogene.com
Creative Biogene is a global leading agomir/ antagomir service provider for all passionate scientific researchers and our comprehensive synthesis service is supported by Cutting-Edge Chemical Synthesis Technology. Agomir/antagomir are members of a novel class of chemically engineered oligonucleotides.