Web3 for Fun & Profit

A presentation at CascadiaJS in November 2021 in Vancouver, BC, Canada by Brooklyn Zelenka

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Web3 for Fun & Profit 🚀 🌔 Agency • Openness • Re-decentralization 🌐✨

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Web3 for Fun & Profit 🚀 🌔 Agency • Openness • Re-decentralization 🌐✨

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Brooklyn Zelenka @expede

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Brooklyn Zelenka @expede ff • CTO at Fission • https://fission.codes, @FISSIONCodes • Deep tech, distributed systems R&D • Infra & browser SDK for “edge (web3) apps” • Standards: DIF, UCAN, Ethereum, Filecoin, others • Meetups: VanFP, Code & Co ee

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Oct ‘16 Oct ‘18 Oct ‘19 Oct ‘20 Oct ‘21

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Search Traffic: Web3 Oct ‘16 Oct ‘18 Oct ‘19 Oct ‘20 Oct ‘21

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Search Traffic: Web3 Oct ‘16 Oct ‘18 Oct ‘19 Oct ‘20 Oct ‘21

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🤯 Search Traffic: Web3 Oct ‘16 Oct ‘18 Oct ‘19 Oct ‘20 Oct ‘21

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What is a “Web3”? So Many Questions! So Much Anxiety! • What is even happening?! • Is this a pyramid scheme? • Am I being left behind? • Isn’t Web 3.0 semantic tags?

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What the #$%@& is Even Happening? Don’t Panic!

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This has all happened before

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This has all happened before …and will happen again

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What is Even Happening? Just a Fad

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What is Even Happening? What’s In a Name? 🌹

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What is Even Happening? What’s In a Name? 🌹 https://www.irishtimes.com/business/web-geeks-need-to-practice-the-art-of-plain-speaking-1.1014319

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What is Even Happening? What’s In a Name? 🌹 https://www.irishtimes.com/business/web-geeks-need-to-practice-the-art-of-plain-speaking-1.1014319

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What is Even Happening? What’s In a Name? 🌹 https://www.irishtimes.com/business/web-geeks-need-to-practice-the-art-of-plain-speaking-1.1014319

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What is Even Happening? What’s In a Name? 🌹 https://www.irishtimes.com/business/web-geeks-need-to-practice-the-art-of-plain-speaking-1.1014319

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What is Even Happening? Web 2.0 Was Hard, Too! https://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html

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Web3 A technological & social movement characterized by openness, interoperability, and user agency

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  1. Decentralization 2. Non-discrimination 3. Bottom-up Design 4. Universality 5. Consensus ~ World Wide Web Foundation, “History of the Web”

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  1. Decentralization 2. Non-discrimination 3. Bottom-up Design 4. Universality 5. Consensus en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model ~ World Wide Web Foundation, “History of the Web”

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“It’s decentralized”

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“It’s decentralized” u S t u b , re ? y h w 🙄

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The internet was designed to be resilient to nuclear attack

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Centralized

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Centralized Decentralized

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Centralized Decentralized Mesh 🕸 Distributed

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Mesh 🕸 💥 💥 💥 Centralized Decentralized Distributed

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Mesh 🕸 💥 💥 💥 💥 Centralized Decentralized Distributed

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Mesh 🕸 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 Centralized Decentralized Distributed

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What is Even Happening? Network Topologies Star ⭐ Hub ⚙ Mesh 🕸 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 Centralized Decentralized Distributed

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[…] existing infrastructure will not be able to handle the volumes or the rates We are absolutely going to return to a peer-to-peer computing […] not unlike distributed computing ~ a16z, “The End of Cloud Computing”

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 The Web Web 2.0 Web3

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When User Role The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward Consumer Creator Owner

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When User Role Content The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward Consumer Creator Owner Linked, Static Interactive Generative, Repurposed

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When User Role Content Interop The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward Consumer Creator Owner Linked, Static Interactive Generative, Repurposed Siloed Pre-negotiated Permissionless

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When User Role Content Interop Infrastructure The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward Consumer Creator Owner Linked, Static Interactive Generative, Repurposed Siloed Pre-negotiated Permissionless Self-Hosted Trusted Provider Trustless Commons

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What is Even Happening? Evolution 🦎🦖🕊 When User Role Content Interop Infrastructure Monetization The Web Web 2.0 Web3 1989 onward 2005 onward 2020 onward Consumer Creator Owner Linked, Static Interactive Generative, Repurposed Siloed Pre-negotiated Permissionless Self-Hosted Trusted Provider Trustless Commons (Closed) eCommerce Ads & Attention Open Markets

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More Than DeFi Agency & Ownership

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Agency & Ownership User Agency • Lower the barrier to entry • Empower users to participate (entry) • Option to leave (exit) • Control your data • Provable ownership

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Agency & Ownership Digital Scarcity • Control your ID • Own your data • Provable uniqueness

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Agency & Ownership User-Controlled Data • 2001 — Credit card info in DB • 2011 — Store personal info in DB • 2021 — User-managed encryption

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Agency & Ownership OAuth Sequence

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Agency & Ownership UCAN Sequence 🕙 🕙

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Agency & Ownership JWT++

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Agency & Ownership JWT++

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Agency & Ownership JWT++

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Agency & Ownership JWT++

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New Tools Interoperability 👽

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Interoperability Permissionless

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Interoperability Permissionless www.cryptokitties.co

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Interoperability Permissionless www.cryptokitties.co github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty/blob/master/contracts/KittyBase.sol

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Interoperability Permissionless 🧬 www.cryptokitties.co github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty/blob/master/contracts/KittyBase.sol

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Interoperability Permissionless

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Interoperability Permissionless www.kittyrace.com

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Interoperability Permissionless www.kittyrace.com kotowars.com

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Open Infra, Better Together Commons Networks 🤝

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Better Together Open Source

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Better Together Open Source Lots of people work on it, everybody benefits from it, and then people can build upon it (even in a revenue generating fashion) ~ Ted Leung, Commons Based Peer Production (2005)

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Better Together Commons Networks

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Better Together Commons Networks Lots of people work on it, everybody benefits from it, and then people can build upon it (even in a revenue generating fashion), and it is “owned” by everyone

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Better Together Commons Networks Lots of people work on it, everybody benefits from it, and then people can build upon it (even in a revenue generating fashion), and it is “owned” by everyone By participating (even with competitive goals) you are strengthening the network for everyone

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Better Together Commons Networks Lots of people work on it, everybody benefits from it, and then people can build upon it (even in a revenue generating fashion), and it is “owned” by everyone By participating (even with competitive goals) you are strengthening the network for everyone

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Better Together Commons Networks Lots of people work on it, everybody benefits from it, and then people can build upon it (even in a revenue generating fashion), and it is “owned” by everyone By participating (even with competitive goals) you are strengthening the network for everyone

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends”

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Better Together Throughput “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Throughput Ideal (Linear) Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Ideal (Linear) Throughput Amdahl’s Law Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Ideal (Linear) Throughput Amdahl’s Law Universal Scaling Law Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Ideal (Linear) Throughput Amdahl’s Law Incoherence, Data Contention Universal Scaling Law Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Throughput Cooperative Advantage Ideal (Linear) Amdahl’s Law Incoherence, Data Contention Universal Scaling Law Parallelization

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Better Together “With a Little Scale From My Friends” Throughput Cooperative Advantage Ideal (Linear) Amdahl’s Law Incoherence, Data Contention Universal Scaling Law Parallelization

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Better Together The End of (Infra) History

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Better Together The End of (Infra) History Visible Ambient Custom Product / Rental Commodity / Utility

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Better Together The End of (Infra) History Visible Bar rie r to Ent ry Ambient Custom Product / Rental Commodity / Utility

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Better Together The End of (Infra) History Visible Bespoke Private Ownership Bar rie Shared Hosting, Cloud r to Ent ry Serverless Commons Ambient Custom Product / Rental Commodity / Utility

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To the Moon What Now? 🚀🌗

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3 Serverless Cloud

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3 Serverless Cloud P2P

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3 Serverless Cloud Local-First O ffl P2P ine

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox Web3 Serverless Networked Data Cloud Commons Networks Local-First Blockchain O ffl P2P ine

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Where to Start Ever Growing Toolbox • proto.school • js.ipfs.io • ethereum.org/en/developers • github.com/automerge/automerge • npmjs.com/package/ucans

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Web3 1. Openness 2. Interoperability 3. User Agency

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It’s moving fast… but still early

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It’s moving fast… but still early Open problems means there’s low hanging fruit and you can have real impact

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🎉🏔 Thank You, 🇨🇦🇺🇸 CascadiaJS brooklyn@fission.codes https://fission.codes github.com/expede @expede